Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Show Us Your Books Anniversary Edition - What I Read in September

Today is a very special Anniversary Edition of Show Us Your Books - Jana and I are giving away a $50 gift card to Amazon and Bookwormboutique merchandise. There will be two winners - an Amazon winner and a BWB swag winner. You do not need to link up to enter. The giveaway can be found at the bottom of the post after all the links. Thanks to everyone who has enjoyed this link up along with us, whether you've silently been taking notes on your next books to read, commenting with what you've liked recently, or linking up and doing all of the above...thank you. It's been awesome.

Linkup Guidelines:
1. Please visit and comment with both of your hosts, Jana & me
2. Please display the button or link back to us on your blog post
2. Please visit a few other blogs who've linked up and get some book talk going!

Here's what I read since the last linkup

Engrossing Reads

Law of Attraction by Allison Leotta - This was fast paced and required a little bit of suspended belief in the legalities of it all, but I was definitely drawn in. A little legalese, a little D.C., a little love, a little violence, a little psychosis. It's a recipe for a winner for me.

The One You Love by Paul Pilkington - Let me come clean immediately and say this book infuriated me and I felt like punching many of the characters and calling them dumbasses as well as punching the author for ending it on a cliffhanger because I will have to read the next one...the almighty BUT here is that regardless of those things I couldn't put the book down and had to stay up until after 1, knowing I'd get less than five hours of sleep, in order to finish it. There's something to be said for that. It's a quick read so I anticipate the next one will be as well. Edited to add: thanks to Michelle in the comments for letting me know this is still free for Kindle. Always good to read the comments on posts like these friends!

Kane and Abel by Jeffrey Archer - I was totally into this story, and I even got MFD to read it too. Well, to start it anyway. Thanks to Kathy Biatchi for this recommendation. It's an age old tale of two rises to the top - one born of privilege and one who had to claw his way there - a few fatal soap opera misunderstandings, and a lot of good stuff along the way.

The Betrayal by Laura Elliot - This book ensared me. The tagline is something ludicrous like a gripping novel of psychological suspense and hot damn, it was. I thought the past that they alluded to was a little wimpy at first, then I was like ohhh. I gobbled it up front to back.

The Doll Maker by Richard Montanari - Recommended by a co-worker, I did not want to put this book down. I read the first book in this series about Philadelphia Homicide Detectives Byrne and Balzano a while back and never picked up any others. This sucked me in immediately. It was extremely creepy. A good candidate for you mystery/suspense fans.

Passed the Time Just Fine

Never Buried (Leigh Koslow Mystery #1) by Edie Claire - This reminded me a little of the unassuming Aurora Teagarden mysteries by Charlaine Harris. A very mild character and a very mild storyline. I think I read another reviewer call them "cozy mysteries" and that's just what they are. I won't run right out to read more, but I didn't mind reading this one.

The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend by Katarina Bivald - I got this from Netgalley in exchange for a review. I liked the characters and liked the idea of a dead town being revived by books and sheer will. As a reader, I also love the references to books and how the author wove them into the story. The love story in the book seems really underdeveloped, which is a shame. Regardless, this left me with a feel good feeling like I used to get after reading Fannie Flagg books.

Whistling Women by Kelly Romo - Another freebie from Netgalley in exchange for a review. I didn't know much about this book. I liked the cover and the title, and was pleasantly surprised to find that I liked the story and how it unfolded too. I detested Mary and her speech patterns but enjoyed the other characters.

Open Season (Joe Pickett #1) by C.J. Box - I picked this up in Grand Teton. It's about a Wyoming Game Warden. I was like oh, why not. He was a bit of a wimp sometimes, and I don't really like that. His young daughter also played too heavily in the story too, I don't like that either. I liked this book okay and am curious to see how the character might develop further, so I might give another book in the series a shot.

Girl Defective by Simmone Howell - I very rarely remember who recommended what to me but for some reason I know I saw this on Erin's blog. Maybe because it's an Aussie book? I liked the writing here (some snippets felt lyrical), as well as the characters. I think the story could've been sharper and deeper. There were a lot of interesting plot threads, none of which were done justice I don't think. But it was a fine read as it was.

