Friday was working from the shore with a Bungalow Bowl to start things off; hitting the beach and running errands at lunch in insane holiday weekend traffic (post office, library, ice cream place) ; getting pizza on the boards with Stephen, Aubrey, Lola Jean, and Baby Steve; a later arrival of Aubrey's parents; and finishing a book.
Saturday was breakfast sandwiches; a boardwalk bike ride with Stephen, Aub, and the kids; an overcast but nice beach day; celebrating MFD & Debbie's birthdays with takeout seafood from 16th Street Seafood and ice cream cake from A La Mode; waiting outside of every hermit crab place; riding rides with Lola Jean and getting a bird's eye view of the boardwalk lights.
Sunday was an early rise for an all dog walk and a sunrise with just Bruce followed by dinner prep: ground turkey and beef for tacos, chicken in the crock for tacos, rice and beans; followed by
Stephen's perfectly planned day: a Griswold family bike ride through the streets and down the boardwalk and through more streets to breakfast at Dockside Kitchen on the bay; a trip to the playground with Stephen, Aubrey, Lola, Stephen, and Debbie while Dean & Cathy rode bikes and MFD took calls; a nice and hot beach day; a full book read; taco dinner; Debbie's departure; MFD's couch time; and a struggle filled trip to the boards for the rest of us because everyone was just beat. Farewells to Dean & Cathy, strawberry pie a la Aubrey (with a surprise dime in the one Lola Jean mixed, I will tell that story for eternity because I love it) as a night cap and then a hard, deep sleep.
Monday was back to Philly early for the Labor Day Parade for MFD; actual laboring for me until about 8:30; biking to Nauti Donuts; resting in the the AC; hitting the beach a little after 1; reading and relaxing; returning with sand everywhere after playing on the shore line with the kids (so much fun); bidding them farewell; working at night; laundering the upstairs couch covers and towels.

I will probably work a little today and do some shore chores but I'll also just be livin' down here at the shore this week. I'm not sure if I'll blog or not. I will surely be on Instagram - mine and the shore acct.
How was yours?
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