1. You know what forces you to get your purging act together? Scheduling a pickup for 8 a.m. on Saturday. Thanks Vietnam Vets Assn for picking up! Things I am not allowed to purchase more of: lounge pants, pajama pants - not even using the one in, one out rule. I could open up my own store for both.
2. I went to a small local shop near my office and got professionally fitted for bras on Monday. And by fitted I mean she eyed me up and put me in the size she thought I was without using a measuring tape, and she was correct. She pushes your boobs in there how they should be too. I was wearing the total wrong size, by like a lot, and it is amazing how much better you look and feel in the correct size bra. Mona said, "Steph, they don't call them foundation garments for no reason." Boom. Anyone in Philly, take yourself directly to
Mona the Bra Whisperer at Coeur on 17th Street. Support your small, local businesses! When I went back Tuesday to pick one up, she gave me a hug and a high five.
3. Tuesday night dinner at Carlucci's for mom's 60th. I think the crown can be worn all year, don't you?
4. The nearly seven week saga of the not working at all - sort of working - need to run a load through three times - fixed - not working again - need to run a load through twice - fixed - not working again dryer culminated in a War of the Roses type battle between me and MFD that resulted in this being delivered this Saturday and our warranty company sending us a check in the mail to cover more than half of it. Pray it's an early window or I'm going to need to phone a friend to receive delivery so I can make dinner/Paul Simon.

5. I have outrage fatigue over gun nonsense. Is no fly no buy perfect? No. Anything involving lists is not perfect. Everyone should have been banging that civil liberties drum when the Patriot Act unanimously passed through the GOP. I want universal background checks. I want waiting periods. I want the smallest step taken towards getting them. And I want that step taken now. Few things in life are exactly as we want them to be. I'm done arguing with gun lovers - please, don't waste your time with me. I don't want to take your guns so chill the F out. Except those AR-15s...those I'd take. Go pet and hug and stroke your guns and whisper to yourself how I'll wish you were around with them in a crisis instead of telling me there is not a gun problem. If guns aren't the problem, why do no other civilized countries have mass shootings? If the Founding Fathers knew an AR-15 could ever exist and what it could do to a crowd and how people would use it I think they would have worded the second amendment a little differently. Rep. John Lewis, you still got it. No bill no break indeed. Paul Ryan, you are a sniveling little brat sucking the teat of the NRA. Many LOLs for people saying this is illegal...have you
heard of John Lewis and Martin Luther King and non violent protest and the right to assemble? Or do you only know gun rights? Andplusalso the republicans shut down the government over vaginas. Stop it.
6. It's the very first week of summer and I already don't feel like figuring out meal prep for next week, getting out of bed early, or making my zumba classes. I hate the lazy season.
7. Did you know tomorrow is bring your dogs to work day? I swear, if I was going to the shore this weekend, I'd bring my motley crew in here and let them loose.
8. Sneak peak of what's on my list...and I was mumbling around in our Monday after 9 pm recording and could not come up with the blog name at the time, but I got the hots for the Red Rising trilogy from
Rose at Ramblin' Rose on a few Show Us Your Books posts. Thanks for the recommendation, Rose.
9. Important:
10. E-card of the week
Oh man. I hate bra shopping. I always feel so uncomfortable in a new bra. Probably why I've been wearing the same one for, literally, YEARS. I may have to give a fitting at Victoria's Secret a try soon.
ReplyDeleteI look forward to listening to the new podcast. Love hearing you guys, wish I wasn't driving when I was listening so I could tweet my thoughts to you guys while I listen.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Now I want to go to Mona! Maybe I will go to work with you someday. The gun control. It's control. Not take your guns. NRA and those beholden to them are assholes. That's really the worst name you can call anyone. Assholes have poop coming out of them. Ban assault weapons. Jesus. H. Christ.
ReplyDeleteThe dinner was awesome and Lola was perfectly and beautifully behaved. Thanks again for making this the best birthday ever for me. Love. Your. Momma.
Oh dear, I read the bra part as lifted instead of fitted and had quite the chuckle at my early morning reading skills. I could open up my own long sleeve/cardigan shop and I can't even wear those year round...although your ecard is spot on. Currently sporting a jacket and jeans because it's cold inside.
ReplyDeleteI just bought another pair of pajama pants, but they were on clearance at Target. Not that it makes it okay, but they were really pretty too. I will give away a pair in its place and restore balance. It's all good.
ReplyDeleteI really should go & have myself sized. It's been forever since I last had it done & the last bra I bought has me questioning if I'm still the same size or not.
