
Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Show Us Your Books - Birthday Month Reading Report

I'm only working three days this week. It's two days until my birthday and I can't think of a better way to spend the Tuesday before it than talking about books with all of you. 

Linkup Guidelines:
This link up is the second Tuesday of every month. The next linkup is April 10, 2018. 
1. Visit and comment with both of your hosts, Jana & me
2. Display the button and/or link back to us on your blog post
2. Visit other blogs who've linked up and talk books as booknerds are wont to do

Here's what I've been reading since the last linkup

Engrossing Reads

One of Us is Lying by Karen M. McManus - I read this in a few hours and most of them were from 11 pm - 2 am on a school night so you freaking now I couldn't put it down. I loved this book. Technically YA, I guess? It hit so many of my reading hotspots. Philly library hardback.

After Nightfall by A.J. Banner - I tore through this one and probably pinned the tail on every character at some point. Lots of suspension of belief for a series of events but an enjoyable read nonetheless. Not a lot of character development and a wishy washy lead character but both of those things actually benefited the story. What it lacked in those areas it made up for in drama. Free ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review, book comes out in August.

American Fire: Love, Arson, and Life in a Vanishing Land - A nonfiction book in engrossing reads, who am I? You know why I loved this? It read like fiction. This is a wild fucking story. Check it out. Philly library hardback

Passed the Time Just Fine

Bring Me Back by B.A. Paris - I devoured this book while alternately thinking this is so good/this is going nowhere. It was a weird read. Read it when it comes out and tell me what you think.
Free ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review, book comes out in June.

The Favorite Sister by Jessica Knoll - I hated her first novel so I was apprehensive about this one and I think sort of determined not to like it? I ended up liking it. The subject matter - sort of a behind the scenes of a reality TV show - was not thrilling to me, but there was a large backdrop of women's issues and feminism and how women will fucking eat each other alive to be who the world wants them to be and, well, you can see what that brings as this comes to a conclusion. Free ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review, book comes out in May

Pretty Girls Dancing by Kylie Brant - I freaking love creep novels. This is one. It could have gone in the engrossing reads category too. e-book, Kindle store

The Visitor by K.L. Slater - Half of me really enjoyed this and half of me was disappointed with the lack of depth in quite a few areas. Overall though, I enjoy things are not what they seem books. E-copy from Netgalley  in exchange for an honest review, book is out now.

The Wife Between Us by Greer Hendricks - I had no interest in reading this, then all of the sudden I did. It was a different book than I thought it was going in and I ended up liking it. Did I love it? No. But it passed the time just fine. This is why I am in favor of picking a book and just trying it for a while with no requirements to finish anything. If I didn't do that, I would miss out on a lot of books I've ended up liking or loving that I resisted reading initially. Philly library hardback

Silent Victim by Caroline Mitchell - If this book was a conversation I was observing, my head would have been swiveling back and forth the whole time give or take a few boring spots. E-copy from Netgalley  in exchange for an honest review, book is out now

Not That I Could Tell by Jessica Strawser - A solid neighbor read - how well do you know your neighbors? I liked most of the characters and was surprised by the ending. Free ARC from Netgalley  in exchange for an honest review, book comes out at the end of this month

Not Worth It
Providence by Caroline Kepnes - I love her writing, so this pains me to put it here, but I just didn't click with the story. I know many people will so I urge you all to try it. Free ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review, book comes out in June

The Bad Daughter by Joy Fielding - I've read a few things by her, and like in those books I hated pretty much everyone in this book. I figured out what was going on early on, but still enjoyed the what is happening dance. Still I wouldn't be like rush to read this. Free ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review, book is out now

Did Not Finish

What have you been reading? 


  1. One of Us is Lying is on my TBR and I love seeing another positive review for it. I really need to prioritize it. I'm so glad you enjoyed The Wife Between Us. I really liked it quite a bit. Mostly because the bad thing that Vanessa did surprised me by both being ingenious and awful, so awful. Happy early birthday!

  2. One of Us is Lying is one I purchased on a whim and it's on my "need to read it soon" list. I've heard nothing but great things about it!

