Annual Christmas Eve gathering at my aunt & uncle's with apps followed by serial killer masking and peppermint tea drinking while MFD and his mom decorated the tree using no red balls because I prohibited them. MFD did the overnight at the homeless shelter as usual and arrived home around 7:30 on Christmas morning.
Wednesday Christmas My nephews were there to open their gifts, and we opened ours after that, then headed to see Lola Jean and Baby Steeeeeeve for a bit and have breakfast sandwiches. MFD went home to sleep and Debbie and I popped in on Mom, Rich, and Sean.
We got stuff ready for dinner then took a breather. Mark, Sarah, Maureen, Maddi, CJ, and Darwin were there for dinner and desserts. I took no photos but it was a nice relaxing time. Debbie and I masked again and watched Schitts Creek.
Thursday Debbie and I were at Target early but those aholes didn't have any ball sets for me to buy to better match the living room. Balls. I honestly don't know what I did the rest of the day? Cleaned up? It's a mystery. Oh, MFD's Gram, Uncle, cousin and her boyfriend came to visit in the afternoon. And I watched more Outlander with my mother in law while MFD went to mummery. Again, like no photos. There was some resting at some points.
Friday I made a bunch of turkey burgers to freeze for lunches and for my mother in law to take home and jalapeno/banana pepper dip to take to Mom's. We went to Mom & Rich's for pizza and post-Christmas visiting, then to Marshalls to replace kitchen towels and get a new table runner. It was time on both.
Saturday Turned some unused space into usable space. Disregard the nail holes and the paint job that's needed and let me live. I also ordered front door paint and new flooring for the entry, washed new kitchen towels and put them out. My MIL left and I purged a lot of the utility closet and cleared up the basement bookshelves, put most of Christmas away (the rest will wait until after most of the remaining basement work gets done because it goes down there), dropped some donations off, caught a nice parking lot sunset while I picked up paint and paint chips, had pumpkin pie for dinner while watching the office, and painted the already primed bathroom door.

Hope you had an awesome Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanza/Solstice/Weekend.
If you missed it, I shared my top favorite reads of 2019 on Friday.
I'm super pumped to close this year out with much less STUFF in my house than just three weeks ago. My mind is already clearer, which is never a bad place to be. Even MFD sees the light on how much better it feels with less shit that's not used laying around.
Happy happy birthday to my friend Angie today! Love you!
Working from home today to close out the work year and the goal is email inbox zero. Let's do this.
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