Thursday, November 12, 2020

Thursday Thoughts - We may find it out on the street tonight, baby or we may walk until the daylight, maybe

1. What my dogs are eating this week (high priced meat from a farm in Texas along with ground turkey, butternut squash, peas, and rice)...

2. Looks better than what we are eating, which last night was Trader Joe's veggie fried rice with eggs added in of course.

3. I don't even want to mention Tuesday night's dinner, in which MFD was put in charge and served pot pies and soggy sweet potato fries after asking me what he should make. Literally one of the main points of not making dinner is not having to decide. Do I love those things? No. Will I eat them because I didn't have to make them and be happy about it? Yes. He served those things at 7:20 after me sending a "where is dinner" text. He deposited my food on the ottoman in the apartment and said, "here's your food, Tina" like Napoleon Dynamite. I was cracking the fuck up. Sir, we eat at 4:15 during the coronavirus pandemic, like seniors. Act right. MFD is sober seven years today. What an insanely different life than I could even imagine 7.5 years ago.

4. Coworkers out there killing it this week.
5. I'm out there killing it too, and it's pitch black by 5:15, which makes for a lot of this coupled with about 50 pages of reading and never moving from the couch to the bed. 
6. I am trying to be outside at least twice a day for a good chunk of time. On workdays that means either before, during lunch, or after, with the caveat now being "after" means go outside from 4-5 and then work from like 5:15-6:30. I did the before, during, and after this week. 

7. Because every day is Groundhog Day in that I do the same things, but not like Groundhog Day in that I try to do them in a different order. It's called Pandemic Innovation, Sally. Look it up.

8. I still don't have it in me to write about the Election, either MFD's or the presidential, aside from saying that I’m happy both are over, and yes, the presidential one is fucking over and there are a lot of traitors out there. Also the best thing of anything is the Four Seasons Total Landscaping and the fact that Philadelphia has organized a Fraud Street Run surrounding the snafu, as Philadelphia does. I love it. 

9. Reminder

10. Ecards - listen...tomorrow's Friday Five is a foray into lounge pants. You'll want to be around for that given the winter we all have ahead of us.

What appears beyond the hyphen in Thursday Thoughts titles is what I'm listening to when I'm starting this - this week is Incident on 57th Street by Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band

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