
Monday, August 23, 2021

TWTW - Cruising into my favorite part of summer

Friday I worked the morning at home and the afternoon at the shore. I had to go to ACME to exchange the five gallon water jugs and can I say I hate running errands Friday at the shore. Everyone is in a hot ass hurry to get their weekends all set. I took a walk down to the beach after work and when I came off I restocked my soap from LEH and popcorn from Johnson's and picked up a hoagie from Angelo's. MFD and his niece Maddi arrived around 10 with the old dogs and the kitten for Billy's first time at the shore. That was a process getting shit settled so we were up until close to 1. 
Saturday I was up walking and feeding dogs by 5:40. We did turnover, best guests leaving so it was easy, and Maddi and I did some shopping on Asbury Ave. before the rains came. I painted my nails (no pic here but OPI Now Museum, Now You Don't and Essie Mochachino) and even my busted up toes - first time having polish on in many weeks. Rains from Henri passing by off-shore killed the rest of the day. I finished a book and read another. 
Sunday I was thinking the day would be a wash but it turned out to be beautiful. Maddi and I hit the beach, MFD ran errands and then they hit the boards while I showered, packed up, ran to the library, and headed home with Maddi and the four dogs. Billy stayed down with MFD to get a break from Bruce's overbearing love. Separation breaks are harder to enforce in what is basically the size of a larger hotel room. Billy is very happy with all of his under the bed hiding places in our apartment though. I dropped Maddi off and took the then screaming dogs home. Unpacked, opened shore shipments, got those boxes out to recycle, ate leftover pizza, hung out with my dad, did laundry, read, and slept in the basement with Gus.

Why is it my favorite part of summer? After this weekend, there's only one more Saturday turnover at the shore. Then I clean up after a Friday checkout and we have a Wednesday after Labor Day check in then just us and family and friends. 

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