1. I felt like Ma Ingalls hand washing masks every night. I have expanded from my initial ones Lori and Beth made so I can batch wash every few days instead. I obviously wear them in stores, but always have one in my pocket for when I might encounter people and cannot be socially distant. Please do not make masks political and mask up when you cannot maintain distance. If there is not a mask mandate when you are in stores or within six feet of others where you are, be the leader and bring mask fashion to your town. On the other end of the spectrum, if you wear a mask outside 100% of the time even when no one else is in sight, please do not shit all over people who do not do that. We are trying to get people to wear them around others first and fucking foremost.
2. I meant to write posts on Tuesday and Wednesday and did not realize today was Thursday until 7 am. This week has been...woosah. Coming off an expensive, anxiety filled weekend. Dealing with guest issues upstairs and so thankful to have people who are gracious about things when they are not perfect. A last minute Covid cancellation for this Saturday and rebooking within 24 hours. Trying to motivate to work. You know what does not help the normal summer slump? A global pandemic. I love this house. I believe it was a smart move retirement-wise when we bought it and I still do but managing a vacation rental in Covid summer has been like loving roller coasters for years, then one year you get on and you’re like oh wow my stomach is doing bad things my body feels like it’s enduring abuse let me off this ride before I throw up all over myself and everyone else. But being here daily, going to the beach after work every night...I don’t want to go back from this. Everything else we'll deal with. I am learning so many fucking lessons this year.
4. I am obsessed with Tabitha Brown. She is a great cook, hilarious, and I love her joy and her relationship with Donna (her hair). I hope you are following her. She brings me great joy, I learn a lot from her, and she also talks about things like The Crown Act. Please sign The Crown Act - currently it is legal to discriminate against a person in the workplace or in schools because of their natural or protective hairstyle in all states except for California, New York, New Jersey, Virginia, Colorado, Washington, and Maryland. Hair discrimination remains a source of racial injustice with serious economic consequences for Black people. The CROWN Act corrects these racial injustices by making hair discrimination illegal.
5. Show Us Your Books is Tuesday. For real this time. I am behind on Netgalley reads so I’m working through those. including the newest Kate Burkholder novel from Linda Castillo that was released this week.
6. Flash flooding excitement from Monday night. It's the worst I've seen it in a few years.
7. I hate wasting time. Via Buyfromablackwoman.org - bookmark it!
8. This, that, and the other. Phoning it in this week and just sharing images/ words of others. And don’t get me started on the birth control decision that allows employers to dictate employee healthcare. I do hope the republicans out there who swore they were not for trump and the people who uphold trump are paying attention to The Lincoln Project.
9. Reminder: not sure where this image originated, I stole it from Amanda.
10. Ecards of the week: over it

The words following the hyphen are the song I am listening to when I start the Thursday Thoughts post. This week is Wildfire by John Mayer
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