When I work from home, I gain two hours that are typically spent in transit. Here are some things I did with those two hours yesterday:
Cleaned out the freezer, froze some bone broth in the two missing Ball jars, sat out back with a La Croix and a book I decided not to finish, made power breakfast muffins and froze them,
treated the dogs to a dental sticks taste off, cleaned out my living room and bedroom humidifiers because I'm fucking done having the heat on, finally figured out storage for the washable flannel pieces I use in lieu of cotton balls or face wipes (it's only taken me over a year to move them into the bathroom instead of in the top drawer of my dresser), rescued Gus, washed both couches,
sat with my old dogs, played ball with the puppy, made a to do list for today and tomorrow, packed the 2018 beach tags to go to the shore tomorrow, put a pile aside for Lola Jean, and had the windows open all damn day.
Last night I went went to Pets Plus for Mae's special snowflake wet food and to Target for milk, eggs, TheraFlu, and buy one get 25% off sunblock. And I did those things totally forgetting I had glopped on a shit ton of two different new eyeshadows to test. People were looking at me weird and I was all don't worry I'm going to wash my hair tomorrow, everyone but it turns out the hair was not the only thing giving people pause.
When i got home and saw myself in the mirror I was crying laughing. What an absolute boob.
Anyway today is Friday and I hope to see many of you at MFD's campaign benefit tonight - tickets are available at the door. Don't worry, I'll either be wearing no eye shadow or matching eye shadow so you won't have to say Steph, what the fuck.
If I won't see you tonight, I wish you all the time in the world to spend however you choose this weekend.

I am cracking up at the eye shadow. That is hilarious!! I always love to do extra productive stuff on days I work from home and don't have to commute. It's amazing to "magically" get that extra time. Plus not as much stress. It's a win win.
ReplyDeleteOMG the eyeshadow! haha!
ReplyDeleteLiterally crying at work reading this. It will be a dark day in my life when I have to give up my 10 minute commute. I go grocery shopping at lunch and still have time to drop it off at home and make it back to the office withing the hour - that is a GLORIOUS thing! Enjoy the days at home!
ReplyDeleteI love being able to have some of my time back - it's amazing what I accomplish when I work from home! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston
ReplyDeleteIm laughing so hard at the two eyeshadows!!! It happens!
ReplyDeleteIt's amazing what an extra 2 hours can afford you in the day! Glad you were able to take advantage of it!!
You accomplished a lot in those two hours! I hate my job, but I cannot complain about the 8 minute commute. I have done the same thing with eye shadow and eyeliner before. Ha! Have a great weekend.
ReplyDeleteNot commuting gives you so much time! I have about an hour each way before tourists and a little longer after. I work from home on Fridays in the summer usually and it is glorious. I get so much done! Love the eye shadow, haha.
ReplyDeleteThe people in Target wish they were as cool as you. Hmph.
ReplyDeleteOOPS. I'll look in the mirror at the end of the day some days & wonder, Why didnt someone tell me my face looked like this? :) You never can tell anymore - people may just assume you liked your eye make up a little unique ;)
ReplyDeleteI bet the dogs love a dental stick tasting day - its probably like a wine tasting day for adults
Not having to commute would save me SO. MUCH. TIME! I hope the campaign benefit goes well tonight!
ReplyDeleteoh my gosh, that eyeshadow. i laughed so hard. you accomplished so much in those 2 hours! say, in that picture of your freezer, do you have a side by side fridge/freezer? do you hate it? do you love it? or is that a stand up deep freeze or something. just curious as i want one because i hate the bottom drawer freezers but everyone i talk to hates the side by side. i'm probably going to get one anyway but just curious if you like yours (if you even have it). hmmm i need to get some washable flannel thingys to stop using face wipes and the like.
ReplyDeleteIt is crazy what you can get done when you dont waste so much time in the car going to and from work!!! I have to laugh at your Target story with the eye shadow. That sounds like something I would do. At least it gave you a laugh. And probably warded off some unwanted human contact ;) Best wishes tonight! Have a great weekend!
ReplyDeleteWow you were definitely able to maximize those two hours! I go to the store all the time in various stages of crazy. I've decided I'm never going to see those people again so what does it matter!
ReplyDeleteI lol'ed at the eye shadow, it happens to the best of us! Wow you got a lot done! It is amazing what an extra hour can do for us! I am going to wash my couch tomorrow while I am doing an obligation before I have free time to do whatever I want! I wish I could be there to support y'all tonight! Have a great weekend.
ReplyDeleteUgh, what I wouldn't do for two more hours- you got so much done! LOL at the eye shadow - I hope you guys have an amazing night and weekend!
ReplyDeleteLol. Your eyeshadow story cracks me up!! Hope tonight goes well. I love that you got two extra hours!!
ReplyDelete...but will you wash your hair for tonight? LOL
ReplyDeleteI had half a day off a few weeks ago and I got ALL THE THINGS done and felt completely unstressed the rest of the week. It's amazing what that can do.
If only the dogs could have rescued you in return before you left the house! That's priceless.
ReplyDeleteWe all need to band together and insist on an 8th day being added to the week. If you did that much in 2 spare hours, imagine what we could do with a whole extra DAY!
Oh that is priceless, forgetting about testing your eye shadow. I would have been crying laughing at myself too! Also, you got A LOT done with those two extra hours! Wow!
ReplyDeleteAmen to having those couple extra hours to do things you couldn't otherwise do because of time lost to commuting. LOL at the eye shadow testing look! Emily @ Martinis & Bikinis
ReplyDeleteWorking from home even just ONE day helps me get my life in order, but I find that I need to utilize every minute I have on weekends, too. The idea of lounging on the couch is nice, except I get this overwhelming guilt about what productive things I COULD be doing. Yesterday Leo took a two hour nap (ugh) after my nephew's christening & in that time I cleaned, did laundry, uploaded photos to FB and made dinner. I was BEAT after, but felt good to get things accomplished.
ReplyDeletealso, the eyeshadow look? CLASSIC.
Delete"rescued Gus" - hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!