
Friday, January 20, 2023

healthy fast recipes for the new year

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If you want to start the new year as you mean to go on, you are in the right place. So much of our life quality is determined by our diets, but we can slip into bad habits very easily. If you want to stay healthy and improve your wellbeing, you need the right food groups for meal planning.  

Veggie Soups 

Soups aren’t only for winter; they are perfect for any time of the year! Veggie soups are also simple to make and keep you healthy. There are various types of veggie soup; you can have a combination of vegetables from your veg box or something more focused, like spicy carrot soup. 

If you want to maintain a healthy diet for yourself and your family this year, make sure you have plenty of ingredients in for soup. As long as you have some vegetable stock, soup is always an option; simply decide whether you want spicy carrot soup, spicy vegetable soup, or minestrone.   

Spaghetti Bolognese 

Another firm favorite for most families is spaghetti bolognese. This Italian staple is fast and healthy; it can also be easily frozen, making it perfect for lunches on the move. Again, spaghetti bolognese is a creative meal; you can choose to add various vegetables and spices to flavor.

All you need in your cupboards for spaghetti bolognese is pasta, bolognese sauce, and your choice of vegetables and spices. This meal has a low number of calories - around 300 per serving - it is also low in fat and sugar. Don’t forget to add some cheese gratings on top.    

Instant Pot Collard Greens 

For a healthy and fast evening meal, choose instant pot collard greens. Collard greens are a selection of loose-leafed greens that include Champion, Ellen Felton Dark, Georgia, Morris Heading, and Tiger Hybrid. These are super healthy and delicious with some added bacon. 

Collard greens with bacon offer excellent nutritional value and taste; this simple meal can also be made in around 30 minutes, enough time for you to arrive at home after work. It’s best to wait until greens are soft and stringy before eating - learn how to make collard greens with bacon!   

Veggie Yaki Udon 

Stir-fry is one of the fastest and healthiest foods you can find; all it requires is some noodles, some vegetables, a wok, and around fifteen minutes to put it together. Stir-fry might be simple and healthy, but you might get tired of eating it fairly soon. So, why not try an alternative to it? 

Veggie Yaki Udon is a suitable stand-in for conventional stir-fry. Yaki Udon noodles are thicker and more substantial, offering better value and added nutrition. As with stir-fry, you can add plenty of flavor, vegetables, and meats depending on your tastes - there are also vegan options.    

Healthy Salads 

If you want a fast and healthy meal for lunch or dinner, make sure you don’t dismiss healthy salads. Leafy greens and fresh vegetables are some of the healthiest and most energizing foods you can find, and a salad doesn’t have to be boring either - check out these recipes
This post was written with the Life According to Steph readers in mind

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