The FIP is punctuated by weekends away, languid conversations next to large bodies of water, clothing that's almost beyond casual, sweating bottles of beer, careening through the dark night in the Pinelands and the Vinelands with the windows down and the music loud, casually discarded flip flops, sunglasses at night, and lightening bugs. It feels a little lazy, a little reckless, a little not quite on the level.
For these few weeks of the FIP, I am adrift at sea without a planner. I say yes without thinking. I go away for the weekend without making a plan or a packing list. I go three days without eating veggies. I skip the third weight workout of the week. I take naps. I leave my phone in hotel rooms and don't go back to get it. I stay out late on a Sunday night drinking beers and listening to live music, still in my bathing suit when we finally arrive home at 2:45 in the morning. I forget to download pics from my camera. I don't fully unpack from my trips. I don't edit myself when I over-write. I don't know what time it is. I let shit pile up in the basement room and don't put it where it belongs. I don't meal plan. I throw my hands in the air and wave 'em like I just don't care. I lay it all down and leave it there, shaking off the shackles of a responsible life.
Basically, I engage in or allow all manner of things I hate. It's like I have a doppelganger who runs on opposite juice. I'm arguably a lot less uptight and Type A these few weeks than I am normally, which I'm sure people around me like. I fight to keep summer and its ways out, but once it seeps in I try to embrace it. Summer is fleeting, after all. I can't take it for long, but it is a little fun while it lasts. I'll snap out of this soon, but not this week...because, fuck it. So when you see a TWTW post about last weekend this Friday before another weekend is about to begin, just act cool and go with it. Like you saw a rare and magical unicorn or something, because you basically did.
The haiku: not safe.
I'm like fuck it, don't wanna.
Yawning as we speak.

ReplyDeleteDoes God approve of the dead communicating with the living?Does God approve of the living communicating with the dead? Does God sanction conversations with the dead through mediums? Does God give men the option of talking and petitioning the dead through prayer? Are dead saints aware of those who are alive? Can dead saints hear and answer prayers? The answer is no, no, no, no, no and no.
1. Does God approve of the dead communicating with the living? No
In the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, or as some believe is a fact, instead of a parable, the rich man was denied that Lazarus could return to testify to his living brothers. God does not approve of the dead communicating with the living. (Luke 16:19-31)
2. Does God approve of the living communicating with the dead? No.
1 Samuel 28:7-20......15 Now Samuel said to Saul, "Why have you disturbed me by bringing me up?" And Saul answered, "I am deeply distressed; for the Philistines make war against me, and God has departed from me and does not answer me anymore, neither by prophets nor by dreams. Therefore I called you, that you may reveal to me what I should do." .......(NKJV)
A. Saul used a medium at Endor to bring Samuel up. That was a sin.
B. Saul could not pray to Samuel to ask for advice. The dead cannot hear the living nor do they know what the living are doing. Saul could not pray and ask Samuel to intercede for him with God.
3.Does God sanction conversations with the dead through mediums? No.
Deuteronomy 18:9-12.......11"or one who conjures spells, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead.12 "For all who do these things are an abomination to the Lord, and because of these abominations the Lord your God drives them out from from before you.(NKJV)
Conversations with the dead through mediums is sinful.
4. Does God give men the option of talking and petitioning the dead through prayer? Can dead saints hear and answer prayers? Are dead saints aware of the living? No, No, and No.
Ecclesiastes 9:5 For the living know they are alive; But the dead know nothing, And they have no more reward, For the memory of them is forgotten. (NKJV)
Job 14:21 10-21 But a man dies and is laid away; Indeed he breathes his last and where is he?....21 His sons come to honor and he does not know it;They are brought low, and he does not perceive it.(NKJV)
The dead are not aware of the living. The dead are not Omniscient. The dead cannot answer prayer. The dead are not Omnipotent.
Samuel could not hear Saul from the grave, he had to be brought up my a medium. Saul also had no power to answer prayers.
Dead popes, the Virgin Mary, nor dead family members are aware of the living and even if they were, they have no power nor ability to grant or answer prayers. The only way to communicate with the dead is through mediums and that is a sin.
Only the living can offer prayers for the living. Even then, the living have no power to answer prayers.
Posted by Steve Finnell at 3:57 PM No comments:
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Sir, you might want to look into a little FIP yourself.
DeleteHahahaha! This is so good.
DeleteI saw this and thought "Surely Steph is leaving this for comedic value" and yep, you sure are. Thanks for not deleting so we can all enjoy!
Deleteso I was going to comment on the post itself but this is just too good. haha love the response Steph!
