
Thursday, July 7, 2016

Pensamientos de Jueves

1. My brain is set adrift this week. Is it even Thursday? I hope so, because Thursday is my Friday.

2. While it's only a three-day week for me, the hell that has been commuting after SEPTA had to remove approximately 1/3 of its regional rail fleet last weekend due to safety issues has made it seem long. Adapting to the contingency plan has not been easy and speculation is that it will be at least until the end of August before everything is back online. 

3. Of course, it never helps to start the work week off with crap sleep due to insane barking dogs responding to fireworks on Monday night. I spared you Mae's audio. You're welcome. 
4. More appliance issues. MFD and I were going back and forth and I'm all just BURN IT DOWN.
5. My friend Gena shared this and I laughed like a buffoon. This is about where I am on the KonMari method except I like vegetables and mirrors and don't own a scale.

6. Sometimes I get the urge to use winter polishes in the summer. This did the trick this week. Rimmel Man Overboard & Julep Kirby.

7. Today on the Armchair Librarians Jana and I are talking about The Nest. Check that out here.

8. I picked these up from the library on the hottest freaking day and almost passed out on the way back to work so these babies better be worth it. Coincidentally these books are the next two books we're discussing on The Armchair Librarians. Show Us Your Books is Tuesday!

9. With the petty annoyances of the week, I'm so looking forward to girls' weekend at the lake this weekend! Relaxing, laughing, eating, drinking, laughing with my people. I can't wait!

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Linking up with Kristen & Gretch

What's New With You


  1. I do not envy your public transport woes.
    I do envy your girls' weekend at the lake. And three day work week. And nail color.
    I don't even know what the "KonMari method" is.

  2. Healing lights to the rails. Amen on fireworks being done for the most part. Love the glitter top coat. Of course I do ! And Gena's ecard. I am sure The RBG book will be good ! It's hot as hades already at a little after 8. Going in the pool soon. Happy your Friday. Love. Your. Momma.

  3. Oh and at first When I saw the blog title , I panicked and thought your blog was in Spanish. #beforecoffee
    Love. Your. Momma

  4. When I saw your title, I thought you were announcing a trip to a Spanish speaking country, lol. And while I'm very sorry about the continued appliance issues, "burn it down" almost made me spit out my coffee. Good luck! Happy Friday!

  5. hahahah that KonMari meme!

    our subway transit system is actually pretty good; delays aren't that bad and if someone happens to throw themselves in front of a train, that shit gets cleaned up pretty quick.

    our GO train system on the other hand (which is a direct train line from suburbs to downtown Toronto) is awful. delays all the time, they never tell you the reason and if they announce anything, it sounds like they're talking underwater so you don't even know what the hell they said.

  6. UGH! You're commuting nightmare... I can't even begin to imagine.

    Oh, dear Lord, the 4th of July fireworks... And, with the 4th falling on Monday, the festivities lasted all freakin' weekend! Between the fireworks and the loud shotgun blasts (for those too cheap to buy fireworks), my poor beagle's nerves were shot! And, in all honesty, the shotgun blasts were starting to work my ever lovin' last nerve, too! Apparently one of my redneck neighbors has a canon!

    You're "burn it down" comment cracked me up! Here's theme song for ya:

    Enjoy your girl's getaway weekend!

  7. I seriously love gray nails. I love how sophisticated yet edgy I feel when mine are gray. My bras would be gone in a heart beat if the standard was "if it doesn't bring you joy throw it out." Heck yes to a girls' weekend at the lake! Have a great time.

  8. I laughed so hard at the Konmarie picture. That's about where I am as well hahah

  9. I love that nail color. I'm a big fan of winter and fall nails and lips all year long :)

    Lylee didn't start barking at fireworks until we went outside and she could see them. Then she was VERY offended by the bright zippy flames in the sky. Haha.

    Have fun at the lake!

