1. When it's wet and humid, which it's been for most of the summer, I don't walk around the city as much. I miss it. Some sights from yesterday's lunch time stroll:
2. But what I really went out to see was trashcans. That's right. Read about Trashcan Takeover here, follow them on Instagram, and go off in search of them if you're in the city. Their instagram has a map and most are in the Rittenhouse area. It's like a public art scavenger hunt.
3. I dove into Brandless, and will continue to for these things pictured alone. If you click on that link, you get $6 off $39 and I get a $6 credit. I am shoving these cookies in my mouth so fast that soon I will be the Stay Puft Marshmallow Woman. In addition to the items pictured here, I love the multi-surface cleaner, the balsamic greens + grapefruit dish soap, the dijon mustard, and the mouth wash. MFD likes this coffee better than most, so that's saying something as we like what we typically use. I do not recommend the green tea & aloe body lotion unless you don't mind spending eternity trying to get lotion to sink into your skin. Everything is $3. It's wild.
4. I'm considering doing a Riding in Cars with Dogs series. Remember that movie, Riding in Cars with Boys?
5. We've had no groceries for a while. I kept forgetting to order them and stopping at the store has seemed like a herculean task the past two weeks. So finally I place an order for Instacart yesterday for a 9-10 pm delivery. I get home at around 8 and eat the only food on hand. I pop my magnesium supplement as I'm eating because I like to take it with food and it is essential for sleep right now. Then I get a notice from Instacart saying delivery is now 10:30-11. My eyelids were propped open with toothpicks. Here the order never arrived and they never told me it wasn't coming and I missed my sleep window for nothing. Pissed is an understatement. Allegedly it will be here between 10-11 am today. Good thing I planning on working from home. Fockers.
6. On the campaign trail this week: thankful to our BFF Angie for organizing and hosting a fundraiser for MFD with the fierce AF Donna Bullock, State Rep for the 195th District at the cool spot Fare in Fairmount + a movie night screening of The Campaign at the Newtown Theatre, thanks to our friends Stacey & Joe for organizing and hosting and to my mom for helping with the dogs. If you've seen the movie, you know why the pugs were essential guests. Thanks to everyone who came out or donated or helped in any way at both events. It's nice to know people are along on this nutter of a ride. If you'd like to donate to MFD’s campaign, click here - he's not taking corporate money so it's very fucking grass roots, you guys - and if you'd like to help canvass the neighborhoods, click here. I haven't forgotten about people who volunteered to do postcards - that's still coming. If you want to make phone calls or volunteer on Election Day or to get out the vote or do community building, you can indicate those things on the same link as you would for canvassing. You don't have to live in this district to donate, help, or come to an event. Hell I've been sending money and postcards and texts all over the damn country in the past year to get progressives in office. All of us or none of us, better lives for everyone everywhere. The End.
7. As far as national politics...if you're bothered by what's going on, don't sit there with your teeth in your mouth and wait for other people to do something about it. You can do something too.
8. White friends, we need to talk about race. And keep talking about it. And IDGAF if we are sick of hearing people say that. People are sick of living with it more. Check out When Feminism is White Supremacy in Heels by Rachel Cargle in Bazaar. If you're looking for a book, try White Fragility: Why it's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism. As you start to explore where you are in this, try following Shaun King and Aja Barber on Instagram. You don't need to comment. You will recoil at some things you read. Still...read. Take it in. Really, do a shit ton of reading. Listen to the lived experience of other people and let your preconceived notions of yourself and others fall away. We were all born into a systemically racist society and as white people we have privileges we don't even think about. We have all done and said things that were intentionally or unintentionally harmful. When we know better, we do better. That’s all we can ask of ourselves and each other. Don't be defensive. There's always room to grow and be better because if there isn't, that means you're dead. If you're reading this I'm assuming you're not dead.
Well that was a lot.
Now you go.

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