
Monday, September 11, 2017

TWTW - the back in a quasi routine one

Friday late afternoon found me shopping for supplies to add to the box my company sent to Austin Disaster Relief Network for their Hurricane Harvey response. Everyone I have spoken to there was so nice and and gave me an exact list of needs to share with the staff - I do not send physical donations until I speak with someone who tells me what is needed so nothing is sent that can't or won't be used. I got a lot more hand sanitizer and a lot of new socks since I was shopping for me and my neighbor. I tried to think about nice helpful people as I sat in two hours of traffic to the shore. Just like summer.
I was up until 1 am reading but still got up at 5:50 for the sunrise and was treated to a lovely lavender morning moonrise for my efforts.
My dad installed new smoke detectors in the house and I rescheduled delivery for a bed frame, box spring, and lamps that were supposed to arrive Saturday but were delayed by the storms in the south. My dad got Brown's donuts and we hit the beach for a gorgeous but hot beach day followed by a little afternoon lie down with my dogs. The 43rd Annual Classic Car show was on the boards so I checked them out when I got a hotdog for lunch.
We had dinner outside at Jon & Patty's. It was a gorgeous night and the duck egg rolls were amazing.  They treated me to dinner and I treated them to a trip to ACME where Carol was my personal cart pusher and my Dad carried my girly reusable bags to the car. They are good sports.
I was in bed early but Mae got up at 3:30 and I had her out twice by 4:30 then she stared at me until 8 am. Torture. My dad and Carol cleaned which saved me some hours. I cleaned the main floor for next weekend's guests and worked on my closet reorganization project before reading on the porch with the dogs. I also picked up cushions at Pier 1 where I successfully avoided the clearance items and met an old man feminist. I rode my bike to the beach to do some life contemplation at the water's edge before rounding the weekend out with a Dole Whip from Aloha, a peek at the Corvette Show, and a dog walk. Geege gets carried most of the way now. I am that lady.
Weekly food prep is back, finally. Breakfast is scrambled eggs and a plum, lunch is PB&J on a light english muffin with baby bell peppers on the side, and dinner is chicken thighs made with a bunch of shit in the crockpot, roasted red potatoes and red onions, and steamed asparagus. MFD is gone so I can eat the same thing all week without anyone bitching. I also made ground beef in bone broth for Geege to add to the list of things he's not eating (vet is coming back tonight) and breakfast burritos for the freezer.
I got home at 6:30 to an entirely too fucking loud neighborhood and regretted my decision to come back Sunday.

Favorite day tomorrow!

Day of Remembrance today. I've only written about this once and that will stand because I can't do it again. I had to look for this image without never forget on it. I would never could never forget a minute of that day. I don't know anyone who can.

My thoughts are with those who were in Irma's path but as these people need a lot more than thoughts and prayers I'll be sharing some links of where to donate on Thursday and before then on my facebook page.

Linking up with Biana at B Loved Boston for Weekending


  1. What a great weekend at the shore -I love that you are always getting so much done when you're out there! xo,Biana-BlovedBoston

  2. Boo on the noise at home. But the rest sounds efficient, satisfying and lovely.
    God and Goddess speed to all and happy Irma is weakened and Jose -go away ❣️
    A happy week to all. Love one another. Right now.
    Love. Your. Momma.

  3. ugh neighbourhood noise. our butthole neighbours were outside talking UNTIL 4am. WTF

  4. I'm always amazed by how much you pack into a weekend while also being productive. Love the photo of your Dad carrying your girly bags! Such a good sport. Emily @ Martinis & Bikinis

  5. I would totally be that lady too that carried their dog, in fact I have been that lady! I'm glad that you had a good weekend and got a lot done at the shore house too!

  6. Sounds like it was a productive weekend. That image is so very powerful. Today will always be a somber day for me. I could never forget, it's the one day that I remember everything that happened.

  7. I'm beginning to sound like a broken record, but I love those sunrise photos. Obviously.

  8. I always smile when I see someone carrying their dog, especially if it's a manly man carrying a itty bitty little dog wearing a dress. :D And I will never forget 9/11 either.

  9. Mae & Bruno must be related in some way with their late night parties they want to have.

  10. I loved your IG post about the Pier 1 conversation! When people surprise you for the better it's always a good feeling :)
    I don't think I'd have noticed the lavender in that moonrise if you hadn't said it.
    Hope Geege is feeling better soon and MFD has a safe trip! Enjoy your solitude. I feel ya on the annoying/rude/loud neighbors!

  11. I read this "lunch is PB&J on a light english muffin with baby bell peppers on the side" as "baby bell peppers on the INSIDE." I read it about three times, thinking, well that is the oddest combination! Ha!

    Car shows are so fun. I dream about having one and then hop back into my '09 Ford Focus and right back to reality.

  12. Hugs and sparklERs for Geege! Love that photo of your dad and the girly bags!

  13. I'm like you with donations, I like to know my donations are useful to the people in need so i dont send random stuff, I really try to research first.

    Poor geege, really hoping he gets better soon!

  14. That photo is so haunting, and this day will never be forgotten. What a great relaxing weekend and beautiful sunrise photos as usual. You have me wanting to make breakfast burritos now!


  15. oh that sunrise is beautiful. i've been staying up to 1am or later every night lately, reading of course, no idea why. some books are good some are just okay, i'm sure i will crash and burn here soon. i have this is how it always is from the library, can't wait to get to it. i had to laugh at 'chicken thighs made with a bunch of shit in the crockpot'.
    i don't know how anyone could forget either. i remember every little detail of where i was and what i was doing. because of time time difference i woke up super early because my mum and brother were talking about planes crashing into buildings. i thought i was dreaming or they were talking about a movie. i went out to the living room to tell them to shut up and obviously didn't.

  16. You sure did pack a lot into one weekend! That sunrise was indeed a reward for effort there!! Gorgeous! Your crockpot meal sounded like the soup I made the other day, just tossing shit in that I had from the pantry and freezer. It turned out alright. :) Hope you have a great week!

  17. As always, lovely sunrise pictures. I'm now craving cinnamon cake donuts though. I blame you for that.


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