Monday, April 8, 2019

TWTW - the springish one

Friday was work from shore home day. I arrived Thursday night with only Mae and we had Bungalow Bowls for breakfast and changed curtains, cushions, and bedding out at lunch. A screen guy came late in the day and after work I painted my nails (OPI She's a Bad Muffaletta) and got a few groceries before MFD and the rest of the dog cavalry arrived. 

MFD had to do a little music gig so Bruce and I went to the beach in the rain because that's who we are. When MFD got back I did some touch up paint on the vanity in the bathroom upstairs, and we were in bed reading by 11. 

Saturday MFD was up at the crack of dawn and I was trying not to be but the dogs said otherwise. More touch up paint followed by a coat of poly on the vanity, MFD put a new rug down in the living room, and the dogs took advantage of the missing screen. 

MFD left before 9. When I was in the shower I heard ceramic moving around and thought oh I thought I took the dog bowls up. I fucking did, Bruce was drinking my entire cup of coffee. I took him and Bender to the beach for an hour to walk and pick up trash. Lots of plastic bags and single use coffee cups. 
 I headed over to Somers Point to get a clock for the apartment, pick up cushions I ordered at Pier 1, and get gas. When I got back I wrestled a surprisingly heavy and totally awkward bench to the driveway to spray paint it (Rustoleum coral glossy). The coral is new, from Ross, for $20...the original cushion was one billion dollars so I'm pretty happy with the whole thing. Those stools might be next, I haven't decided yet. I have to see the room together first. 
The screens were returned, I cleaned up the driveway a little then sat in the sun in and finished a book in between coats of spray paint, and took 485 dog walks. 

After wrestling the bench back upstairs, I was inspecting one of the bedrooms and saw something needed to be painted so I brought that downstairs to do it in my apartment. I also ran up and down a few flights of steps a zillion other times with trash and things that needed to go home or to the apartment. The dogs finally passed out after Bruce zoomed around leaving a trail of destruction in his wake and I painted two coats on a side table, finished out the last episode of Santa Clarita Diet Season 3, and wrote my SUYB blog post. This is what I look like after working my ass off all day: disheveled as hell and not too fucking good but feeling accomplished.

We were up at 5:30, all dog walk, then an hour on the beach with the best friend dogs. The sunrise was phenomenal in the misty morning fog. I was annoyed with a lot of things when I got to the beach and annoyed with nothing when I left. 
Before 8 am I had done the above plus the third coat on the blue side table, the final coat of poly on the bathroom vanity, brought two green side tables down from what is essentially the fourth floor to ground level and cleaned them/sprayed them with a glossy coat, showered, and eaten breakfast. 
I took the two green tables back upstairs, cleaned our apartment, walked two dogs at a time, loaded up the car, and put the first poly coat on the blue side table. Next weekend the main house can finally be cleaned and we can begin to put it back together. It's always a disaster from the time we close it down until we get into the swing of things and get the porch furniture out, new things in, old things out, etc. 

I was on the way back to Philly by 11:30 and everyone and their mother was on the way to the Phillies game so I had to take a South Jersey detour to pee. At home I did four loads of laundry, put sheets and towels away, and picked up around the house while MFD cleaned up the yard. I was super tired and only able to sit with my teeth in my mouth, I couldn't even read. But I was very pleased and  killed it this weekend.  

Weekly food prep: breakfast is breakfast burritos from the freezer. Lunches are going to be leftovers. Snacks are cucumbers and strawberries. Sunday MFD made burgers on the grill and I did sweet potatoes in the air fryer. 

Show Us Your Books tomorrow! See you back here for that. 

And of course, Happy Rex Manning Day.

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