Hard No

N/A, thankfully. No non starters this month!

This link up happens the second Tuesday of every month. The next one is Tuesday, November 10. 
Life According to Steph

Non-bloggers, what have you read recently? Let me know what you recommend and what to stay away from. Bloggers, link up your posts below.

One year anniversary giveaway! Two winners. One prize is a $50 Amazon gift card and the other prize is a mug & 8x8 print from bookwormboutique both seen below:
a Rafflecopter giveaway
 photo purple_zpse5f7f916.png


  1. I'm totally adding The One You Love to my list. I love books that I can't put down. Thanks for hosting this awesome link up! You two are the coolest!!

  2. First off happy anniversary! This is by far the best link up of my month and it always makes me super excited! Secondly I am adding Kane and Abel in the betrayal to my list immediately!

  3. I love this link up, but I never remember it.
    Is there an email or something with a reminder? I'd love to start.
    Not that I read that in a month most of the time, but it would be fun.

  4. I finished Grey this last month and LOVED it, which surprised me

  5. Happy Book Day! Can't believe it has been a year already. Adding The One You Love and The Betrayal. Always nice when there are zero non-finishers.

  6. Thanks for the opportunity to win. :-) It looks like you chose some winners.

    1. And the best book I read last month? Because of school required reading, the only for pleasure book I have been reading, and just started, is Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert.

  7. Adding Law of Attraction to my book list - sounds right up my alley! Love that you didn't hate any books this month haha! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  8. That's awesome that you didn't have any duds this month! I'm going to have to look into Netgalley. I've seen a few people getting free books and I want in on that!

    1. Oh, and my best book was either The Martian or Life Reader (by KM Shea).

  9. The best book was probably a tie between The Royal We and Walk Through Fire! Clicked on The Readers of Broken Wheel, sounds like my kind of book and I love that you didn't have any non starters!! Congrats on a full year of this fabulous link up, I can't believe it's been going a year!

  10. Epiphany by Elise Ballard. Non- fiction. I discover many things reading true life stories. I started to take cod liver oil capsules on an empty stomach 2 weeks ago for arthritic fingers as per someone on that book. It's working. What we do and what we read are meant to be. There are no coincidences.
    Love your succinct reviews. They hold my attention. Kane and Able sounds familiar. It reminds me of East of Eden.
    Happy Tuesday. Love. Your. Momma

  11. Wow, I have not heard of any of your engrossing reads books! But, I'll be adding some to my tbr pile.....that's what I love about this link-up! My faves this month include The Martian, Better Than Before, The Same Sky and Everything Everything! Thanks for hosting this link-up! Although I've only participated for the past couple of months, it's one of my favorites times of the month!

  12. I read a few Jeffery Archer books awhile ago and found them pretty captivating...I have to check out Kane and Abel! I saw Kathy mention it too. Looking forward to checking out some others' posts today in the link up! And happy one year anniversary!! This link up is one of my favourite posts to read in a month and I love all the book talk and the flurry of additions to Goodreads over the next couple of days!! haha

  13. LOLOL @ Kathy Biatchi!!! I just added Kane and Abel and The Betrayal to my to be read list!!! My favorite this month was The Light of Day. I really enjoyed it! Happy Anniversary to you and Jana and the link up!!! I for one really appreciate this link up every month and it is by far the best one out there. Just a bonus that it is hosted by two awesome bitches :)

  14. I feel the same way about the Leigh Koslow mysteries by Edie Claire. Though I do like Edie Claire (Long Time Coming) the Leigh Koslows were kind of easy beach reading.

    Also, "The Betrayal" sounds right up my alley!

  15. heads up to anyone who may read through the comments-
    as usual, i went to amazon to look up a few of these and when i looked up 'the one you love' it is currently free for kindle (which you can read on your phone or computer if you don't have a dedicated kindle device)
    looks like i know what my next read will be! Thanks steph!

  16. Yayyy for no hard NO's!!

    I have added Betrayal as a to read!