DeleteMr. Finnell, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
DeleteOh dear. God told you this? Pretty sure MY God does not approve of you or your buffoonery.
DeleteWhat in the actual fuck???
Delete......i can't. i'm dying of laughter. GOOD DAY SIR. i have forgotten all other things until this.
DeleteOh my gosh I can't stop laughing lol
DeleteWas it the repeated use of "fuck" in this post that called for this? Because I don't see any mention of mediums or ouija boards or Whoopi Goldberg's Academy Award winning performance.
DeleteLMAO Look what you brought on yourself, Steph? I think everyone gets FIP in the summer! Definitely agree that this guy needs a FIP in his life.
DeletePs. I just realized I'm commenting as my husband because I'm on his iPad. Whoops!
DeleteThis post is all the things and I'm lovin' it! I'm thinking you're not alone in the FIP, haha!
ReplyDeleteum, that comment above.....WTF IS THAT ALL ABOUT. spambots, go away and die already, please and thanks.
ReplyDeletesummer brings about laziness in all of us; go with it! we're planning mofos like 95% of the year which can be tiring at times so you deserve this 5% of FIP. drink at 11am. nap whenever. fuck dinner, organizing, purging...fuck it all and just relax. have all the wines and enjoy the lazy summer days/nights!
I think I too have entered this phase of the summertime. With vacation just a few days away I could care less what gets done. A work trip right after, meh who cares. The Type A in me is crying inside but I just smothered that B and moved on, at least for the next few weeks. Carpe Diem.
ReplyDeleteYessss!! After reading that first comment (okay most of it, alright a 1/4 of it) the FIP is needed. I totally agree with you though, summer is winding down, so FIP is in order.
WTF is that comment at the start ....
ReplyDeleteAnyhoo. I'm clearly at a Fuck it let laziness run wild phase when it comes to fitness for the last two weeks. I'm just tired and couldn't be bothered. I feel you. Hopefully I snap out of it soon because I could just look at a donut and put on a pound (ps I say that as I have a donut next to me waiting to get in my tummy).
Sweet sweet summertime - schedules and to do lists were made to not be followed this time of year! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston
ReplyDeleteLOL The comment at the beginning. They've commented on my blog before too. Annoying.
ReplyDeleteHey summer is all about relaxing and enjoying everything..embrace it, enjoy it...I know I have!
Steve have a safe trip back to where you live. Great blog Steph especially the Unicorn reference.
ReplyDeleteIt's too hot these days to do think about anything. I totally get lazy during the summer. Let's be honest, the summer doesn't last that long around here so we need to get out and enjoy while we can. Before you know it winter will be here.
ReplyDeleteI feel like I just crawled out of this phase. August (or knowing August is right around the corner) is the month I come alive.
ReplyDeleteI think everyone needs this phase. Enjoy it!
All of the things you listed are why I love summer, it starts early here at the beach and lasts late. I only really have 3 or 4 months of non-summer. Also I am clearly not type A or the longer summer would drive me insane.
ReplyDeleteI've been doing a lot of fresh veggie salads for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. So quick and not hot, just what summer orders.
It's like Bizarro Steph has entered and bodysnatched regular Steph. I think it's fun. It's your adult version of summer vacation and you know the planning and responsibilities will be back soon enough, so might as well embrace this attitude while you can.
ReplyDeletethis is just pretty funny that you are in the FIP and then that guy comments this out of the blue. I laughed audibly. that is just too good.
ReplyDeletehahaha opposite juice. I'm actually more on the ball in summer, which is weird. My FIP comes at Christmas. Well, my birthday to Christmas time, that whole month. It's bad. Drink all the things! Go to all the parties! Sleep in forever because it's still dark out! I've always been a winter vacay kind of person.
ReplyDeleteI'm a little weirded out by FIP Steph, it's very strange! When regular Steph comes back, she's going to be SO MAD at all the shit that has piled up. You're going to get a stern warning, FIP Steph.
hahaha that steve guy. ugh.
ReplyDeletei laughed at this: I'm like fuck it, don't wanna. and the waving the hands in the air.
i love the FIP. I want some FIP in my life. I don't necessarily do more or have more fun because there isn't a whole lot to do around here but I definitely am more relaxed with meal planning, cleaning and the like.
LOL at opposite juice.
ReplyDeleteI think Mr Steve Finnell needs a FIP... I get these phases too, but mine are spread out evenly across the year. I'm not sure what that says about me! Maybe it says more about the lack of a reliable summer here. And I think it's good to break the mould from time to time!
