Tuesday, March 30, 2021

How to Process Heartbreak

Written for the Life According to Steph audience by Maggie Hammond. Proud mama to two little people, and has one too many furry friends. Passionate about alternative medicine, education, the great outdoors and animal welfare.

On average most adults experience full heartbreak around one or two times in their lives. It can be excruciating and very difficult to deal with. It can be challenging to navigate and can have a very serious effect on both your physical and mental health. From anxiety to guilt, the after effects of heartbreak can feel endless and painful. However common rejection is, it does not make it easy to deal with. However, there are several steps you can take when navigating this process. 

Ask for help

Heartbreak can be very emotionally fraught and time-consuming. It can take up a lot of your mental and physical energy. In essence, heartbreak is grief, loss, and rejection, which in combination can feel very isolating. It is, therefore, important to remember to ask for help when you need it because tackling these emotions alone can feel unbearable. 

There is an abundance of people willing to help you with your healing journey. From psychotherapists to EFT practitioners, there is a multitude of ways to help deal with trauma and loss. Lisa C. McJunkin specializes in therapy and holistic coaching to help individuals heal past traumas. Asking for help from a trained professional can be very beneficial when dealing with the consuming emotions and trauma of heartbreak. 

Move Your Body
A common symptom of heartbreak is anxiety, which can often be caused by suppressing bigger emotions such as anger or sadness. It is important to shift anxiety to access the underlying emotions. If these are left undealt with, they can have bigger consequences in the long run and you may find yourself dealing with trauma for much longer than you would like to. 

One way to shift feelings of anxiety is to use your body. Shift the physical manifestations that grief has on your body. There are many ways to do this, for example, crying is cathartic and releasing. Do not hold the tears back, if you feel them let them out. Furthermore, moving your body can release pent-up emotion and shock from the trauma of heartbreak. Start slowly with some gentle stretching and work up to the more physical movement, such as dancing or running. Let your body help you grieve and provide the pain an exit route through movement and release. 

Take Your Time

There is no straight line out of heartbreak and no one way you should do things. You may find people around you telling you that you should be doing this or you should be over it by now. This journey is individual and each person deals with loss in their way. Resist the pressure from external forces that tell you how and why you should be grieving. Remember to do what feels right by you—that is most important. It takes time and perseverance, you will find that some days are much easier to cope with than others. Do not feel disheartened by setbacks. At the end of the day, you are doing right by yourself and your body, so take your time.

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