Friday I was super in my feelings about not being at the shore with my Mom, Rich, Debbie, Kate & Dan & kids, and Swan this weekend. One of my lowest days in quarantine. It is hard when you are doing what is asked and other people are doing whatever the fuck they want and not abiding by any stay at home only with people in your own fucking household orders. Work work and I ended about an hour early to read. MFD made shrimp scampi for dinner and I took to the couch to get lost in a book.
Saturday I spent most of the day reading, tracking the Easter Bunny going through the neighborhood, and had a driveway visit from Dad & Carol where Carol dropped off her homemade peanut butter eggs and toilet paper bunny gifts. I then ate a lot of said eggs and sat out back until the wind hurt my feelings. Leftovers for dinner and we watched City on a Hill at night and I read.
Sunday I was up early to let the dogs out, so I finished a book. The Easter bunny left candy via Target delivery. I drove to my Mom's to get sheets she washed & dried while the dryer was on the fritz and homemade chocolate chips with less chips as we like them. We hung out in her garage catching up. I'd rather be catching up on the porch at the shore. I painted my toes (OPI go with the lava flow) and nails (Sally Insta-Dri Cherry Pink Blink and Cherry Fast). After we ate MFD did some yard work and I sat outside. We watched the bonus episode of Tiger King which MFD described as a check in like we know these people or something.
I had to make deviled eggs because we couldn't be with Debbie for Easter like we always are. MFD did the ham and boxed scalloped potatoes because he likes them and my high standards of no processed shit are low at this time. I made cranberry fluff and steamed asparagus. Dessert was Mom's cookies, Carol's PB eggs, and blueberry pie from Lou's curbside pickup.
Weekly food prep: we'll be doing Easter leftovers, and I'll be making mac & cheese with some of the leftover ham. Fresh kielbasa on the menu this week too since we didn't eat it for Easter.

Heading into week five. I don't want to do more holidays in quarantine. I hope your Easter and Passover were as good as can be. Ours was, I just still don't want to do more holidays in quarantine.
Have you seen the NYT article on how Trump could have seen what was coming on the coronavirus because he was advised on it and continually chose not to act? If we ever want to get out of our houses some states need to buckled down and every single one of us needs to call on our Congress people and this president to get us the fucking tests. Where are the tests?
See you here tomorrow for Show Us Your Books.
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