ReplyDeleteLove number 9!!!!
ReplyDeleteAlso, I need to get myself sized because pretty I am wearing the wrong bra size too. Crazy how we think we are one size then it's like.. you are three sizes different!
I'd love to go to a bra whisperer just to get her thoughts on sizes. Glad she helped you out.
ReplyDeleteYour books for the podcast look pretty fantastic, I read Circling the Sun, interested to hear your thoughts. And yes, the lazy season is the hardest season!
I recently had to get rid of a bunch of my pajama pants too-- somehow I just kept getting more and it was getting way out of hand. Your bra fitting experience sounds amazing-- shopping for bras is one of the hardest things ever.
ReplyDeleteAll praise for professional bra fitting! I had mine done in London a few years ago, and it changed my whole world.
ReplyDeleteMoms know everything, don't they? I need to go for a bra fitting too, to someone like that. I wish she was here! I'll have to find someone in Chicago.
ReplyDeleteI recorded a podcast for bring your dogs to work day that goes up tomorrow :) Sadly, I can't bring Hawkeye.
I'm with you 10000000% on the gun laws, background checks...freaking SOMETHING! Gahhhh. So glad that your lady boulders are properly housed in their correct boulder holder :) And yay for birthday celebrations with mom! I think I've been to Carlucci's before. It sounds really familiar!
ReplyDeleteI wonder how my boss would react if I brought my dog to work. I honestly doubt he'd care :) He brings his sometimes. Haha.
ReplyDeleteI wish we had a local bra whisperer. I could definitely use some good fitting, quality bras.
I don't get why the gun control issue exists... nobody wants to take guns from lawful honest background-checked dopes who want guns. Why would ANYONE think guns are a good idea for terrorists, terrorist wannabes, criminals,crazies, etc? I had to get background checked to work in schools, we all need to be lawful drivers in order to be licensed drivers, why the fuck should gun owners not be background checked and deemed lawful?????? I just don't get the problem, even from the viewpoint of the asshole regime (NRA). Just don't get it. But GO John Lewis!
ReplyDeleteHahaha that ecard is truth!!!! Chris mentioned this morning that it was bring your dog to work day tomorrow and we both looked down at hot mess Mac and laughed at the thought. He would just bark at everyone and demand pets all day. I am with you that there needs to be better background checks for guns and that no civilian needs an assault rifle. Oh and that people on terror watch lists shouldn't be able to buy them. DUH!!! I got fitted for a bra two years ago for the first time ever and it was life changing.
ReplyDeleteYES 100% your mom should always wear the tiara :)
ReplyDeleteI so need to get sized for a bra. I try to do that 'at home' sizing they say to do but I still end up with a bra that I can tell does nothing but cause me aggravation around the under boob area. & straps that always fall off my shoulder. UGH
LOL at the bra whisperer! But I just can't with politics right now, seriously makes my head hurt! I 100% co-sign your thoughts on gun laws! And I will never understand why stores and office buildings are freezing and then you step outside and get blasted by the heat. It needs to be cooler inside, but a frozen tundra is unnecessary nevermind wasteful in the energy department.
ReplyDeleteSo Mae conspired for you to miss Dolly Parton. And now the dryer will cause you to miss Paul Simon? Fate is sneaky.
ReplyDeleteYES. It's lazy season and I don't like that. I like progression.
Hmmmm ... I may need to find a bra whisperer because I'm sure my bra size is wrong. I love your Mom's birthday crown and she should wear it every day! And YES to #5. What is wrong with the Senate? Honestly, I thought the no fly no gun would pass because I can't imagine anyone not seeing the common sense in that. Gee, possible terrorist, we cannot allow you on this plane, but here is a map to the local gun shop where you can buy whatever you please. Bleech.
ReplyDeleteUgh, bras- I need to invest in good ones (not the cheap-but-yet-still-expensive ones I get from Kohls). I gotta say, whenever you write about the gun control stuff you articulate things in such a perfect way and I could NOT agree with you more. I'm so done. I have yet to see one person who opposes this give a reason WHY. "Guns aren't the problem, ISIS is!" -- okay, so why wouldn't you support measures to prevent them from getting guns? I FEEL LIKE I'M TAKING CRAZY PILLS! I wish I didn't care so much; how nice must it be to live your life in some ignorant bliss? But I can't. I'm glued to the TV and the websites and my rage levels have reached unhealthy amounts. BUT - I'm so proud of the Dems standing their ground. It restores some faith.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday to your, Mom! I'm glad it was fun.