  17. Definitely adding a few of these to my "to read' pile! Glad there weren't any hard nos this time!

  18. I've been lacking in reading books lately. i need to change that right now! always love hearing your picks. For some reason the doll maker sounds so intriguing.

  19. Hooray time to add more books to my list! I'm particularly eyeing off The Doll Maker, The Betrayal, and maybe Never Buried. A bit of cozy never did anyone any harm. Now I just need to read faster..... Happy year of books, and thanks for hosting!

  20. The Betrayal sounds like a good one! Definitely adding it to my list!

  21. Interesting ones, and so glad you had all good reads this month! My favorite from the month is probably Dumplin', it came in my September OwlCrate and I freakin' loved it. It was one of those that I just couldn't put down.

  22. Right now I'm reading 'Sophie's Choice'. It's a slow start with many new vocabulary words... not used to that. So far, so good.

    This month I read:
    Brain on Fire by Susannah Cahalan. An ok read, a little less than believable.

    Getting Rid of Matthew by Jane Fallon. A fiasco of webs woven by unthought-out lies, comical; a good, quick, summer read

    Circling the Sun by Paula McLain. I like historical fiction becaus it's easier to read than straight history but I can still learn something. I used to read straight history but I'm too old to suffer through all the facts anymore, at least without a good story line. This was good. A little slow in places, but I liked it. Not a favorite though.

    I'm hoping to pick up my reading this month... famous last words!

  23. Looks like you had pretty good luck with books last month! I had a couple DNF books unfortunately. I went a bit crazy with the romances again. lol! I've been stuck on them lately

  24. Law of Attraction sounds like my kind of book! My favorite read this month was Doctor Sleep. I could NOT put it down. My love for Stephen King grows every time I read one of his books.

    1. Went to get The One You Love from Amazon... turns out I downloaded it free back in Aug 2012. Maybe I should work on reading this finally.

  25. I'm reading Mindy Kaling's book right now and its been such a fun read. I want to read the Doll Maker but I'm worried I'd be too creeped out to sleep!

  26. I like the way you categorize your books! There are definitely ones that just pass the time! But I feel like I can't handle one completely engrossing book after another all the time. Thanks for hosting the link up!

  27. So the summary of The Betrayal doesn't sound that great but I'm really intrigued by your reaction to it, so onto the list it goes! As you will see, I was in a bit of a funk last month, but Who do you Love was probably my favorite, even though it was more chick lit than I generally like.

  28. Happy anniversary to us!!!

    I meant to read a couple of NetGalley books but I forgot. They're going to stop giving me books. Which makes me kind of sad.

    I had a hard NO this month by a certain Mr. Nelson DeMille which angered me. I know we talked about the John Corey series but seriously, don't read Radiant Angel. It was terrible.

  29. thanks for hosting steph! this has become one of my favorite link-ups! :)

  30. Cheers to no books being non starters. I love when that happens. I've put three of yours on my want to read list.

  31. I'm going to have to add The One You Love and The Dollmaker. Thanks for hosting the linkup!! I love that I don't have to "look" for books to read anymore, I have the opposite problem with too many books, too little time for reading :(

  32. Law Of Attraction and Kane and Abel both sound really good to me. Glad you had such good picks this month!

  33. I put all of your "Engrossing Reads" on my TBR! Great month of reading. Can't wait to read all the suspense ones since I'm still let down that I didn't like "You". And happy anniversary! My favorite linkup and favorite day of the blogging month!

  34. Adding some to my list! I usually am reading a book at home and listening to one on the commute so I love your suggestions! And I will always listen to you from now and forever amen.

  35. ooooh i hope i win the giveaway hahaha. so fun. i saw kathy recommend kane and able and it sounds good but the synopsis didn't really grab me, but okay i'm definitely adding it.
    the one you love sounds interesting, and you can't go wrong with free lol. yay for no 'hard no' books this month. happy anniversary!

  36. Wow you've read a ton of books! That's impressive!

  37. I read Station Eleven this month for book club and loved it! I'm also back up to N in the Millhone series! :)

  38. I read Complusion this month, and was surprised how much I enjoyed it. Just found your blog, and link up, thanks for hosting!


