Monday, October 22, 2018

TWTW - the one where the light bulbs were finally replaced

Friday was Sam's Club where it's Christmas already to pick up a few items for a Saturday event, home to walk Bruce, then back out to Target to get more stuff for Saturday as well as a few grocery items for me. Thank God for the Dollar Store being open close to 10 pm as well. Amen.
Saturday Campaign office by 9:15 where Bruce acted as office manager and I sent off morning volunteers before heading home at 11:30 where I found an awesome stress relief gift from my friend Alicia.
I portioned out candy corn in jars then headed downtown at 12:45 to set up for a fall family work event I was hosting at 3 at Franklin Square - lining craft tables, setting up with some BFF coworkers, and a really nice time from 3-7 with pizza and activities and homemade awesome ice cream from Little Baby's. I got to see the carousel in the dark as I was leaving, which is my favorite. Then I got stuck in the Constitution Center parking garage because the gate wouldn't go up and had to run back in like a lunatic from the silent parking garage that was straight out of a horror movie, had a greek yogurt dip incident all over my trunk, and took a selfie with Mae to celebrate surviving a full day on my feet actively engaged in professional person mode all day. Oh and Gus's tumor burst blood and pus all over the kitchen so that was waiting for me at home too. Still a mostly successful good day but tiring as fuck.

Sunday I knew I had a lot of communications and volunteer organizing stuff to work on for the campaign with two huge weekends coming up so I stayed home to do that in lieu of going to the office or knocking doors. My mom came by to bring us sustenance including danish and pick up postcards to work on and discussed making food for the campaign office the next two weekends. I put in 10+ hours on campaign work between 10 am - 11:30 pm and in between got a little sanity back in my house like putting Qtips and cotton balls in the holders that have been empty for two weeks, replacing four light bulbs that have been burned out for over a month, doing laundry so I have clean underwear, changing sheets, washing towels, switching two drawers from summer to winter (most of my clothes don't move, only shorts and lightweight pajamas get swapped for heavier PJs and long lounge pants), packing up SUYB prize mugs to mail out this week, painting my nails (Zoya Odette), and reading a little over lunch. I have been working so much and working almost full time hours on campaign stuff too the past two weeks so it was good to stay home and know that other things were getting done too.
Weekly food prep: everything is coming from the freezer, because some shit has been in there too long and some shit I neglected to label so it will basically be a grand surprise at lunch and dinner. I did make power breakfast muffins to freeze, a broccoli egg bake, and elderberry extract.

 How was yours? Have a super day.  

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