ReplyDeleteThis post made me happy because it's exactly what I love about summer. There are many times when I love & NEED routine, and by the end of summer I'm ready to get back to it, but I love when I'm in the FIP. Enjoy it while it lasts.
ReplyDeleteI sort of lost what I was going to say when I saw that first comment. Ummm WTF?!?!?! Hahahahaha! I have a case of the FIP too and while I might be working out and eating half decent....pretty much everything else is a big old fail. FAIL FAIL FAIL. And I am ok with that and glad to see you are too! Best haiku ever.
ReplyDeleteSummer is my favorite because of the laid back feeling and no coats, boots, messy weather, etc.,Etc!! That first comment. Jmj! Communicating with our people on the other side is awesome.
ReplyDeleteMissed your blog. Stay cool, my jewel!
Love, Your Momma
FIP is the essence of least I think so. I don't know, I think it's good to go through those phases and just embrace it. It's kind of fun and freeing to say "eh fuck it I'm not in the mood". What's with that weirdo first comment? I hate when people do that.
ReplyDeleteYour reply to the first comment literally had me in tears :) haha
ReplyDeleteOh mercy - I think this is contagious because I basically have the same attitude right now.
omg LOL to the picture with the attached text. hahaha, so funny. We all have these times!
ReplyDeleteThis us awesome! I typically start the summer this way. August means getting down to business, mostly because of the kids. We need to do the workbooks we've neglected all summer, get back on good sleep schedules, and our calendar will be packed with karate, swimming, AND soccer. However, I don't think I'll be rushing to do laundry any time soon. Ha!
ReplyDeleteAlthough it's out of character maybe it's needed to recharge your batteries so enjoy it!
ReplyDeleteI am so glad that I am not the only one afflicted with this at the moment. I was actually worried when I checked into blog land yesterday and saw your last post was 4 days ago. But I see your Mom is posting away on IG so I figured you must be A-OK lol.
ReplyDeleteI totally feel you right now and I love my summer this way!!!
Literally laughing out loud at this. I am unmotivated until September, and even's fifty-fifty.
ReplyDeleteOur seasons are out of sync. I'm in FIP during the winter. I don't feel like doing shit during that time of the year...which is bad because it's a demanding season (hosting dinners, buying and wrapping presents). Ugh.
ReplyDeleteI am very well acquainted with the FIP!
ReplyDeleteFIP is in full force here too, minus the lovely water sitting and weekends away. I just do it at home. Because I can and I will. Enjoy your FIP! I need a doppleganger to be the non FIP version of me most days, then maybe shit would get done.
ReplyDeleteFunny "It's like I have a doppelganger who runs on opposite juice." I was trying really hard to do this during vacation - not wanting to plan every minute, not caring if the kids ate well or were on-schedule. I think I did a pretty good job! I faltered a little when we were wondering the streets for an hour trying to find a restaurant to eat in while everyone was starving, but I held it together since the kids didn't seem bothered by it.
ReplyDeleteLove this...and I totally relate. I just wrote that my goal for our family vacation is to unclench, HA! I apparently live in a land of extremes. Enjoy your doppelganger self.
ReplyDeleteLove this! I feel like FIP has definitely entered the building here too, and probably isn't going anywhere until fall :-P
ReplyDeleteIt's the summer - fuck it all. ;) I am familiar with this quite well lol
ReplyDeleteI was definitely in full blown FIP last weekend (as you may have noticed from my abundance of cocktail and food pictures). I'm trying to get myself back on track now, but it's so damn hard. These last few months have definitely been awful for me in terms of keeping any type of schedule. On the one hand, I'm grateful I've had more opportunities to get out of town this year. On the other, I'm cursing myself when I realize my once comfortable pants are now a little too snug or when I decide I should probably write a blog post at 11:30 p.m. on a weeknight because I didn't plan ahead.
ReplyDeleteOh, and I love the picture at the beginning of this post!
P.S. Your response to the first comment cracked me up. But really ... What the fuck is with this Steve person? It's definitely one of the more "interesting" comments I've seen on a blog post! Haha.
You get to blame summer and heat and beaches and whatnot...what did I get to blame for jumping on that FIP bandwagon and riding it over and over again? I desperately need a Sunday night drinking late, listening to live music in my swimsuit until 2:45am kind of time in my life.
ReplyDeleteGosh, I'm so here with you. I realized this morning that I haven't blogged in a week. I've done happy hour three days in a row, and I have no clean socks. Thank goodness the maid came yesterday for our monthly deep clean or else my life would be in total shambles.
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