- Always wears sunglasses, even when it's overcast
- Would rather be at home than out
- Is on time
- Believes that inner strength will see you through everything
- Functions best within a routine
- Tells it like it is
- Celebrates my birthday for the entire month (March. Get ready)
- Doesn't care for unnecessary drama (and it's all unnecessary)
- Is assertive and sure, commonly called "bossy" in women
- Knows my weaknesses and isn't ashamed to admit them
- Would eat a steak every day
- Will get up at the crack of dawn on vacation to see the sun rise
- Doesn't get people who don't like Dirty Dancing (the movie, not actual dancing dirty)
- Always carries a book
- Goes to the library every week
- Drinks iced coffee daily, all year
- Thinks grammar is important
- Treats my dogs like royalty
- Never wants to talk on the phone
- Has to force myself to exercise
- Laughs raucously and from my gut
- Tries to be inclusive of others
- Loves organizing anything
- Takes a lot of pictures
- Lets the F word fly
- Needs to plan ahead and has issues with being spontaneous
- Wears flats and not heels
- Loves flip flops and sneakers
- Believes in the grandness, benevolence, and karmic nature of the universe
- Is not religious
- Wears minimal daily makeup
- Can be mean as a snake when provoked
- Goes into the ocean in my wedding dress
- Refuses to use a blow dryer or an iron
- Likes to have a foot sticking out from under the covers
- Is addicted to having a list for everything
- Is often mesmerized by the sky
- Has never cared if people like me - they do or they don't, me caring about it isn't going to change it either way
- Has a weakness for nail polish and lip products
- Is a feminist
- Doesn't have a glass or wine, beer, or any booze daily and is put off by the alcohol culture in the U.S.
- Tries to be kind to the environment and sustainable
- Is reliable
- Typically avoids the zoo because animals in captivity make me sad
- Feels like my very best self on the beach, right next to the ocean
- Will cut people out of my life who only bring me down and not think twice about it
- Would do anything for a friend
- Thinks fart noises are always funny
- Wakes up grouchy from a nap
- Can't sit down and relax until everything is crossed off my list
- Cooks confidently
- Gets shit done
TGIAF, yo.
Linking up with Running in Stilettos for