
Monday, April 18, 2016

TWTW - the one by the numbers

120 minutes of relaxation, including massage, hand treatment, and cold stone face massage. It was like levitating in a state of nirvana for two hours. 

Two books - one finished, one started and finished
One trip to Panera, where I very rarely go; followed by one trip to Target, where I always go
Five dollars for an abundance of flowers from Produce Junction
Eleventy hours spent outside
489 photos taken of dogs - average amount on a weekend
One easy way out taken - I jumped the gun putting the spring/summer quilt on because I didn't want to face changing the duvet cover
39 minutes recording The Armchair Librarians with Jana

45 minutes setting up blog shit for the week

One crazy feminist lounge wear sighting

10 fingers painted...sometimes I choose the polish based on what is quick dry

Four dishes prepared for weekly food prep - a Tasty meatball hoagie casserole for weekend eats; egg muffins with leftover taco meat, gouda cheese, and green onions for breakfasts; power breakfast muffins for the freezer; spaghetti squash buffalo chicken for lunches...that was my first time making avocado mayo and it was a breeze. 
Three things on the grill on Sunday: chicken thighs in my preferred marinade, potato packets, grilled veggies; dinner eaten outside followed by reading outside. 
One million things still in disarray in the basement...four large pieces of furniture removed by 1-800-GOT-JUNK, over 100 books put in the giveaway pile, two bookcases moved into the back basement see how the two rooms used to look, click here. That post is completely out of date, but the before photos from the basement stand. I'll do proper before and afters when I'm finished, which at this rate will be in the year 2089.
Nine hours of sleep both Friday and Saturday nights

Four loads of laundry, each load run through the dryer at least twice because that's on the fritz

Two runnings of the dishwasher

Four events I did not attend in order to get my shit together, center myself, and restore my balance this weekend

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Sometimes I feel the need to slow it way down and mostly block out the noise. This was one of those weekends. It's good for the soul.

Taxes are due today. In case anyone possibly forgot.

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Linking up with Biana at B Loved Boston for Weekending &

Weekly Wrap Up


  1. What a great way to start the weekend...a massage is always needed!! I sometimes choose polish on quick dry times too!! Happy monday! xo, biana -BlovedBoston

  2. I need one of these weekends. I haven't had a "me" weekend in three weeks now. Not positive I'll get one until May. I love getting projects done at home though, looks good! Way to donate! I don't even own 100 books anymore. I donated a while back. So time to rebuild the collection.

  3. I had a clear the decks Saturday as well, and it was brilliant. I only wish it could have been the whole weekend to be honest. I'll work on that one.

    I love the feminist t-shirt, all the outside time, and the relaxation. Looks good to me.

  4. Looks like it was a really productive weekend! Yay for that massage situation--what a great way to start things off. I like the way you roll :)

  5. Good for you not going to events so you could focus on you. I need to do more of that in life.
    That Feminist shirt - I love it!
    Totally jealous of your pampering time.
    You need more Panera in your life. I could go there with my Kindle & sit & eat every day. I may just do that for lunch :)

  6. Hell yes for getting the junk out!! YAY!!

  7. I miss Panera and cheap flowers, listed under things you don't find at the beach.

    I spent some time outside this weekend too, it was way to cool to be on the other side of the dunes but perfect for yard time.

  8. Looks like your making a lot of progress in the basement! Those flowers are so pretty!

  9. It sounds like you got a lot of reading done, along with a lot of other organization and prep for the week! There should always be hundreds of puppy pictures taken during the weekend!

  10. I need a new place for facials (my lady is about to retire, after seeing her for seven years!), I haven't heard much about Hand and Stone, but you seem to like them? I have one close to me...tell me more! LOL

  11. Two hours of relaxation sounds heavenly. I’m jealous. That panera iced coffee looks delicious! Love what you did with all the flowers! those are gorgeous. Time outside it the best way to spent it. I love the feminist top. 9 hours of sleep is what happened last night and it was life changing!

  12. Your stone facial sounds amazing!!! It really was a gorgeous weekend all over, glad you got to enjoy some of it outside! I really want a cinnamon crunch bagel from Panera now....Hope you have a great week!

  13. I would love to get a massage...sounds so nice right now.

    I totally want to try that meatball casserole thing!

    I miss going to was my go-to when I was in college!

  14. A massage sounds amazing right now.

  15. I have never had a massage. They freak me out. But I keep hearing that they're awesome so maybe one day I'll get over myself and get one.

