
Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Recommendations - August 2019

If you wouldn't do it or say it in person, don't do it or say it online. Some of you who were raised without the internet have forgotten how to be real people with conflict resolution skills and it shows. You need to remember that and teach younger people who don't know a world without the internet. Address problems with people directly and don't put on some persona that is not you. It's weird.

Always have frozen spaghetti sauce in the freezer. I probably should have shared my recipe before now, but I will next time I make it. If you want it in the meantime, let me know. It's veggie meat sauce and I triple it and share with family too.

Share quick and easy meals or good lunch ideas with people. If you make something and it's easy/healthy-ish/cheap-ish, you need share that shit on any platform you have - share a link on facebook, post it on Instagram, include it in your blog, tell your friends and fam in person or via text, hire a plane and write it in the sky. People are out there struggling for lunch and meal ideas. It's the right thing to do.

Wear whatever you want. If you like it and it's comfortable and it makes you happy, wear it. You are under no obligation to be a fashionista or to dress only in neutrals or to avoid patterns or styles based on some bullshit society tells you about what your body type is or what people your age should wear. Your body type wears whatever it wants and aging does not require you to fade quietly into the ether. Fuck all that.

Breathe through it. Whatever it is. Deep breaths, acknowledge that you’re feeling some kind of way, and that it will pass. And as you concentrate on breathing deeply, it does. 

Anything you're recommending this month?

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