Monday, October 24, 2022

snippets of the weekend 10.24.2022

Kicked off Friday with a sunrise walk and a half day of work before loading Ben & Billy up and ripping through South Philly to do an IKEA pickup before finishing out the workday in Philly. I also returned some shit from the company party last weekend, threw a pizza from Aldi in the oven, and stayed up late finishing a book. 

MFD inadvisably stayed at the shore, which stressed me out. We made it on time about  45 min away to my dear friend Beth's wedding which was in a lovely hall with excellent food, good playlist, beautiful brides, lots of smiles and authentic joy, mismatched china and vintage table cloths which is my favorite type of table scape, and immaculate wedding energy while we spent some time with the work fam. And the flowers and table books. Loved. 

We timed the day to a T, motoring out so MFD could pick up a Jersey at my brother's and get to his evening festivities with the Sixers at 6 in a packed ass South Philly with that and the Phillies game. I did a run through HomeGoods and settled on the couch to watch Season 3 of the Derry Girls in its entirety. It will never be enough. Phillies game check-ins.
I woke up Sunday and set about reorganizing and sorting things in the dining room and batch cooking, all of which came to a screeching halt mid-mess as sinus-related vertigo reared and I literally could  not stand due to dizziness and nausea. I swear Mae is an empath, she was not well either. Careful movement and couch for the rest of the day, which is where we watched the Phillies clinch the NLCS. A fair amount of years and a far cry from our bar-tour throughout the 2008 post-season LOL. 

In addition to snippets here, I've been doing weekending reels on Instagram if you are interested. 

I'm not a super fan of any team or sport, but I do love some red October baseball and athletes who do well in Philly because they understand what Philly is about. Those professionals are immediately recognizable even to us non super fan fans. I enjoy most anything that brings a lot of collective joy. I do not love when "real fans" feel the need to pee on the bushes to mark their territory as true fans versus those showing an interest now. My dudes, there is sincerely not an individual reward system for who is the biggest/longest/most die hard fan and it's a drain on the thumping energy the City/area is enveloped in and the players feed off of in a time like this. Just have a good time and enjoy it.

But I digress. Happy Monday!

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