Monday, November 4, 2019

TWTW - the one with the birthdays and other things

Friday I worked late then we headed to South Philly for Melissa's surprise 50th dinner organized by Blane. It was a nice night, but we had to jet out by around 9. The photo I have is one in which I am the only person without glasses.

Saturday We were up and out by 6:30 to meet my Dad and Carol and my uncle at the Purple Stride walk in West Fairmount Park. Thanks to everyone who donated to me or Madeline's Marchers, our team in memory of my grandmom. We ran into my oldest friend Jen and her college ladies too, it was great to see them!
How fucking basic is this. I am annoyed that I patronized Starbucks and have guilt over the single use plastic cup but the pumpkin spice cold cream whatever sans vanilla syrup is delicious. Anyway I returned something to Target and picked up a few groceries. I feel like I take forever in there if I don't have my cartwheel AKA circle already loaded.
Saturday night sushi dinner at Ota-Ya for my Dad's birthday. Everything was delicious and it was nice to have dinner together. I lay on the couch like a slug after and was in bed by 11.
Sunday I thought I overslept because it was so light when I woke up but alas, it was only fall back day. I cleaned up the kitchen, MFD washed the couches, I changed out garden flags and put the few Halloween decor items that were out away before heading to Doylestown to meet my knottie girls AEB and Alicia for breakfast at Cross Keys Diner. We usually go to The Hattery but it's under renovation. It's always nice to catch up in person. I can't believe we've known each other for just about 10 years. I popped into Marshalls on the way home to look for garland and pick up some olive oil. That was stupid because everyone was trying to get their errands run before the Eagles game and it's like taking your life in your hands in the parking lots in and around Philadelphia. At home I put the couches back together, did food prep, cleaned up the kitchen, did some more laundry, started a new book, and watched season two of Schitts Creek.
Weekly food prep: Breakfasts are egg muffins with mushrooms and cheese. Lunches are rustic tuscan sausage soup. Red grapes and pretzels for a snack. Dinners are that same soup and mid-week chicken tenders, steamed red potatoes, and cauliflower.

Busy week ahead. Let's go!

What's your voting plan for tomorrow?

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