  3. LOVED One of Us Is Lying. Felt the same as you did by the Wife Between Us. I'm curious to see what I think of Providence now since you and I have similar taste.

  4. Oh I’m going to be checking some of these out especially One of Us is Lying. I also read the Wife Between Us this month. Happy Reading!

  5. Several friends that I work with have recommended The Wife Between Us. I may need to bump it up in the cue... (After I finish the books I have slated to finish Erin's challenge.). I added One of Us is lying to my Goodreads TBR a while back. Given what you've said about it, I may bump it up, too.

  6. I'm currently halfway through Not That I Could Tell - I feel like I've read a couple of "how well do you know your neighbors/spouse" type of books lately, so I wasn't so sure about it at first, but I really do appreciate the likeability of the characters, so I'm all in now :) And I was thinking about picking up American Fire for my husband, who mostly reads non-fiction but has been doing more fiction lately - sounds like it might be just the thing!

  7. I have One of Us is Lying on my TBR, glad to hear you liked it! I am on the wait list at the library for The Wife Between us and I have Bring Me Back on my Netgalley shelf just waiting to be read. Sounds like I have some good books on deck! I am with you on just going in to a book and trying it, knowing I can let it go if I don't enjoy. You never know what you may like. Look at you reading nonfiction.

  8. After just finishing my second B.A. Paris book, I've been wanting to read her new one.

    I really am excited about One of Us is Lying since I read about it on like Buzzfeed :)

  9. One of Us Is Lying is that book that can't be put down, until you know exactly what happened! I also just finished Wife Between US, and it wasn't what I thought it would be... reading thrillers has given me a deep mistrust of husbands in books.

    1. Ana, if you check back here, can I have your email so I can reply to you directly? Mine is

      TOTALLY agree on the deep mistrust of husbands thanks to thrillers. LOL

  10. Ooh, someone else just recommended "One of Us is Lying" to me yesterday and now I really can't wait to read it! I've read one book by Joy Fielding ("She's Not There") and enjoyed it, good to know they're not all worth the time!

  11. Happy Birthday Month! I have not read any of these, but I DO have One of Us Is Lying on want to read list, so I'm so glad to hear that you loved it. It just sounds fantastic!


  12. Happy early birthday! I also read The Wife Between Us this month and enjoyed it. I am going to have to give One Of Us Is Lying another try. I tried awhile ago and couldn't get into it. I think I added almost every book from your engrossing reads and Passed the Time Just fine lists to my to read list! LOL! Thanks for the recommendations!

  13. One of Us is Lying has been on my TBR...might have to bump it up after your review! I've been killing some YA lately, and it's AWESOME.

  14. I have Bring me Back from Netgalley too - going to get to that sometime. Her books are kind of not my favourite although I do find I have to read them super quickly because I need to know the ending. I want to read One of us is Lying! Sounds good!

  15. American Fire sounds so good - I've had that on hold at the library forever. I've also seen so many people reading One of Us is Lying with great reviews, so I'm adding that one too!

  16. Currently reading Providence. One chapter in. We'll see.

    You know I loved American Fire and One of Us Is Lying was great, too.

  17. I read another book by AJ Banner recently and really liked it (The Twilight Wife) so I may check this one out, too! I have The Wife Between on Us on hold at the library - can't wait to read it!

  18. i really enjoyed one of us is lying too. very unputdownable! i got the wife between us from BOTM so i'm glad you didn't hate it. i also got not that i could tell from BOTM just this past month i think, it sounded interesting! happy birthday week!

  19. Totally adding American Fire!! Sounds so good and I love that you said it read like a fiction, those are my fav.

  20. I have been waiting for One of Us is Lying from the library for what feels like forever!

  21. I want to read One of Us is Lying and American Fire -- waiting for both at the library. Nonfiction that reads like fiction is my kind of nonfiction.

  22. You know a book is good when you want to stay up half the night reading it! I'll have to check that one out. I have American Fire on my TBR as well, I really need to get to that one soon--I keep hearing excellent things.

    1. I love nonfiction that reads like fiction! I need your email to reply to you directly!

  23. One of us is lying sounds great. I am currently reading the Alienist and just finished Mean Streak, I really liked that one.

