
Monday, February 19, 2018

TWTW - the one with the canvassing kickoff

Bruce got the snip snip of the balls on Friday, so I worked from home to drop him off at 9 and pick him up around noon. He did very well. After work I got my weekly flowers and produce at Produce Junction, hit Target at night, cut up veggies and we had pizza for dinner. We got like four hours of sleep on Thursday night so we were zombies.

Saturday up and early to make a vegetarian dish and set up for MFD's first day of gathering petitions. He had awesome volunteers show up to pound the pavement and even though you're only approaching fellow democrats for signatures to get him on the ballot in May, it takes a long time because maybe three people out of 10 answer their door. So, if anyone can give up a few hours on Saturday or Sunday or even weekdays now until March 5, please consider volunteering to get petitions signed! Everyone works in pairs and you're basically asking friendly people for signatures. It's exercise, you can hang with my dogs, and I'll feed you. Team Debbie and I will be back out again on Saturday. If you're local, contact me at and I will pass your info along to his campaign manager! The main requirement is being a registered dem in PA. Bonus points for being a registered dem in the 170th district.
Our house was headquarters from about 10-6 so once everyone left and MFD went to an event downtown this introvert chilled the fuck out, finished a book, and started a new one. Extra chill due to what I sincerely hope is the last snowfall of this season. Nails this week are Essie mochachino.
Sunday was more canvassing, but a pretty regular day for me doing laundry, changing the sheets, reading,relaxing, and policing Bruce Springsteen who now jumps up on the coffee table from the ground. I did get to catch up a little with our friend Lynz who came to help MFD.
Weekly food prep: Breakfast is egg muffins with baby bellas and extra sharp cheddar, snack is oranges and bell pepper strips, lunch and dinner are leftover roast beef and vegetarian pasta dish along with potato salad from Sunday until that runs out, then taco soup. I also made elderberry extract

I hope you had a great weekend. I am not off today, I am not off most bank holidays. Are you?

I have zero plans for blog posts for the week so let's see what happens, shall we? 


  1. If I lived in PA I would pound the pavement for you. I too hope it was our last snowfall of the season although I would love for another snow day to sneak in. March is crazy long and I could use a random day off .
    Maybe just maybe the universe will behave itself and there will be nothing to blog about? I’m not buying it either but we could hope.

  2. We had some snow come in on Saturday too -- while I love snow, I hate driving in it and it was the big fluffy wet flakes that make driving not fun. Love the nail color! We used to get Presidents' Day off but they stopped that a few years ago and the wait between Jan. 1 and the next holiday is just. too. long.

  3. Ernie's on count down for his snip as well... next month. I'm already a nervous wreck.

  4. YES! Hallelujah, I'm off today! Today is one of the five holidays I get paid for. I'm off on most federal holidays with the exception of Columbus and Veteran's Day. But, my district usually has a 1-2 week Fall Break in October, so I don't complain about not getting those days off.

    Here in central KY, we got some unexpected here on Saturday. The forecast called for rain, but it snowed instead. Big ol' fat snowflakes, too! They were gigantic clumps, maybe the biggest I've seen.

  5. I'm not off today but students are. I'm also not really doing anything. We were given a classroom work day but I don't have my own classroom soo I'm sitting in my office reading blogs... I love that nail color! Good luck to MFD!

  6. I believe President's Day has always been a paid holiday for me when I worked in Corporate. Sadly, it's not true now. I don't have to work today but I also don't get paid. :D Glad Bruce is doing fine after his surgery.

  7. Hooray for Bruce!

    I'm off today with a vet appointment for my own bozo pup because he rolled off of the couch yesterday and has a randomly occurring limp. Also yesterday we were playing on the ground. I was shaking his ball in front of me. (Bad idea.) He jumped to grab the ball, missed, and because I no longer have the graceful reflexes of my youth, he grabbed my lip instead. A trip to urgent care later I have a busted, swollen lip and a bunch of steri-strips on my face. The first weekend of the Year of the Dog has been a real doozy. (I still love him and will exercise better judgment in the future.)

  8. I work for municipal government and I am not off today. We get hardly any! I wish I could come canvass, I love stuff like that. Sounds like you got a good bit done this weekend which always seems nice. I hope that is the end of your snow!

  9. I am not off today either. I forget that these other holidays even exist until the traffic and light and I am like oh yeah....people have off today. Not me. Rude. Glad to hear Bruce did well!

  10. Last snowfall of the season LOLOL. In my experience in PA and elsewhere, most of it doesn't arrive til March.

    Hope Bruce recovers quickly!

  11. I work for a german company, so we do have today off which I am so thankful for. as always, your food looks delish! keep up the hard work canvassing :)

  12. I had today off, but I had to work a lot over the weekend, so I feel like I earned my day off!

  13. I'd definitely help y'all if I was local.
    How's Bruce baby doing? Sounds like he barely misses his balls if he's already trying to assault the coffee table. Hahaha.
    I love that nail color. Love it!

  14. I now keep my barstools upside down... Ruby jumps up on them to get up on the kitchen counter. She has long-since mastered the art of accessing the dining room table, the kitchen cabinets have child safety locks... puppies! But she makes me laugh!

  15. Whats your recipe for the egg muffins? They look/sound amazing and super convenient!
    Awesome work with the canvasing--I'm sure it's hard work but I hope it all pays off for MFD!

  16. I see the de-balling of Bruce hasn't affected his ability to get into everything. I wish I was a registered Dem in PA. I was actually wondering if the campaign finance nonsense would kick in since I'm from Texas... but no matter. I support the move to #TurnPA170blue!

  17. I'm glad you were able to get some "me" time during the weekend, even amid all the activity/craziness that goes along with running for office. I wish I were in Pennsylvania to help. I'll support you both from Nebraska, though! :-)

    We get several holidays, but mostly the major ones (plus one extra day at Thanksgiving and one extra day at Christmas). I was definitely toiling away at work yesterday. Haha.


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