Reppin' Velma
Wondering why I don't make devilled eggs more, every time I make them. They contribute to a solid breakfast.
Creeping on OPF (other people's flowers) like I love to do.
Drinking OPC (other people's coffee) and eyeing up donuts, which I'm going to try and make a weekly thing. But next week I'm getting the PB&J donut. I've gotten used to my own iced coffee, which I've always made so I had it on weekends but bought during the week. Now everyone else's tastes sort of weak.
Getting a new microwave installed at the shore. It was going, and it's not a call I want with a renter in there this summer. I was able to buy it at a local appliance shop so that made me happy.
Snuggling dogs.
Walking on the beach.
Hitting up Corson's Inlet and the South end beaches on Monday
Finding sea glass, which happens 95% of the time I am not planning on looking for it and 5% of the time I am
Stowing my shoes in outdoor closets
Reading outside. Show Us Your Books is Tuesday!
Flexing time Yesterday I worked 12-8 and loved it. I got errands done in the morning and spent time alone, then killed it at work. It was the shift my brain needed.
Laying low, taking walks and pictures, spending time outside in the fresh air, and reading books. My pandemic sweater is on this week and I'm fighting with my door people and just trying to get shit done in a timely manner before rental season. With that and work, I don't have much energy for other things.

What appears beyond the hyphen in Thursday Thoughts titles is what I'm listening to when I'm starting this - this week is Glycerine by Bush
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