Tuesday, July 11, 2017

SUYB - July 2017

Hello from Emerald Isle, NC, which is where I'm reading this week.

The purpose of this link up is for sure to share what you've been reading - but it's also to be a part of a larger reading community. So make sure you drop me and my co-host Jana a line on our posts and visit and strike up conversation with as many other booknerds as you can. We had a lot of new faces last linkup and it's nice to be conversational, right? 

Linkup Guidelines:
This link up happens the second Tuesday of every month. The next is  Tuesday, August 8, 2017 
1. Visit and comment with both of your hosts, Jana & me
2. Display the button and/or link back to us on your blog post
2. Visit other blogs who've linked up and get some book talk going!

Here's what I've read from the last linkup.

Engrossing Reads
The Breakdown by B.A. Paris - Can I just say that I'm sick of people forgetting shit and thinking they're crazy in books? It felt good to get that off my chest. Regardless, once I got over that annoyance, I liked this and zoomed through it in a few hours. I enjoyed it more than Behind Closed Doors. I think this gets published July 18th. ARC e-copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review

A Million Junes by Emily Henry - This is not my typical subject matter - there was magic and ghosts and adventure. It had a YA feel, I'm not sure if it's a YA book. I loved the title and fought against liking it a little but in the end I stayed up until 12:30 on a Sunday night to finish it and to put it simply, I loved it. It was different and totally unexpected. Book of the Month Club hardcover, own

The Other Girl by Erica Spindler - Quick read, I wish it was fleshed out a little more but I enjoyed it. It sort of read like the first book in a series. Free ARC e-copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review

Her Last Breath (Kate Burkholder #5)The Dead Will Tell (Kate Burkholder #6), After the Storm (Kate Burkholder #7)Long Lost (Kate Burkholder 4.5), and A Hidden Secret (Kate Burkholder 6.5) by Linda Castillo - As you know, I love this character and series. The .5s are the short stories in between the big books. I liked them fine but was also like hey just flesh this out at the same time. Greedy, I know.

Islands by Anne Rivers Siddons - It just seems right to read both Anne Rivers and/or Pat Conroy while in the Carolinas, even though I am in North and they dabble in South. I picked this paperback up at a used paperback bookstore and was delighted to find that I hadn't read it. paperback, own

Passed the Time Just Fine

The Odds of Loving Grover Cleveland by Rebekah Crane - I loved this. It could have been a lot more, but it was short and dark and sweet for YA. e-book

The Manservant by Michael Harwood - This book has a little Downton Abbey flavor plus a dash of 50 Shades plus some Ab Fab TV show. I would say it's not worth it, because it wasn't really ABOUT anything, but the main character made me laugh as did his love interest Frank. library paperback

Since You've Been Gone by Morgan Matson - I initially thought this was going to be a DNF because the teenage mopey main character in the first hundred some pages was on my last nerve. It's a Young Adult book, so that is always a possibility. I honestly kept reading it because I was on the beach and didn't bring a back up. It turned into something I didn't mind at all. Library hardback

Resistance by Anita Shreve - I picked this up because I realized I hadn't read it. I opened it and thought fuck, it's a WWII book. But as WWII books go, it was not as graphic as some. Unfortunately it was not as good as most of her other novels either, but it was a super quick read. Library paperback

The Summer that Made Us by Robyn Carr - There was too much going on in this book and too much writing towards a happy ending, which should have made me not like it, but I found myself into it regardless. Free ARC e-book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review

Not Worth It

Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis by J.D. Vance - Yes, I read nonfiction. This book is a good example of why I go into books with no expectations. I expected it to be more of a commentary on the culture in crisis. He is a self-centered jerk with a weird distaste for poor people and people who hold new deal community centered ideals based on where and who he comes from and it shows.

