Friday, November 13, 2020

Friday Five 11.13.2020 - Lounge Pants

As more of a lead in than normal for a Friday Five...I want to talk about something serious today. Lounge pants. I know what kind of winter I'm going into, and I will be damned if I do not have the appropriate lounge attire. What you should know about me and lounge pants is this: I do like leggings (very picky about them) but don't always want to wear them. If I'm not wearing leggings or jeggings, I want my lounge pants to be loose on the bottom. Keep your damn joggers, don't try to be selling those over here. Also, as in every outfit ever, I like pockets. Can we make sure all women's clothing has pockets going forward, and that the pockets are functional not like halvesies that your phone is going to fall out of? Thanks. After polling IG for the favorites and also going on the hunt myself, I ordered a lot of lounge pants and returned a lot of lounge pants. The first two were definite keepers. 

1. High-rise ankle pants from Target. Do not bitch when you buy these and they're short because it says  ankle-style right there. They are so cute, heavier in weight, comfortable, and they have pockets. Very suitable for running errands and walking dogs because one likes to have a pocket to carry poop bags in. That link is an affiliate for Chelsea at The Girl Who Loved to Write, who turned me on to these, and if you have never purchased through an affiliate link it costs you nothing and the person benefitting makes approximately three cents on each transaction. I got heather gray and brown plaid and I love them. 

2. Straight leg yoga pants from J Crew Factory. The fact that these are on here despite having no pockets should tell you how much I love them. They have a great range of sizes and I got them in both colors, olive and black. They have some weight to them, feel great on, and are also very suitable to appear like real pants depending on what you have on your top.

3. In Corona Land we eat whatever the F we want for lunch or ever, okay? This week that included pigs in a puff pastry blanket and a chipwich (on different days).

4. Fucking howling over this guy taking the beloved Barefoot Contessa and Holiday Tipping her the way I would love to see it. He has apparently been doing it the past few years around Thanksgiving and I've only now caught on. I'm late but I'm here for it.

5. What I'm reading

More lounge talk sans photos talk

-Stars Above Soft Pajama Pants. As the title says, these are pajama pants. They are unflattering, flimsy, and not necessarily about town pants but they work fine for dog walking with their pockets and are perfect for lounging or sleeping. They ride up on me a little, which is what keeps them from being an A.

-My all time favorite pajama pants are Old Navy patterned. They are not outside of the house pants nor do they have pockets, both of which keep them off the A list. For fast fashion, they last for an eternity. Fast fashion is the hardest for me to get around in lounge attire that fits my ass. I'm not buying these pants like I used to when I wasn't as focused on consumption, but I have many pair that I still love. 

-Capri wise I like Hanes Women's French Terry Capri

I know many people thought Covid would be gone since it was political but it’s a tsunami in America right now. Act right, America. Buckle down, wear a mask, wash hands, maintain distance, and be honest with others who you will see personally about any possible exposure.

Second and final Friday the 13th in 2020. Happy weekend to you all! What are your favorite lounge pants?

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