Thursday, June 22, 2017

Thursday Thoughts - look at my king all dressed in red

1. Iko iko un-day. The other day I spent a legitimate half hour looking up the origin of that song, and towards the end of that half hour I found myself on a freaking Grateful Dead fan site reading the comments section. I don't even like the Dead save for a few songs, and I certainly am not interested in immersing myself in their super fans. I backed the fuck away from the internet and went for a walk outside.

2. When something feels tight on my skin I know I need to make a change. Most summer TWTW posts will be pictures with phrases. I like being able to look back on weekends but I will take the summer off from being verbose about it.

3. If you get to Dunkin Donuts behind this guy in the morning, boy you are fucked. Because it means he's ordering for like 15 people.

4. A few people have asked my thoughts on Hillbilly Elegy. These were my biggest takeaways. I don't think it was the cultural phenomenon it was hyped to be. I was also interested in the commentary Vance made on the decline of hard work and how people are bitching up a storm about things they're doing themselves but that they consider themselves the exception to the rule. Interested because that appears to be what HE is doing and the hypocrisy is unsurprising but still fucking annoying.

5. Newsflash: if you are anti-abortion but also anti- full health coverage for pre-and post-natal care, anti-full (longer than 6 or 8 freaking weeks, that's for sure) and PAID maternity leave, anti-higher minimum wage, anti-equal pay for equal work, anti-public schools, anti-TANF, anti-Medicare, anti-HUD public housing, anti-SNAP, anti-WIC, anti-National School Lunch Program/Breakfast Program/Team Nutrition/Milk Program, anti-head start and early start, etc...then stop calling yourself pro-life. You are pro-birth. You are into controlling women's choices on the front end and blaming them for failing alone on the back end.

The United States is the only country in the developed world where the Maternal Mortality Rate is RISING. Our MMR is on par with Saudi Arabia's - that country we like to wave around like "Hey ladies, stop bitching, you have rights and you have it better than the women in Saudi Arabia." Why, because we can wear makeup? GTFO. 13 white men are cutting women's healthcare behind closed doors as we speak.

From the article Why a Pro-Life World has a Lot of Dead Women in It: "Pretending that women should remain quiet on the topic of their rights because women have it worse in other countries is absurd. We do not live in other countries. This argument should carry all the weight of a C student, who, when told to do better by their parents, replies by shouting, “I could be getting Fs! I could be shooting heroin into my eyeballs!” Which is to say, it should carry no weight at all."

Read it.

6. When an opinion piece on the National Review calls the Philando Castile Verdict a Miscarriage of Justice, you fucking KNOW it was. Of course, in the comments, people are defending it. We are sitting on a powder keg and people still don't know why there is a Black Lives Matter movement. Yesterday was the 53rd anniversary of the Freedom Summer Murders and I don't think a damn thing has changed because people still carry so much hate in their hearts. 53 years is enough time for that to go away except people are teaching it to their children so it is not going away. But enough of that. Let's talk about the murder of Nabra Hassanen, a 17 year old who had just left extra prayers at a Mosque during the last 10 days of Ramadan. Was it because she was Muslim? They seem to think not and it's not being investigated as a hate crime at this time...but man, we've made them pretty easy targets, haven't we? Reminder: hate has no home here, motherfuckers.

7. This guy is my America. Watch this ad for Randy Bryce who is running against Paul Ryan in 2018. "If someone falls behind, we are so much stronger if we carry them with us. That's the way I was raised." Made me cry at my desk, no shame.  The cherry on top...his twitter handle is IronStache. Can you even?

8. Things that take me from zero to murderous rage in under three seconds:

9. Tomorrow is the seasonal goals linkup with me & Sara if you're interested! Graphic grab:
Life According to Steph

10. Reminder:

11. E-card of the week. 


  1. Great Blog. Last week I saw that Dalai Lama quote on Pinterest & thought "so true."

  2. Very great blog. Very great. I will be Instagramming excerpts. Jesus. Mary. And Joseph. Goddess help and heal all. There but for the grace of God go we. Happiest Thursday possible. Love. Your. Momma.

  3. Amazing post every single word. I cheered reading your thoughts on pro life vs pro birth and cracked up at the self checkout meme.
    I'm at the beach today and never want to leave.

  4. All your cards spoke to me, this week. Especially the last one. And ugh on the DD guy, that would be annoying as heck. Need to check out the book you wrote about.

  5. All the violence against Muslims that "aren't hate crimes" make me want to scream. And I will scream at the next idiot that says something along the lines of, "There's a war on Christianity/Christmas/my religion."
    No, there is not a war against you or on your beliefs. You are not being attacked or run down when you leave the doors of your worship space. STFU and get out. There is definitely a "war" against a religion or two in this country, but it's not Christianity.

