The cutest, most sensitive, insane, sleepy dog who loves pillows and blankets and sleep.
Wings for lunch are a work from home game. I would not eat them in the office.
In office day today so of course it's raining. Thankfully there was a reprieve while I was walking from the train station to the office because I am well out of practice of juggling a coffee and umbrella since I rarely go out in rain that necessitates an umbrella anymore.
Happy birthday Michelle! Michelle's bday was yesterday. We have been through the things, man. For the past 20 years. I met her for ice cream yesterday and we did an in person catch up which is always good. Friends you can turn to for anything are everything.Bargains. I love when TJMaxx has what I was going for. You cannot beat the deal.Tis the season.
Appointments. I set my physical appointment, my skin scan appointment, and mammo. Get them set people!
Round 239482348 with Mister Softee goes to MFD. More on that in this caption for those unfamiliar with the long standing standoff.
Attention everyone wanting religion in politics and public schools: familiarize yourself with things other than the 2nd Amendment, which also does not say what you think it says. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." In simple terms, this part of the 1st amendment means the federal government will not establish a state church, or give preference to one faith over another. Your religion is for YOU. Not to govern with or rule with. That is literally the opposite of what America as we know it was formed for. What your religion says about abortion or sexuality is not my care or concern and it does not belong in laws or schools and has no bearing over books. Bye.
Hair appointment means Brother's Pizza. Proximity, baby. Thanks to Kristi for the freshen up and the conversation as always!
What appears beyond the hyphen in Thursday Thoughts titles is what I'm listening to when I'm starting this - this week is The Mtn Song by Rayland Baxter
Outside my front door. My gargoyle Boudicca and flair.
What would Ida B. Wells do? A lot more than we're doing. Juneteenth is Sunday, observed Monday. Pay Black people. Close the racial wealth gap.
Preparing for vacation, one million things happening, my brain is a scrambled egg. And the only thing I've wanted to do all week is lay down LOL. Or do things that have been un-done for months but suddenly seem urgent
Strawberry Moon.
Scenes from an errand.Happy birthday to my Mom on Sunday!
Happy Father's Day Dads! Support to anyone who isn't down with the day for any reason.

What appears beyond the hyphen in Thursday Thoughts titles is what I'm listening to when I'm starting this - this week is The Mtn Song by Rayland Baxter
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