  24. A few of my friends have read One of Us Is Lying and they loved it as well! It's going on my TBR list today!

  25. One of Us is Lying is on my bookshelf and at the top of my summer read list!
    The Favorite Sister and American Fire sound pretty good, too. Adding those now :)

  26. I'm on a massive waiting list for One of Us is Lying but I CANNOT wait for it to come in as it sounds so good!

  27. I've been intrigued by what I've heard about American Fire, but with your review I think I'll definitely be checking it out! Glad to hear it was so engrossing! Also, Happy Birthday!!! :)

    - Megan @ The Hungry Bookworm

  28. Several people have picked up One Of Us Is Lying for this linkup. I need to get it from the library! I want to read the new BA Paris book! I really enjoyed her earlier books so I’m hoping all enjoy the new one too!

  29. Oh I freaking LOVE Nonfiction...I shelved a book called "The Baking Powder Wars" because I heard it on a nonfiction book podcast and .. yeah who wouldn't want to read that? I have American Fire on the TBR but maybe I'll grab it on the next library run.

  30. One Of Us Is Lying is on my TBR, still. Adding After Nightfall. Regardless of all of the positive reviews, I still have no interest in The Wife Between Us. I appreciate the addition of when the book comes out for those ARCs, thanks! HAPPY BIRTHDAY WEEK! Enjoy your time off!

  31. One of Us is Lying sounds interesting, and I'd pick it up just because the cover makes me curious :)

  32. One Of Us Is Lying sounds like it would be a good read!

  33. I am not a Breakfast Club person, but your description of One of Us is Lying makes me want to read it because any book that keeps you reading is generally worth a try! Plus, a couple of people recommended it this month.

  34. Happy Birthday, Steph! I'll be adding American Fire and One Of Us Is Lying to my reading list for sure. I love how you set up your post in order of how much or little you enjoyed the books. That's very helpful! Enjoy your short work week : )

  35. One of Us is Lying sounds like an interesting read! I'm going to add it to my TBR when I'm in the mood for a mystery/thriller type.

  36. I'm really glad One of Us Is Lying was so good. It's pretty high on my list of books to check out soon (assuming I get through my current stack of library books in a reasonable amount of time). I have The Wife Between Us checked out now, so I'm glad you liked it. I wasn't too sure about it either (I think I read a few less than stellar reviews).

    I added a bunch of these books to my list (big surprise there!).

    Happy birthday week! Enjoy your time off work! :-)

  37. Happy birthday week!! I'm still a sucker for a good birthday countdown, which I usually start about 6 months before my birthday! Ha!

    I actually own One Of Us Is Lying! I got it in a blogger Christmas gift exchange. Now I'm even more excited to read it...eventually!

  38. Happy Birthday week!! Hope its going awesome. I just finished reading The Lake House by Kate Morton. It was fab!

  39. I listened to the wife between us and really enjoyed the audio version. Not sure I would have liked it as much reading it. I recently started reading a book called Eviction: poverty and profit in the American city. it's set in milwaukee, where I lived for 4 years, so i was immediately drawn to it. it's been so eye opening so far.

  40. I really liked One of Us is Lying! American Fire has been on my list forever, so I'm gonna move it up!

  41. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I also enjoyed One of Us is Lying. I have American Fire and The Wife Between Us on my tbr. Which would you read first? Pam :)

  42. Oh my goodness, I just put more than half of these on my 'to read' list! Thanks for this awesome post!

  43. You read so many good books! I am definitely interested in American Fire and One Of Us Is Lying now!

  44. one of us is lying has been on my TBR forever and my mom just finished the wife between us, which means a free book for me, yay!

  45. I really want to read One of Us is Lying! It just gives me a Breakfast Club vibe, but thriller-y. Exciting! XO - Alexandra

    Simply Alexandra: My Favorite Things

  46. I really liked American Fire and One of Us is Lying too! The Favorite Sister sounds interesting- sometimes it's hard to pick up a second book by an author if you didn't like the first one you read, but it's always good when it ends up being one you enjoy.


Tell me what you think, leave a comment! I'll reply to you via email if you have an email associated with yourself, otherwise, check back here for my reply. Your data will not be used to spam you or sold for others to contact you.