  6. I've been thinking about #5 and #6 all week. We have health care panel Saturday to help people understand the actual changes that may happen if this goes through. I realize the ACA is not perfect, but this is so much worse. Some days I look around at my state (which is a poor state and has one of the greatest needs of Medicaid) and I just cannot figure out why they are voting against themselves. These people receive Medicaid and food stamps and yet think life will be better soon? We still haven't figured out how to reach them and have effective conversations because they seem to thing Trump is magic.

    And that little girl makes me so sad. She did not need to die. It pains me that her killer was from the same state I was just talking about. Sadly when I read that all I thought was, it figures. We've had a few shootings here this week and the racists are coming out of the woodwork and saying things I can't believe they can feel. I cannot fathom hating another human being that much because of the color of their skin or their religion.

  7. I'm anti some of the things on the list, but I'm totally pro abortion. I agree that you can't have it both ways. If you don't want a woman and her child to depend totally on government funding to live, don't make her have the child she can't care for. I think it's pretty simple?

  8. #5. I have literally cried three times this week trying to explain this to people. Angry tears because WHY IS IT SO HARD TO UNDERSTAND?

  9. I so laughed at the image of the 'backing away from the internet' after getting sucked in on a topic that in the end, does it REALLY matter? ;) haha
    I have been behind that guy at a coffee shop - & turned around & drove off because Lord knows theres another coffee shop like 20 feet from the last one

  10. I totally agree with your Hillbilly Elegy opinions. :)
    I want to jump on the goals bandwagon but I'm a little grab the graphic and use it challenged.

  11. The self check out thing. YES!!!!! It's like there is someone in the back somewhere that is watching and laughing at you. I swear it. There should be a separate line at coffee places for those that are placing orders for more than two people.

  12. I want to hug you after reading this, so much good stuff. I thought the same about Hillbilly Elegy, I am off to read the abortion article and I cried my damned eyes out when my boyfriend sent me that National Review article last night and I watched the video, especially when the kid gets out of the car. Just shameful.

  13. #5, 6 and 7 - Yes, yes, yes! "You are into controlling women's choices on the front end and blaming them for failing alone on the back end." This needs to be our universal argument when it comes to women's health. We are fully capable of making our own choices. I trust women to make the right choices for themselves and it shouldn't matter whether you, I or some congressman agrees or would make a different one. Their choice. The Philando Castile verdict is still so raw to me. I am from Minnesota and I had faith in my fellow Minnesotans that they would give him justice. And I also agree with Trevor Noah and his questioning of why the NRA wasn't all in arms about the verdict and how they would have been if it had been a white man shot with his licensed firearm.

    And #8. I thought that only happened to me. :D

  14. Self check out, I love them but man do they make me miserable some days. I mean accidentally scanning an item twice, boy do I punch myself when that happens. Yeah, there are a lot of things in place for multiple orders, people need to get with the program. I can't believe he has crates, bahaha! We would call in a group chinese order at a place I worked and they would give it all to him in a box with extras just for bringing in the business and making it as easy as he could. I just posted my Summer Goals...I'll be adding the graphic and linking up!!

  15. I cannot discuss that verdict without wanting to set everything around me on fire. It's fucking disgusting.

    I saw the Randy Bryce ad a few days ago. I want to vote for him. And because of what we're used to, I legit thought he was the case study not the candidate. I love how overwhelmingly positive he is and the response to him is and I hope to God he wins. THAT is how change will happen

  16. Someone is on fuego with this blog post! Excellent. And yes yes yes to all of it. Also that bitch of a self checkout aisle was the only option one day when I had $200 worth of groceries, a bunch of coupons and an infant. That's what I get for food shopping at 6:30am on a Sunday.

  17. I kept meaning to watch that Randy Bryce ad - ALL THE FEELS

  18. Hmm, might have to pickup Hillbilly Elegy. 5 & 6- fuck yes. And that's all I can say.

  19. That damn healthcare bill is appalling. Where's your president now, mfers? He doesn't give a flying you know what about you. Just the 1%. As you should have expected. I can't even talk about that damn miscarriage of justice right now. Flipping tables here.

  20. So many things. #10 - yes, one million times. Also, I have you to thank for getting to see @ironstache on twitter. Big fan. The Castile verdict has been on my mind all week. It's my hometown and it's making me angry, sad and horrified all at the same time. I'm working on a whole post with thoughts, but I want to give it some time and real thought. Thank you for bringing it up.

  21. i love SO much about this post.

  22. oh man crying at your desk from an article completely unrelated to work, I've so been there. "just have something in my eye, nothing to see over here...."


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