While my 12 year history with Comcast is littered with battles, there's no big straw that broke the camel's back. I simply got tired of fighting about bills every other month. We desired liberty from years of sneaky and inexplicable bill raising in the middle of contracts (aren't we all tired of that, regardless of our provider?), getting the run around on the phone, and paying eleventy billion dollars even when watching TV is an increasingly rare event. I've wasted so much time arguing with Comcast people on the phone. So much time. I just don't want to spend my time like that anymore so we said enough and cut it. I figure only having them for Internet will make that less frequent.
We actually disconnected the cable box in the living room last Monday to see how we'd respond. At that time, the antenna was not hooked up but the Roku still was. I don't think I even turned the TV on until Thursday. Yet we pay all this money for cable! No more.
There was some dismantling...
Some antenna setup and channel searching (and cursing)
Some victory, receiving local channels live through a Mohu Flat Leaf HD Antenna (thanks Cheri for the recommendation)
Packaging up of the Comcast stuff. Like a petty bitch I removed all of the batteries from the remotes.
And that's that. We're saving $90/month. The Mohu antenna is a one time cost of $40, we had a Roku in the living room already (hand me down from Lori), and the second Roku upstairs was a birthday gift from Lori. We stream through Amazon Prime, Hulu Plus ($8/month) and Netflix ($9/month). After those expenses, we're still saving $70 a month. I don't count the Amazon Prime cost because I've paid that for years.
I rarely watch things in real time except for the news, Jeopardy, awards shows, and Downton Abbey, which I can still do via the antenna. I typically don't care if I'm on the current season of something. Mad Men will be a must watch for us starting Sunday so we'll pay per episode to be able to watch it the next day on Amazon and the price to do that will still be far less than keeping cable for it.

Goodbye, wily foe.
Sayonara, Crappycast.
Freedom is so sweet.
The thing I'm missing the most? The clock on the cable box in the living room. Really. Otherwise, nothing. The bulk of the bill is gone and so is a lot of the headache. I hate paying for something I feel like I'm not using. Hallelujah and amen.