Saturday I finished loading up the car, changed sheets, and headed to the shore. I unboxed the replacement ottoman and some Christmas gifts that had arrived while I was gone last week. The weather was shit so I read most of the day and night with some time off of that to hit the beach, put stuff I brought back with me away, and pick up dinner from Boyar's.
Sunday I took Bruce and Ben down to the South end for an hour walk in some glorious light provided by an already risen sun behind a cloud wall on the horizon. Mildly good treasure haul.
I did some cardio dance shit, organized my tupperware cabinet, showered, dropped donations off to the thrift store, and headed over to the community center. The library was having a holiday event with singers, refreshments, and Santa by the tree outside. I dropped off books and picked up a hold, then popped into the Ocean City Historical Museum and the Art Center to buy a piece of pottery. I ordered a new pantry and rolling spice rack for Philly to arrive this week and got some Billy shots from Carol. He's very into the Christmas spirit.
Very early we headed to the beach for sunset and frolicked for a half hour. Back at home I finished the newest Josie Quinn that I started Saturday and had taco salad for dinner. I was asleep by 11.
Very early we headed to the beach for sunset and frolicked for a half hour. Back at home I finished the newest Josie Quinn that I started Saturday and had taco salad for dinner. I was asleep by 11.
Another good weekend where I sent it off feeling like I got my time off work money's worth from it. You know?
Happy birthday to Mimi Saturday! Yesterday was Gamma's birthday and I wrote about that a little on the shore instagram here.
Show Us Your Books tomorrow! See you here for that. Rest in peace Anne Rice - I loved Interview with the Vampire and the rest of the Vampire Chronicles, but my true love is the Mayfair Witches trilogy. If you read IWTV but not the rest of the vampire books, try them. If you like that kind of writing and story, try the Mayfair Witches trilogy too.
Devastating news out of four states hit with December tornadoes Friday, particularly Kentucky. If you have anything to spare please check out this mutual aid doc via Appalachians for Appalachia and do what you can, donate to the governor's Team Western Kentucky Tornado Fund (per Bright on a Budget he did similar to get money directly to people during the pandemic and it worked), or Convoy of Hope (multi-state, April's suggestion). Please avoid the Red Cross and remember that unless you are super local and can drop off goods, cash is king and it is needed if you have any of it to spare.
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