Thursday, November 1, 2018

Thursday Thoughts - here I am walking the block

Getting through a busy time by letting things go: I'm late changing the sheets, my dining room table don't even talk about with me, things are everywhere, my hydrangea hasn't been cut down, I'm missing replying to texts and emails, I'm late organizing Friendsgiving, I'm forgetting birthdays, nutrition is iffy. Things will go back to normal soon and until then I can't stress out about little things.

Counting the days until this election is over. 

Heading to the shore for a few days after the election and I can't fucking wait. 

Needing people to knock doors this weekend and to volunteer on Election Day, specifically at the polls. We need at least 25 people. Can you take a shift before or after work or during the day if you're off? Let me know or sign up for Election Day here. You're sick of me asking, I'm sick of asking. It's almost over. Please help if you can. I know it's not comfortable for a lot of people but we don't really have the luxury of acting from a place of comfort right now. And door knocking - most people aren't home, we're hitting dem doors, and just working through lists quickly. It's not scary, I promise. Election Day, same thing - you're basically just standing around all day., saying hello, smiling, hand out a piece of paper. I'm not sure if people think it's confrontational out there because of what we see on TV, but it's really not. We're all neighbors.

Hoping everyone knows that the root causes of the division and hatred and violence in our world right now is white supremacy and patriarchy and their close friends classism/oligarchy/greed/corruption fighting like hell to hold on and that no matter what happens in the midterm elections, win or lose you keep pushing to confront and smash those things to hell. You or your candidates win, you keep doing it. You or your candidates lose, you keep doing it. This isn't like oh they'll lie down quickly. These fucking things have been destroying the world and countries and societies and cultures for decades. They're not going easily, evil never does. Keep fighting. Take breaks when you need to but don't just give it up.

Listening to Making Pies by Patty Griffin. That's the end lyric up after the hyphen.

Appreciating the fall things.

Doing the Halloween Things. I had all three dogs out front at various points, which I never do.
Wishing my Dad a happy birthday tomorrow. I'd love to be back in Connemara right now.

Reading:  The Late Bloomers Club by Louise Miller, I just started it this morning. Last night I finished Creep by Jennifer Hillier.

Reminding the world: 


What's new with you?

Linking up with Kristen

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