Friday the weather was a beaut so I had all the windows open all day, which was not great when the neighborhood dogs were barking making my dogs bark and I was on a call. Two of my zen up my shit candles arrived. I knocked off around 4, picked up the living room mess from the dogs, sat out front and finished a book, and chatted with the neighbors. I made tortellini with sauce from the freezer and pulled rolls from the freezer to make garlic bread. A side salad topped that off. I joined a live chat on Luvv Nation and started Glennon Doyle's new book which sucked me right in.
Saturday I set up my white board for the day, made calls to seniors in the district for a city councilman to check in and make sure they have all they need, MFD and Vincent delivered meals for Caring for Friends, I got part of my shipment from Harriett's Bookshop (if you're shopping right now, please shop small if they're shipping- Harriett's is new, small, local, woman, and black owned and we need these places to survive), I made a cake and a dip, and then I spent much of the day lost in a book which I really needed. I fell asleep on the couch as MFD was watching Tiger King which he has been talking about relentlessly since and I never went up to bed.
Sunday was a gray day, perfect for doing a lot of nothing except picking up a prescription for steroids for my hives, then changing clothes, doing laundry, showering when I got home. Thanks SWIFT MD, you only need to make a phone call and not go in anywhere. I sent pictures of hives, boom, done. I cleaned up the kitchen, organized the pantry, started another book but didn't get far, just sort of zoned out for the day and talked to my brother and Baby Steeeephen, my Dad, and Laura and texted with a slew of my people. Philadelphia was issued a stay at home order because people are still out in groups everywhere. Thanks, dicks. So you can look forward to books and dogs and weird shit you don't want to see or care about until this gets lifted. Still, do your best to remain as hopeful as Bruce does sitting before every food item a human is eating.
Weekly food prep: Not batch cooking breakfast or lunch or dinner at this time. Cooking is soothing to me so I'm making eggs every morning, making sure to stop work for lunch, throwing dinner together. This weekend I made pickle wrap dip for #yearofthedip, an apple sharlotka to use up apples going bad that was a fail in appearance but was completely devoured regardless, and tonight is . I also made croutons for this week's salads from the Friday night garlic bread.

Week two on the interior. Still doing lunch time check ins on Instagram stories (MFD made an appearance yesterday) and a book/reading post between 5-6 every night (except Sunday I think) for #quaranreading talk. Join me!
If you have an requests for blog content, now is the time.
Of course I spent a lot of time arguing with people on the internet this weekend. Mainly in my neighborhood.
If your town or state are shut down with all non-life sustaining businesses closed like we are in PA, or directed to stay at home like we are in the City of Philadelphia, shit has hit the fan. If you do not know people infected, it’s only a matter of time. I know two confirmed positives and one presumptive positive and they are not the sixth degree of separation and none are over 50. People need to know this is not only for older or immune compromised people. Popping into the grocery store daily for a want and not a need has to stop. Anyone could be a carrier and not know it, and the more you expose others to you and you to others the higher the risk that it will be carried to someone who will not survive it. Wants are not needs and the only people who should be going frequently are the people that can't afford to buy what they need for the week+ at once. If you go to a store and they're out of chicken, you're not eating chicken this week. Also, stop hoarding things like chicken. Fucking relax and let the supplies regenerate. No one who is worried about missing chicken is going to starve, but check on your neighbors who are not as flush to make sure they don't because stores are out of a lot of WIC items. If your store is out of a non-necessity, try again next week, don't go to three more stores looking for shit which is what people are doing. Not sacrificing a little is a slap in the face to every healthcare worker at work without PPEs, all police/fire/EMT without gear, grocery store workers keeping us all fed, postal/delivery peeps, and everyone else who is essential right now and out working when they might have an elderly parent or someone who has a compromised immune system living with them; not to mention all the people out of work with no say in it because of city/state shut downs who do not make money if they are not working, especially those who are small business owners themselves or independent contractors and cannot collect unemployment. Be a good neighbor and community member and STAY HOME.
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