Secrets of Southern Girls by Haley Harrigan - I loved the title of this. The rest of it, not so much. It was a mess and it didn't need to be. There was at least one but more like two or 2.5 extraneous storylines. Free copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review

Brutal Youth by Anthony Breznican - Were you ever reading a book and no matter how much you read it, it seemed like there was still over half left? That was this book. I gave it three stars, but I still think it's not worth it for the everyday reader to plow through. Kids being brutal to each other with little glimpses of humanity in between. The End. paperback, own

Are You Sleeping by Kathleen Barber - Not a bad read even though there was definitely some suspension of belief required and extreme naivete on the part of the narrator. Free ARC e-copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review 

The Stolen Twin by Michele Pariza Wacek - This book was a fucking mess. The End. Amazon e-book

Did Not Finish

The Third Deadly Sin by Lawrence Sanders - I've liked other stuff by him, I adore the Archie McNally books, but this was irritatingly slow. free Amazon kindle book

The Other Daughter by Lauren Willig - I picked this up based on the cover. Sometimes that works out and sometimes it does not. This did not. It was definitely the lingering Victorian era shit in the book that pushed me off. Not in the mood. OCNJ library hardback

What are you reading?


  1. Hope you are enjoying Emerald Isle! I felt the same way about The Breakdown. I definitely agree with you on Secrets of Southern Girls, too!

  2. I've got The Breakdown, The Other Girl and Are You Sleeping from Netgalley too. Hopefully, I'll get to them this month or next. :D And yes, I'm getting a bit tired of the narrator thinking they are crazy. You're crazy or you're not! I really, really need to start the Kate Burkeholder series because it sounds like one I'd love. I say this every time, but it needs to go to the top of my TBR.

  3. I may have to read Hillbilly Elegy. I'm a gut-spiller about my stories and we all see our stories a bit differently. It's the sad ones that hurt.
    Love. Your. Momma.

  4. I mostly share your thoughts on The Breakdown and I am interested to hear what others think of it when it's published. She definitely kept me interested with both of her books. The Other Girl is on my Netgalley list and I'll be starting it this month for Erin's challenge - I read the first few pages the other day but I need to get more into it. Glad it was a quick read ;)
    Hope your vacation reading is going well!!! :D

  5. I had the same expectations issue with Hillbilly Elegy and thus was not such a fan overall - especially as I read it at the same time as Between the World and Me (as part of a discussion group looking at both books), and I was blown away by the writing and the insights in that one by comparison.

  6. Added A Millon Junes to my list, sounds interesting. Don't you love when you push through a book and it's actually worth it instead of being mad you finished it? Haha. Have fun in NC!

  7. WHYYY are Amazon books so bad? You would think they would offer something decent to add value to Prime but I guess they don't have to since they already have our money. I've been waiting for Hillbilly Elegy for awhile so glad to hear you liked it, even if it wasn't as expected.

    YA characters and all the sighing... I had an abundance of those this month, too.

  8. so many books I haven't heard of, can't wait to check them out! enjoy NC!

  9. I don't think I've read Rivers...but if you are putting her at all close to Conroy, I might have to read. Hope you are enjoying NC!

  10. I'm glad to hear I wasn't the only one who didn't love Behind Closed Doors. Not sure I could give the author a second chance on another title, though!

  11. I need to get on that K Burkholder series.

  12. LMAO! I'm still chuckling over your comment "This book was a fucking mess. The end." Hilarious!

    It was interesting to hear your thoughts in Hillbilly Elegy. I plan to reread this one, because I first listened to it via audiobook.

  13. A Million Junes sounds really interesting! I read her other book a couple of years ago, and even though it wasn't my favorite, I'd still like to pick this one up. I remember everybody talking about how good Behind Closed Doors was, so I definitely need to try and read that one soon, along with the new BA Paris book! Everybody seems to love that one as well!

  14. I enjoyed the Odds of Loving Grover Cleveland too! I have been reading alot of YA lately. I was underwhelmed by Hillbilly Elegy. Just received The Love that Split the World and A Million Junes in a book swap. Can't wait to read both! :)

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I've seen so many things about Hillbilly Elegy and part of me is curious and part of me is like.... ehhhh I don't know about that. Currently, I'm leaning towards adding it to my TBR list and eventually reading it through the library.

  17. Adding A Million Junes to my list. I love when you unexpectedly end up loving a book. I'm also intrigued by Hillbilly Elegy - I've been on the library waiting list for that one for a while.

  18. I'm going to have to read The Odds of Loving Grover Cleveland! Sounds like a good book! Your reviews are always so awesome!

  19. I liked Odds of Loving Grover Cleveland, it was a good YA book for sure. I felt the same way about Hillbilly Elegy, was expecting something totally different. I need to pick up Islands, sounds like a good read.

  20. The Breakdown has been on my to read list and The Other Girl definitely sounds like a book I'd like, so I'm adding to to the to read list! I swear I had read at least one Anne River Siddons books but when I checked, I had not, although a couple are on my to read list!

