Monday, April 3, 2023

Snippets of the weekend 4.3.2023

Friday I did the working and at lunch I dropped stuff off at the recycle center and picked up materials for one of two official Beach Sweeps of the year for our adopted beach. We did the beach walking, and then MFD headed back to Philly and I engaged in a recent favorite pasttime in which I look incessantly for replacement dining chairs in all the same places I've been looking for the past two months, think I have found them, save them, and wake up the next day to realize I've found nothing. And so it goes.
Saturday I spent a few hours on taxes and did coffee on the porch before heading out to a local antiques store where I scored an old bookcase for Philly and the side table I need for the shore living room - both for $64 total. I was quite pleased. I picked up a few groceries, re-upped Mae's CBD oil, and popped into a bakery. I relaxed in the afternoon, took a long nap when the weather got shit, finished a book, and started another. 
Sunday I slept until 8, spent some more time gathering prepping tax info, and MFD came back around 1. We started restoring order upstairs in the main house, did some purging, he hung a lamp in our apartment, I ordered more of those, made this delicious, quick, and easy chicken piccata from a recipe Mimi recommended (I doubled the sauce and used a shit ton of capers because that's what I like), took the dogs for a beach walk, put my feet in the ocean, and got ice cream from Churn House. I did a little more straightening upstairs then painted my nails and finished a book while MFD had Back to School on. 

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