Then a Subway hop down to the stadiums for an impromptu trip to the Phillies game in my company's awesome seats with my coworker friend. It was a gorgeous night for a game and I had to sprint to get the train that was then...late. We had a great time though.
Saturday I unboxed my gift from Pam that I freaking love and what I got from Prime Day (aside from a camera I can watch my dogs on but we'll discuss that later) then finally used my gift card from Christmas for a manicure and pedicure and picked a few things up from the grocery store (I do eat grocery store sushi and I don't care who knows it) before spending the afternoon with a book and los perros. I also dropped a box off at the post office and did some weeding. Not super fun chores but necessary all the same.
Saturday night vineyard wine concert series with the fam was very fun. The kids were all there too but not pictured. That was also pretty impromptu for me, only figured out I was going a few days before.
Then I got home and Bruce peed on the bed instead of going in the pouring rain. It's fine. I'm fine. The ideal time for your dog to pee through to the mattress pad (pillows included) is NOT when your dryer is still waiting on a part.
Sunday was a slow start for me with no iced coffee in the house and minor rage but then I got some and we hit the ground running with the canvassing. I even saw MFD at the end of the day, which hasn't happened before. People are surprisingly nice at the doors, dems or not. Believe me, going door to door is my worst fucking nightmare and it has not bothered me at all. If you have a few hours to donate to canvass, please get in touch with MFD via his website. If you have a few dollars to donate, please do that there as well. He's got no corporate money. This is a ground game and you need people fir a ground game and money for signs and literature for a ground game.
In between the first and second canvassing sets, Debbie and I dropped the pee sheets off at my mom's (she’s been saving my ass doing my laundry the last week while we wait for the dryer part) and went to the farm market and I made pasta salad. After the second round of canvassing I grilled hot dogs and hamburgers and we had dinner with Dan, Morgan, and Debbie. By 7 pm I was fucking exhausted. We headed to my inlaws’ and got home around 10.
Weekly food prep: breakfast is scrambled eggs and broccoli. Lunch is PB&J or salad. Dinner is leftovers, corn on the cob, tomato sandwiches, and salad. I need to find a minute to make zucchini muffins to freeze too.

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