
Thursday, September 3, 2020

Thursday Thoughts - Though he walks through the shadows he won't fear his neighbor

Feeling like a zombie from too much time in front of the computer screen and phone this week so this will be short and sweet. 

Visiting in the driveway Monday when Laura, Chris, and MBD came through with a drive by on their way back from WW. I don't like much about the Covid world but I don't mind outdoor visits at all. 

Co-habitating with family this week. Dad (back and forth to work), Carol,  my brother (working upstairs), Aubrey (some working), Lola, and Stephen.
Strolling the Farmers Market yesterday. Mae got to go with the people. 
Drinking one of the only Starbucks drinks I like - the pumpkin cream cold brew with absolutely no syrup added because syrup in coffee is vile to me. My brother picked it up. 

Eating other people's cooking, which is the best, right? Carol came in with the stuffed peppers and Aubrey made salmon and asparagus. I also had watermelon for the first time this summer just this morning. Ain't that some shit.
Sharing dog pics because of course I am

Painting the side of the cabinet with chalkboard paint, which didn't really work, so that will be getting covered up ASAP with contact paper

Avoiding going into so many things that are fucking insane about living in America right now. Offering this: the multi slide commentary on trump voters from Design Mom sums up my feelings greatly; 

Coming out of on the campaign trail retirement to share MFD's birthday campaign fundraiser link one more time 

Listening to Street Corner Preacher by Amos Lee when I started writing this - the lyrics follow the hyphen in the title

Reading a few Netgalley books while I'm anxiously waiting on two books from Yaa Gyasi and Alyssa Cole that released Sept 1. I pre-ordered them. I hope everyone is still out there reading black authors and whenever financially feasible pre-ordering books they have coming out and buying those from Black owned book stores! It's hard for me to read on a kindle right now, I think due to the aforementioned screen time overload. Show Us Your Books is Tuesday! 

Checking out other September book releases - so many good ones coming out this month. 

Loving my $2 Marshalls clearance find

Counting down the hours until 5. Work has been absolutely brutal and I’m off starting tomorrow through Wednesday. Debbie is coming down and MFD is coming back and we'll see Frank and Amanda and Eva on the beach too. But first, a zoom happy hour. Insert that crazy eye emoji here. 

Reminding us


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Linking up with Kristen

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