
Thursday, August 11, 2022

Thursday Thoughts - Everything's all right, I'll just say good night and I'll show myself to the door

Blooms. Monday morning nothing, today something.
I am the toilet paper replacer. Sunday, in a public restaurant. Tuesday, private event at someone's home I don't know. Wednesday, my own home. I need to accept that this is part of my journey.
Summer foods, make me feel fiiiiiine.
Bruce's work day.
Every day is a good way to break generational cycles. Tuesday was my uncle's funeral services. My cousins and aunts did a wonderful job and the day was balanced between truth, grief, and laughter. It was great to sit with my cousins after. We don't see each other like we did when we were young. We are spread out and people have their own lives, families, and in-laws. We can be in touch more, and we're going to get a family weekend on the books next year at the shore. Every time something devastating and unexpected happens, we are all given an extra opportunity to be better going forward. That's ours to take or not.

Fetterman for PA. MFD and I attended a private event in Mt. Airy on Tuesday night with Senator Murphy from CT, John Fetterman and his wife Giselle. It was great to see John out in his typical hoodie as his typical self after his stroke earlier this year. 
I've heard enough from old white men. Period.

Happy birthday Carol! Our family activities director, one of the Musketeers, and a great adventure companion, stepmom, mother-in-law, and Cici!

Happy birthday Jared today also, a member of our framily via Stephen

No, YOU panic lost your bra in a bag at the mammogram place. In my defense, it was early, I was hangry, and I had no coffee. Get your yearly checks everyone!

You can mail your poop. Since I'm 45 and am removed enough from any familial history with colon cancer or issues, my first option was Cologard where your doctor facilitates a box being mailed to you, and you poop in it and send it to be tested and if it's okay you do not have to get a colonoscopy yet. Mailing poop. 2022. What a time to be alive. No photos of this. You're welcome. But take these tests please!

The reaction to this raid from the GOP is Anti-democracy. Anti-America. We are literally talking about a man who hired the current FBI Director, and who made it a point to sign a stricter law about confidential files, making it a felony. The party of Law & Order needs to apply that to everyone, including themselves. You're all fucking dangerous. Stop it.

Beauty this week. In Mt. Airy. Under the burgeoning Sturgeon Moon.

What appears beyond the hyphen in Thursday Thoughts titles is what I'm listening to when I'm starting this - this week is Friends in Low Places by Garth Brooks, for my uncle

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