
Friday, September 8, 2017

I'm in the mood for

A large iced coffee with a medium back

Airing out my sweaters

The end of the dog poops and Geege's general malaise

Rambling around a quiet beach town

Sinking into a good book

Seeing a sunrise

Anyone but trump

Finishing up some work projects that have dogged me through the summer

Purging my kitchen

Meandering around slowly on my bike

Figuring out how to maximize the one storage closet I have at the shore

Talking to people who actually know what they're talking about instead of making sweeping and gross generalizations

Cleaning out my freezer and pantry


Good thing the weekend is here. Have a great weekend mon frers!


  1. YES PLEASE, FRIDAY! Love this post idea!

  2. You see the best sunrises! Have a great weekend.

  3. I;m so happy Friday has arrived. And amen to the freezer clean out, I'm working on it! Did get all the frozen pop cleaned out, that was nice.

  4. Hope you have the best weekend girl!! Enjoy the sunrises! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  5. Yes to all of these things!!! I was just thinking the other day that my kitchen needs a serious decluttering/reorganzing. Hope you enjoy your weekend!

  6. A large coffee sounds so perfect right now!

  7. 100% in the mood for Friday. And anyone but Tr*mp. Ugh.

  8. Yep... I thought this chilly morning its time to get the sweaters all aired out & cleaned.

  9. I also had to air out all of my sweaters after being packed away all summer; I hate the plastic smell from the bins

  10. So glad it is FRIDAY! I love all of these. I can't wait for sweater season and the end of sweating season.

  11. I'm in the mood for a lazy day of reading!

  12. Sign me up for everything on this list! I am in the mood for a long walk on this beautiful day and will be taking one at lunch! Have a great weekend!

  13. In the mood for all of this, but esp sunshine - for everyone. Go away Irma FFS

  14. I am aaaaaall about purging this month. I haven't got around to it yet, but it's on the agenda!

  15. I'm in the mood for all being safe and sound and loving and liberty and justice for all as much as possible everywhere. And your pictures and words always. Love. Your. Momma.

  16. Hope you get to enjoy most, if not all of these things this weekend! LOL @ anyone but trump. Touche.

  17. Anyone but Trump x100000000
    A nap.
    A day off.
    It not to be 90+ degrees.


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