2. Tuesday night Bruce and I drove to the shore for less than 24 hours to secure some outdoor items and ferry some things there and back like a coffee pot and some other stuff for the campaign office. So I started Wednesday like this.
3. And spent my lunch walk like this.
4. I always pick up broken shells and end up keeping a lot of them, including this one. I think they are a good representation of how humans are - broken in spots, weathered, interesting, beautiful.
5. Bruce keeps getting my sleep mask out of my bedside drawer and carrying it around the house. This dog. But anyhoo I had to open a new one last night and thought I'd show you because it's the best.
6. In lieu of talking about anything that's happening on a national level politically today, I'm going to ask for this from every person. The more I see people comment on things online that they do not need to comment on simply so they can punch down on other people, the more I worry about the future because when these dickstick politicians are gone, we all still remain here as neighbors. I don't consider myself nice or even kind, but I am 100% cognizant of being a human being on this earth sharing experiences with other human beings and try to act like I am cognizant of that. I don't do this well every day but I try every day. Do you? Will you?
7. I ran out to drop postcards off to a crew of ladies having a postcard party last night and I laughed my ass off at this cone dog for quite a while.
8. I need you, door knockers! If you want to see me I'll be there early on Saturday and both shifts on Sunday. Sign up for Saturday here (four shift options) and Sunday here (two shift options). I need people, so people in the PA/NJ area, please spread the word to any of your friends! Thanks to Steph and Justin in MN, Mush in CA, Amber in SC, our BFF Michelle, my mom and aunt Lori for taking on postcards. Thanks to Amanda and her Mom and Dawn for volunteering to make phone calls - anyone else want to make phone calls for MFD? I can get you a script and numbers! Hit me up.
For those that don't know, what appears after the hyphen in Thursday Thoughts is a song lyric to whatever I'm listening to when I start to write this post. Going forward, I will link the song in case you don't know it. This is We Take Care of Our Own.

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