ReplyDeleteI feel you on the PJs! They're actually quite a hardship for me because pajamas are always given to me by my family so they all feel special. But I have way too many. It's quite stressful actually.
I can't even talk about 5 because I'm pissed.
I wish that I had a good bra fitting place around here. I always get a different size each time I ask someone for a fitting. Ugh.
ReplyDeleteI just cleaned my closet and discovered that my husband is no longer allowed to say he doesn't have things to wear. His stuff GREATLY out numbers mine!
I love that the lady can tell your size by looking at you. I need to get fitted but strangers in my business scares me away. If only lady docs could double as bra fitters, we would have one less intrusive thing to endure as women.
ReplyDeleteLove War of the Roses. Good reference. And I was going to call my rep today but I felt way too emotional (PMS, probably) to speak clearly so I refrained. But I do want to do more because this whole thing has gotten ridiculous.
So many things to say but I'm gonna go with: That chill homie buddha is EVERYTHING and I want to print it out and hang it on my wall forever.
ReplyDeleteOh man, I wish that I could take my pup to work with me! I guess that I'll just have to be jealous of my husband who gets to "bring" him to work with him half the time because he's working from home!
ReplyDeleteA good fitting bra makes the world of difference. I think so many women unknowingly wear the wrong size.
ReplyDelete#2 - I need to find a "Mona" near me - I could use some new "foundations!" And love the dog at work day . . . except I wouldn't get a damn thing done ogling everyone's pooches!
ReplyDeleteI wish I lived in Philadelphia right now because I definitely think I need a bra whisperer! I feel like the size I wear is probably mostly right, but I also think the fit could be slightly better.
ReplyDeleteUgh, the gun control issue. It seems like my beliefs align with yours: if people want to own guns, that's fine. Whatever. But they shouldn't be so easy to obtain.
I have a couple of those books on my "To Read" list. Maybe I should add more!
I love #9.
Bra whisperer... I LOVE that! YEE-HA on the new dryer! You know, in this day and age, a dryer is really a necessity. Sure, our grandmothers and other females generations before us may have used wringer washers and hung everything out to dry, but when you work, who has time for that kind of nonsense? Enjoy it!
ReplyDeletei've read that so many women wear ill-fitting bras. i got fitted a few years ago (apparently, you have to get refitted ever so often) and aside from getting felt up which sort of surprised me since she actually stuck her hand in the bra to cup my boob and "place" it in the cup, properly-fitted bras are the best. no more squeezing into things, no more feeling like a stuffed sausage. bras still suck but if you must wear them, then it's best to wear one that actually fits.
ReplyDeletethe gun laws...i dont get it. it's obviously a problem so why not lock that shit down? in canada i don't even know how one would get a gun/ammo. i have a friend who's in the middle of getting a gun license (rifle for hunting) and it's been over a year since he started the whole process...he doesn't have the license yet nor does he have the gun yet either. he did tell me the canadian laws of gun ownership though, which are really strict (thank god) -- you can't have it on you at any time, even with the license. it MUST be locked away in a secured valut/safe at a gun club (aka you can't have it in your home and if you do, you have to get a federal approved safe to store it, you can't have live ammunition on you/in your house, you have to get (background) checked every year, you have to renew your license every year at a stupid cost, you have to go to a gun safety class at a stupid cost and this class must be taken on a regular basis. basically, the canadian government charges you ridiculous fees and makes you wait a hell of a long time so you say "fuck this shit!" and forget about getting a gun LOL
High five on the bra fitting! I should get that done... And replace my 5 year old bras.
ReplyDeleteThat dryer situation sounds like a special kind of hell. Lame. I hope it's fixed now. I desperately need a bra fitting. I forced myself to throw one away in Boston with overly bent wires... Must find bra whisperer.
ReplyDeleteyay for bra fitting! i always thought since i had a tiny chest it would be pointless for me to be fitted but i'm starting to think i should. i've been wearing the same size since i was like 18 and i've changed so that's probably the reason they don't really fit anymore haha.
ReplyDeletei am so excited to read the red rising series! also, i am a couple episodes behind on armchair librarians because we only have one car right now (and i only listen in the car/working out) and for some reason KC doesn't want to listen to your awesome podcast (rude) so i am super excited to binge listen this week lol. anyway.
yes to everything in #5. i will not ramble, i agree with all the things.
Loved the mid-year favorites podcast! No individual citizen needs an AR-15. They were literally designed to kill humans. Why would anyone need one? It's infuriating.