
Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Philly: One Liberty Observation Deck

For the next stop on my tourist in my own town tour, I figured I'd check out One Liberty Observation Deck since I work right next to it. I went at lunch on the Thursday before the July 4th weekend and was one of four people up there. 

This is the view I spent the most time on. I stared at this guy for at least 10 minutes with second hand anxiety.
As far as views go, personally I prefer the views from the City Hall Observation Deck. You can see a straight shot down the parkway, which is one of the best views in the city in my opinion, with the Philadelphia Museum of Art as anchor. PMA is largely obstructed from Liberty One. City Hall is definitely different - not as high, cheaper, limited hours/accessibility, and the experience going up to the top is not cushy like this one is. Overall, this is more of an experience. And I always think it's cool to see a city from above.

They give you a little Philly flavor up at the top, with some fun facts scattered about and narration in certain areas. 
They also have interactive maps you can operate to let you know what's in front of the view you have right now and to also search by category like music, sports, etc.  
This is a shitty video of how it works:

The entry was actually my favorite part aside from the large Ben Franklin head. It captures the things important to Philadelphia: our cheesesteaks, sports, music, the fact that we are the birthplace of this nation, mural arts, mummers, that damn cracked bell, our real life Princess, and a movie character we believe is a real person who is representative of this town. Do not try me on Rocky.

If you go:
  • One Liberty Observation Deck is at 1650 Market Street
  • Open daily 10-10
  • Ticket info here, I did the adult for $19 but should've done the two visits in 48 hours for $26
  • Directions and parking, click here
My verdict: I'd do it. If you're hesitant or in a budget, the entry at One Liberty is worth a pass by if you're in the area and seeing that is free. It's very well done. Twenty bucks for a view from 57 feet up isn't too bad either.

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  1. So fantastic that you went when it wasn't packed!! I never thought to do something touristy during lunch but I will now! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. Excellent review. Publish a tour guide travel book with all of your blogs. #winner.
    I love the Ben head. I am getting woozy just thinking about the height situation. I do not know many of these exist. And I don't know my way around the city at all. Jmj. Stay cool-mind, body, soul. #septasituation
    Love. Your. Momma.

  3. kirk and i went not too long after it opened. like you, we were two out of like 5 people up there. there was a camera crew hanging out while we were there and I asked one of them to take our picture in front of big ben. they agreed but only if they could film us. we agreed bc why not. before we left i asked what it was for, and turns out it was for monday night football! I never did see if we were on national television or not, but it was pretty cool regardless.

  4. If I ever make it back to Philadelphia, I'll have to check this out. I'd like to get back there one day with my husband, for he's never been.

  5. Oh my LORDDDDDDD - I thought my job was bad. That window cleaner... I was holding my breath just seeing the picture.

  6. I have never been to Philly (since the airport doesn't count) but really want to bring the kids - so much history! I love a good tourist attraction . . . this is totally something we would do! Oh, and the Rocky steps and "damn cracked bell!" Ha!!!! ;-)

  7. oh my gosh, that guy - i was having anxiety just looking through a computer screen. blecch. the view is pretty cool though and how awesome is that big ben franklin head! i love things like this, i always try and go up some sort of tower when i visit a new city - that sounds weird, but really, it's something i do in almost every city haha. i had to google your real life princess, my bad!! i understand though, we feel the same about mary of denmark, she is aussie and we LOVE her. funny thing is though, most australians make fun of tasmania, but she's from tassie, so we don't make fun of it anymore, because you can't be proud and dislike something at the same time haha. but anyway! love this being a tourist in your own town thing.

  8. I love viewing a city from the sky. The arch in St. Louis is one of my favorites. Same with the Eiffel Tower once you get to the top. I really love the view of the river! The views from the linked post are pretty spectacular, too!
    That window washer fellow would seriously make me faint! Goodness!

  9. I cannot handle heights. The Empire State Building pushed me over the edge when I was a kid, and I refused to do the Arch in St. Louis.
    I love that you're seeing your own city though.
    I lived in PA for 23 1/2 years and never went to Philly.


  11. The interactive maps are a cool idea and yes I would be having major second hand anxiety watching that guy. It's like the rollercoaster ride on top of the stratosphere spinning restaurant in Las Vegas. No thank you!

  12. Wow, that is gorgeous, but how scary for that guy! I'm definitely not that brave-haha

  13. those views are REALLY cool!! i love interactive maps so much. I'm weird like that. second hand (or even 3rd hand is real)

  14. I love visiting observation decks because you really have the chance to see so much of the surrounding areas. That guy up there would have been terrifying me too! Hopefully he got paid a ton to do it!

  15. Haha... the Ben Franklin head cracked me up. Cool building and views for sure. Ummm that guy would have given me a straight up heart attack. How do people do that shit?

  16. Super cool!!! I toured Philly back in 2013 and feel like we saw a LOT, but this post has all new things to see/do for sure. One of these days I'll get back and be able to explore again :)


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