    Reading List

  39. Glad you didn't have any hard "no's" this month! I am always impressed by how much you read, I need to channel my inner-Steph :)

  40. Ahhhhh...so many to add to my list!

    I know you are not a big Jennifer Weiner fan, but I just finished Who Do You Love and I was a fan. I read The Rumor by Elin Hilderbrand over the weekend while we were traveling and while it passed the time in the airport and on the plane just fine, it didn't light me on fire or anything. Come to think of it, I think I got that one from your linkup. Not sure if it was you or someone else who included it.

    I'm excited for After You, the sequel to Me Before You. Our damn library doesn't have it yet though.

  41. The Doll Maker sounds really interesting! I'll have to add it to my list - thanks for the recommendation. - Svetlana @Life With a Side of Wine

  42. I read several good books this month but never got around to posting about them. Hate that I'll be missing this link-up. I love reading. I just finished The Silent Wife and have started Pretty Baby.

  43. This link up has so many people in it now - its made my Amazon list grown CRAZZZYYYY long now!

  44. Looks like a lot of good ones! I'm not much into detective/child murder stories, but I did add The One You Love and The Betrayal.

  45. Happy anniversary, and thanks for being such awesome hosts and providing this amazing linkup! Truth, none of these were even on my radar before this post so I have some research to do. Glad it was a good reading month for you!

  46. I haven't read anything new this month! I was re-reading Harry Potter again, LOLOLOL :)
    This link up is a gift and a curse. I always see so many books that I want to read... I'll never be able to actually read them all! lol

  47. 1. I'm so happy I found this linkup! I have been wanting to read Kane and Abel for awhile and you finally convinced me!

  48. Hooray for no duds this month. Thanks for hosting this linkup, I always enjoy it!

  49. First off, happy one year anniversary! This is by far my favorite time of the month (when it comes to blogging, anyway), and you guys are both awesome for hosting this!

    I'm glad you managed to avoid shitty books this time around. Always a plus!

    I have Girl Defective checked out right now, but I have 1,000 other books out as well. (Obviously an exaggeration. It's more like 10.) I'm eager to start it, but it keeps getting pushed back because several other books are due earlier (or they have holds on them so I won't be able to renew them). I'll get to it soon.

    I added The Doll Maker to my list after I saw you'd given it a really high rating on Goodreads. I was intrigued by it anyway based solely on the cover and title, and, of course, I love a good mystery/suspense/creepy novel. When I saw how much you liked it, I figured it was probably worth adding. Do you think it can be read as a stand alone, though, or do I need to read the first book in this series?

    Law of Attraction and The Betrayal also caught my eye. The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend seems to pop up more and more frequently as a recommendation on Goodreads, so I guess that means I should probably check it out as well.

    Oh, and the photo at the beginning of the post is perfection. That's my idea of a perfect, relaxing, beautiful day.

  50. That Night by Chevy Stevens was one of the best books that I have read in a very long time.

  51. There are so many books that I want to read, but I haven't been ready much lately. This post is a good inspiration to get started, I would love to participate in the next link up!

  52. I think that What Alice Forgot was similar in infuriation levels for me as The One You Love. I just wanted everyone to answer her questions. It made for a good book, but arrrrghghhh!

  53. I'll be grabbing some cake in honor of your anniversary momentarily! (Well, I have no cake, but I do have Halloween Oreos, and that's just as good)

    Your list this month made me realize that I haven't picked up a mystery book in AGES. I need to get on that!

  54. I added The Doll Maker, Law of Attraction, and the Readers of Broken Wheel. Thanks for remembering me with Girl Defective (I'm pretty terrible about remembering who recommends books as well). You summed up my thoughts about the book as well. And, happy anniversary for the greatest link up! I have enriched as a reader and found a community of book lovers that I value.

  55. I've added all of your engrossing reads, except Kane & Abel, which I read eons ago and loved. I also enjoyed the second one, The Prodigal Daughter, but I don't think I ever read the third. I might have to go back and re-read (because, you know, I don't have enough books to read already).

  56. Just added The One You Love to my Kindle! I'm always on the look for a book that is so engrossing I just can't put it down.

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