    Any weekend spent with Dean B. is a good weekend.

  16. So much reading and outside relaxing this weekend here too. At one point I felt guilty that I wasn't inside cleaning but then I thought, I've waited six months for a day this nice. I'm not going in! That meatball sub recipe looks great!

  17. That whole weekend looks/sounds good for the soul indeed. One that starts with 2 hours at the spa has to be, right?! That meatball hoagie casserole looks tasty- wonder if it would freeze well?

  18. 120 minutes of relaxation treatments sounds heavenly. Glad you had a successful recharging weekend!

  19. I love hot stone massages but I've never heard of a cold stone facial. Sounds intriguing! I have The Girls from NetGalley but haven't had a chance to dig into yet. The number of books on my shelf (but real and literal shelves) is getting out of control. :) And that is an insane amount of gorgeous flowers for $5.

  20. I never forget tax season as I look forward to the money I get back! Nice job on the basement! Always feels good to clear out things you've long been meaning to. I see those poor square TVs on street corners constantly marked 'free'. lol. I honestly think I see them once a week! Love the shirt. And yes, it was a fabulous weekend to be outside!

  21. Glad you were able to cancel plans in order to have some "me" time. Self care is important yet underrated. I have to say being able to sit outside over the weekend was good for the soul. The basement is already looking so much better!

  22. Sounds like canceling plans was a good idea. You got a lot accomplished! And nine hours of sleep is worth it. I rarely go to Panera and always Target, too. Panera doesn't wow me but it's not bad and sometimes I'm in the mood.

  23. Oooohhhhh I have a Hand and Stone membership and I am not aware of the cold stone face massage. I need that in my life, asap.

    I love Panera and actually prefer their iced coffee to Starbucks and Dunkin. My only knock in them is the lack of drive-thru, and sometimes in the morning I just don't feel like going in, and I can't order from my driveway and roll in and pick it up like I can at Starbucks. Panera has some sort of order ahead, but I don't think its the app like Starbucks.

  24. Sounds like the absolute perfect weekend! Panera, Target, a massage, fresh flowers, and time spent outside all add up to perfection. Canceling all plans and having "me time" is so good for the soul sometimes <3

  25. Your weekend sounded heavenly!

  26. I'm blown away at the beautiful array (not to mention, massive bunch) of flowers. I would've spent at least 30-40 dollars on that many here!!! Hell, you could probably ship me flowers for less than what I'd pay. Jealousssss! ;-) Looks like he children had an enjoyable weekend.

  27. $5 is a steal for that amount of flowers!! I always want to pick up some at Trader Joe's and can't justify the price for the amount/selection. I'm not sure if I have the patience to sit still for 120 minutes even if that involves pampering...after 60 minutes I'm dunzo and ready to carry on with life. Probably not a good thing. lol The spaghetti squash buffalo chicken sounds amazing. I'm pinning that to make in the near future.

  28. Yay for massages...and for just knowing when to say *enough*. Like you said, there's something to be said for having time to get it all together.

  29. I think dinner and reading outside was my favorite part of this post. And the dog pictures. And the massage and relaxation time. And Please Don't Come Back from the Moon. And the Armchair Librarians (I caught up listening yesterday). I guess I just liked this whole post!

  30. I'm reading The Girls, too! Only at like 10% so far, so I'm still not sure how I feel about it.

  31. So good for the soul. I was grateful yesterday had nothing pressing because I was barely home all weekend and needed Monday to come "back home" and reset for a week of responsibility. You need it sometimes for sure. Also, I love that shirt—a friend of mine just posted hers on Instagram too, the exact one. Where is it from??

  32. holy moly all of the things. yay for relaxation! that meatball casserole looks legit. that shirt is fabulous. i take as many photos of my cats as you do of your dogs. why are pets so fun to take photos of? lol

  33. OMG! That Matt McGorry feminism shirt! I want one. I have The Girls on my Kindle, I just haven't had time to get to it. All those flowers for $5?!

  34. I also choose my nail polish based off of the advertised drying time, yet I rarely seem to avoid smudging and ruining it all. I'm like a child, 60 seconds is too long for me! I tried those Jamberry things due to the zero drying time but that took me just about all day and looked all kinds of ridiculous on my fingers. I couldn't get the damn things to go on straight! #firstworldproblems.

  35. $5 for all those flowers. GOODBYE. Also... 120 minutes of self care (that sounds awkward) sounds DIVINE. I applaud that. And the 489 pug pictures.


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