
Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Spring goal report

I was supposed to report in on this this weekend, and I didn't. Probably because honestly? There's not much to report. This was partly a case of missing motivation and shifting priorities. When it came down to it, I didn't care much to complete any of these. Good thing they weren't really necessary because that's exactly what I did - leave them as they were. LOL

1. Go whale watching. Newp. 

2. Attend high tea. No. 

3. Begin learning conversational French. Yes! I got my CDs and books and have started.

4. Visit the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Nope. Moved this to summer and made it the sculpture garden. 

5. Go strawberry picking and make a strawberry pie. This has been on my goal list for years and I never do it. Do I even want to go strawberry picking? No. This is the last year it will appear. I went when I was little. That will suffice.

6. Run through a timed cleaning of the shore house a few times and be sure I can get it done in two hours so I'm prepared for rental switchovers on the Saturdays I'll be cleaning it. Done, but having it cleaned every week in case I can't be there. And when I am, I can deal with the outside areas.

7. Improve my home improvement skills. I'd say overall yes, but I still need to learn many more things.

8. Check out the Chinese Lanterns in Franklin Square. Done.

9. Wear bracelets every weekday and photograph for proof. I have a lot and I typically only wear them if I'm going somewhere. I was absolutely on this the first two weeks. Then totally not on it. But I have been better overall so I'm going to give it a half pass. 

10. Easter Sunrise on the beach. Nope. It was gray in the morning. I've seen many others though, so I'm good. 

If you missed my summer goals, you can see them here.

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  1. I have strawberry or some kind of picking on my summer bucket list! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. i heard strawberry picking is fun. we have small windows of them here but i always seem to hear about it when all the good ones are picked and it's the last day :(

  3. Ugh I grew up picking strawberries. All I remember is it being hot, dirty and muddy. At most of my local strawberry places you can pay a little more for a nice basket that someone ELSE picked that morning. :) #worthit

  4. Strawberry picking is not fun. Snakes could be in there. Local strawberries are the best of the weather has been appropriate. I don't like dirt either. Glad you are having the shore house cleaned. Lovin' these glorious summer days! Happy Wednesday! Love. Your. Momma.

  5. That's how I'm feeling on my 101 in 1001. I started doing a post for my 1 year check in & I look at some of my goals & I'm either like "don't care" or "get real you are not going to do all of this in the next 1.5 years"

  6. Add whale watching to summer and get a groupon. Well worth it. And I'm with's worth the extra money to buy strawberries already picked.

  7. I hate when that happens—I write this lofty goal list, picturing myself adventuring and exploring and enjoying life with such abandon...and then I have to be an adult and those plans go right out the window, as do any desire to actually complete them. Ah, such is life.

  8. I'd say you crossed off a fair amount of stuff. And you definitely rationalized the reasons for not crossing some stuff off... So I think you're good to go for summer :) Haha!

  9. You did pretty good with your goals. I didn't even make a list. I love love the Philly Art Museum. I went on a Sunday afternoon (on a really really hot day in June) and we totally had the place ourselves. It was great. They also have a really good little coffee shop.

  10. This made me laugh - I could never do a post like this cause it'd be a whole lot of NEWPS. It's so hard to get all this stuff done! I made that 2016 FuckIt BucketList & guess how many things I've done so far this year? One. ONE!

  11. haha - I wondered what happened to the bracelets :) That was a fun challenge though.
    You'll have to let me know if the tapes work for the French - I want to learn Spanish so badly & wondered if those tapes really work.

  12. Thinking about your comments about strawberry picking... I had a few "more easily do-able" bucket list items that had been on that list for years and I never did them - even though I had opportunities. It occurred to me one day that apparently those bucket list items didn't mean as much to me as they once did, for if they did I would have made a point to do them. Might be the same thing with your strawberry picking and there's nothing wrong with that. As we evolve and grow, so should our interests and goals. Have a good one!

    PS I remember your post about the lantern festival... That was super cool!

  13. I LOVE high tea. It always makes me feel so fancy and grown-up. :) There is a place fairly close to where I live that serves a nice one. It's not super fancy (i.e. no harp in the background, which I don't miss) but good. I can really struggle with goal achievement but goals are fluid, like you said. Something I don't always remember, then beat myself up over. Are you learning French for your European trip or just for fun? Or both. :)

  14. I understand why you do seasonal goals, but my shifting priorities is why I usually do monthly ones. If I set a goal too far in advance, I flounder. I had a planning sheet for new year's resolutions and I threw it away the other day because I didn't care about those goals anymore.
    Your bracelet one is like me and nails. I swear I'll paint them and it works for like 2 weeks.

  15. Strawberry picking sounds good in theory but one of those things I think I want to do but don't really want to actually. Haha. I am going tomato and pepper picking in my own garden, that is good enough for me! I have lots of bracelets I dont ever wear, I should challenge myself to wear them.

  16. Strawberry picking abandonment! Hahahahaha!

  17. I have a great and easy strawberry pie recipe that never fails and requires no picking. Happy to share if you like!

  18. I love the first "newwwwwp". ha! These are good goals. Berry picking is actually really, really fun and I love doing it. I hope you go! I wonder if they have it down here.

  19. Love your view of strawberry picking, I went as a kid too and that'll be enough. It sounds like fun, but it gets so hot picking those pretty berries out in the sun! But YES to high tea! Can't wait to hear if you accomplish this one :)

  20. Hahah you cracked me up on the strawberry one! Strawberry pies are delicious, but there's a lot of work that goes into the making of them.

  21. This has reminded me that I'd quite like to find a pick your own farm out around here. I'm sure there don't seem to be as many as there used to be... I'm not sure I'll necessarily enjoy strawberry picking a huge amount, but if it makes my berries any cheaper than the ridiculous prices they're going for in the shops here then I'll be happy!

  22. I live 20 mins from Philly and haven't been to the Museum of Art once. Totally my fault, I've heard it's awesome and I want to go. I want the strawberry pie part of that goal but I have not picked strawberries, either. Pie sounds delicous, though.

  23. I say the same thing about strawberry picking ever year and I've yet to step foot on a strawberry farm. lol I think you've caught some amazing sunsets and sunrises to make up for that one day ;-)

  24. The strawberry decision . . . cracked me up! While you may not have tackled all of these, you've had other adventures to fill the days . . . like the paint incident of 2016 - still makes me laugh!

  25. hahahaha at strawberry picking when you were little. totally counts.


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