  21. Wow, you're a voracious reader! I used to be that way. Now I kind of stick with audiobooks, because it's really hard to find time to sit down and read. I really like that you included the books you didn't finish, because I do that all the time! If it doesn't capture me right away, I have a really really hard time picking it back up again.

  22. I used to read the Archie McNally series as well, years ago. But the writing started to get on my nerves so I totally get where you are coming from.

  23. So many books! Glad you had some good ones. Hillbilly Elegy is on my TBR list. Something about living this close to Appalachia has me interested. 'The Odds of Loving Grover Cleveland' and "Islands' sound pretty interesting... Hope you're enjoying vacation!

  24. I'm glad you loved A Million Junes! I wish I would've picked it as my BOTM add-on... Maybe next time! - Megan @ The Hungry Bookworm

    PS - is your button working? I'm getting a weird error image on mine.

  25. The Odds of Loving Grover Cleveland sounds like something I might enjoy. Thanks for all the recs!

  26. Some great reads. Thanks for sharing.
    I'm currently reading Beauty of the Fall.. haven't read enough to have an opinion but so far so good.

  27. I don't know what I expected with Hillbilly Elegy but I'm glad he did it as a memoir rather than an ethnography or sociological study. It worked the way he did. It would have been a tragic mess otherwise.

  28. Yeah, Emily Henry's book is YA but I haven't read it. I hear good things! I'm curious about The Breakdown.


  29. I felt the same way about Hillbilly Elegy--I went in with no expectations and enjoyed it!

  30. I can't believe it's July already!

    How can you not read a book called The Odds of Loving Grover Cleveland?

  31. I added The Breakdown. I keep resisting Hillbilly Elegy but I should probably give in and read it.

  32. People thinking they are crazy is starting to be an annoying trope. Every narrator is suddenly unreliable. I'll probably read The Breakdown sometime - I read Behind Closed Doors and it was okay. I liked it enough to try another book from that author. A Million Junes sounds right up my alley. Grover Cleveland is also on my list.

  33. Hmm, A Million Junes sounds really interesting! I've heard great things about The Odds of Loving Grover Cleveland but keep forgetting to add it to my list. It's on there now! Hope you're enjoying vacation!

  34. i almost missed the link up!! the world would have ended. my world anyway. not really missed as i know the link up stays open but you know. today. anywho.
    yay so glad you liked a million junes! that was my BOTM pick as well, i've read her other book and really liked it though it was a bit weird. you are killing it on the kate burkholder series, really makes me want to get to it! i am very intrigued by the manservant, the way you've described it lol.

  35. I SO love the Kate Burkholder series!

  36. I looove Kate Burkholder but I haven't read the short stories in between books. Huh. I do have a new Kate Burkholder book waiting to be read, but Erin's challenge is getting in the way. lol.

  37. Like you, the title "Secrets of Southern Girls" sounds great, but I guess I'll just give that book a pass.
    Most of the books that you read that I went to add to my tbr were already there. This is why I have a tattoo that says "So many books, so little time".

  38. I'm officially really excited to read The Breakdown- I hadn't heard of it, but have read so many good reviews! A Million Junes is on my list, and I'm not exactly sure why because it doesn't sound like something I'd normally go for, so I'm really glad to hear you gave it such a high rating.

  39. I share your feelings on WWII books. There are just so many. Surely we could find another historical period to be fictionally obsessed with for a while?

  40. I currently have Behind Closed Doors on my to-read list so I'm adding The Breakdown now! I'm also glad to see another review on Hillbilly Elegy & that you kind of had the same thoughts as I did. I was definitely expecting something a little more.

  41. A Million Junes sounds interesting. I always like it when books surprise you in how much you end up enjoying them.

  42. Adding The Breakdown to my list! I've enjoyed many of B.A. Paris' books. Enjoy your time in Emerald Isle! Emily @ Martinis & Bikinis

  43. "I opened it and thought fuck, it's a WWII book" haha. So the pre-law history major in me keeps reading WW2 books (Ive read so many I cant even ...) but the realist in me keeps saying cmon there are other historical periods that we can talk about. Lets do that at some point. lol

  44. Hillbilly Elegy sounds like one worth adding to the list.

    I am such a sucker for titles; I hate when it turns out that that's the best part of a book.


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