Ho ho ho, here's the December issue of Show Us Your Books. Don't forget the Favorites of 2018 Special SUYB on Wednesday, 12/26 - that will remain up for seven days as usual so you have time there. This is the first linkup with a relaunched Inlinkz, so that's what's up if it looks different to you than normal. I think you have to re-sign up and verify yourselves.
Happy happy birthday to my Mimi today!
Here's what I've been reading since the last linkup. The title link goes to Goodreads and the buy link goes to Amazon and is an affiliate link - pennies that are made from you buying through it pay for the running of this link up.
Night of Miracles (Arthur Truluv #2) by Elizabeth Berg - If you missed the Truluv people, this is for you. Not as good as the first one but that's to be expected. I'd live in this town with these people. A good dip out from the real world. Free e-copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Buy kindle or hardback
An American Marriage by Tayari Jones - I put off reading this for a long time because one of my claustrophobia panic inducing nightmares is innocent people being incarcerated. This book was so, so good and emotional and heartbreaking and so many things. Hardback, own. Buy kindle or hardback.
Moloka'i by Alan Brennert - I've had this for a while and finally got around to it over Thanksgiving weekend. It took a while to get through but it was quite good. Colonialism and leprosy made real with great characters. Paperback, own. Buy kindle or hardback or paperback.
I Know You Know by Gilly Macmillan - I couldn't put this one down. After finishing, I had some issues with it, but that's not really what I concern myself with in regards to reading - I go more with how I felt while I was reading it. Not wanting to put it down goes a long way. Philly library hardback. Buy kindle or hardback or paperback
White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism by Robin DiAngelo - White people, read this. Even/especially if you are progressive and think you are past racism. Written by a white person for white people. Racism is in everything, everywhere, and we've been conditioned to live with it and never think about it because white supremacy dictates that WHITE is the standard we base everything off of. No, you can't be color blind or treat everyone as individuals and skate by. This makes you think, even if you think you're woke. You can't change it if you aren't seeing it. Buy it for yourself for Christmas and change it. I wish this was required reading. Paperback, own, with a ton of highlighting and writing in the margins. Buy kindle or paperback - the paperback is $11 and worth it. Please consider it
Between the Lies by Michelle Adams - I figured out what was happening about 1/2 way through but it didn't lessen my enjoyment. That rarely does - I don't read books with elements of mystery/suspense to figure shit out and get disappointed/not if I do/don't. I read to watch the story unfold. I liked this book, good pace! Free copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Book comes out in March 2019.
Believe Me by J.P. Delaney - This was what's up is down/what's down is up and I didn't know what was real for some of this. Very tightly woven and interesting but also a little what? OCNJ library hardback.
Holy Ghost (Virgil Flowers #11) by John Sanford - That fuckin' Flowers is back in this novel. Not one of my favorites of the series, but totally serviceable. You win some, you lose some in a long series. Philly library hardback
Salvage the Bones by Jesmyn Ward - Woosah. This book. Like the first one, the writing is excellent. Visceral. The dog fighting, I can't though. If you can't either, don't. Paperback, own.
What the Dead Know by Laura Lippman - Eh. I've liked better by her, but some of it was good. If I was sitting on a bus and had nothing else to read, I'd be happy with this. This is straddling the line of passed the time just fine and not worth it. Used paperback, own.
Montauk by Nicola Harrison - Predictable from jump, along the Beatriz Williams line of summer releases. If you like those, you'll like this. Free ARC from Netgalley, comes out June 2019
Her One Mistake by Heidi Perks - This book stressed me out in a good way. I read it in a few hours so the pace was good too. Free ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Book comes out in early January 2019.
Forget You Know Me by Jessica Strawser - I loved the last book I read by her. This one just, no. I didn't like any character, which does not keep me from liking a book if the story is good. The premise of this book and the resulting story are not the same thing. That doesn't usually deter me from liking a book either, but it all stacked up against this one. Free ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Book comes out February 2019
What have you been reading?
Linkup Guidelines:
This link up is the second Tuesday of every month. The next linkup is the annual Favorite Reads linkup will be on WEDNESDAY, 12/26 and the first SUYB of 2019 is January 8, 2019
1. Visit and comment with both of your hosts, Jana & me2. Display the button and/or link back to us on your blog post
3. Visit other blogs & talk books

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