  10. Passing out for a book? I can understand that ;)
    I did my nails last night & almost went with a winter color too... but felt like it'll be soon enough the cooler temps will be here. But heck, I wear summer colors in the winter. No rules apply to polish, right? :)
    PM Dawn.. taking me back

  11. ha! I know, it sucks because I 3-day workweek is entirely awesome but I'm still SO DANG TIRED. I'm sorry about your appliance woes, what a pain! Funny about the dogs, Chandler was okay with them but the horses he watched pass at the parade were another issue entirely.

  12. I am about a third of the way through NOTORIOUS RBG - interesting so far. Hope you guys have a fun weekend! Also hope that "Big Pink" doesn't leave my sister treading water and desperately trying to save her beer in the middle of the lake again this year!

  13. ugh, sorry about the appliance issues, i get very 'burn it down' when shit like that keeps happening. The end of August?! that is ridiculous. that's a lot of shit to deal with. rage. i laughed at the kon whatever method as well.. i liked some of her ideas but didn't jive with the holding things that bring you joy. lots of things i find necessary do not bring me joy. i like vegetables too! lol. enjoy your girls lake weekend!

  14. OK THAT MEME ABOUT DECLUTTERING IS HILARIOUS. I feel so bad for dogs with fireworks; my brother's dog freaks the hell out too. Have fun at the lake!

  15. I cannot wait to see your review of the Notorious RBG. Been waiting forever for it myself! And thank you for understanding that there IS such a thing as a summer and winter polish! I was just recently in a debate about whether such a thing was possible.

  16. I'm so jealous of your three day weekend! I've been feeling like it's Friday all day today which is not going to make tomorrow pleasant...

  17. First things first . . . I love that song and it threw me back. Awesome. I am ever so grateful my dog doesn't seem to care about fireworks because here is the south they go on for days! Burn it down and the decluttering . . . I laughed out loud. ENJOY your weekend with your people . . . it doesn't get much better than that!

  18. The Japanese decluttering meme is perfect, good-bye bra!

    Ohhh a girls lake weekend sounds so nice, enjoy.

  19. Enjoy your weekend at the lake! Hawkeye doesn't mind fireworks but our neighbor dogs sure did. It was exhausting.

  20. I've been wanting to get a library card for our local library... I don't read as much as I use to. :( Miss it.

  21. So sorry Septa is ruining your days. Matt takes the Warminster line which is once an hour and he said it's miserable. I hope they overestimated the time they'll need and things are back to normal sooner! Have a blast at the lake and relax!!!

  22. Ugh, I'm sorry you're dealing with transportation bullshit. Sometimes I wish we had a better public transportation system here (I mean, it would be nice not to rely so heavily on my car all the time!), but then I see things like this and I'm not so sure I'd want to deal it. Like anything it has its pros and cons, I guess.

    I'm also sorry to hear you're having more appliance issues. That is seriously one of the major reasons why I'm not in any hurry to buy a house. (The other major reason is because I'm lazy and have absolutely no desire to do yard work of any kind or deal with snow removal bullshit in the winter.)

    Number 5 gave me a good laugh. Thanks for that! :-)

    I hope you enjoy your weekend! It sounds like it's much needed!

  23. Hahaha I knew there was a good reason I hadn't given the KonMari method a go!

    And I too have very little patience for things that don't work the way they should, eg appliances and transport system that you've already bought your season pass for. There's train mischief going on in the UK too and I don't understand how they get themselves into these situations given how much train tickets cost (and how packed the trains are). Sigh, I hope yours gets sorted asap.

  24. This week has been a roller coaster. I too had dogs that absolutely hated the fireworks. I love that quote about that cleaning method. That's about how I feel about it! Also I hope you have a wonderful time on your girls weekend! I'm hoping I will get to have a girls weekend very soon.

  25. Hahahahaha I would be getting rid of all those things as well, they bring me no happiness! We were gone on the 4th and Mac was being boarded, I can only imagine how awful it sounded in that place Monday night with allllllll the dogs barking.

  26. Have a great weekend!! You definitely deserve it after the cluster of this week. Your appliances need to learn to fix themselves though.

  27. My dog is the same way with fireworks! She hid in our closet because she was so scared. Poor pup! Thanks for linking up with us :)

  28. oh my god, the ones about watching a fireworks video a year later and throwing out your bra and treadmill. dying!!


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