
Thursday, September 14, 2017

Thursday Thoughts - the lovers, the dreamers, and me

1. Cease and desist, Birkenstock.

2. Question. How do people go about their business in the sun without sunglasses? Even thinking about it is a fate worse than death for me. My eyes are super sensitive to light, I wear sunglasses inside a lot and when it's overcast. Seeing people in the sun sans sunglasses makes me feel desperate inside, itchy to reach for my own and clutch them to my chest like a woobie. It perplexes me.

3. Every fiber of my being hopes that he's going to snap out of it and start eating normally again tonight, but in reality I think Geege is in his final decline. Please excuse my mental and emotional instability at this time, and I don't know if this time is a week or a month or six months or a year or what. Watching this and trying to monitor and gauge comfort is harder than I imagined, and I have imagined it a lot. I have cried more tears this week than I've ever cried in my life over anything, especially over something that is simply in the process of happening. They just leak out at work or on the train or wherever I am. I was crying so hard after the vet left Monday night when I called MFD in TX that I could barely breathe. It was hard to hear that there's nothing to do. Inaction is not my comfort zone. I know love is action but it feels like it's not and I hate that too. I think I've gotten a grip but spent much of the week totally off-balance. Edit: he ate more than he has in weeks last night and was trotting around this morning. Prove everyone wrong, buddy. 

4. My life is a country music song this week: I think my dog is slowly dying, I touched a slug with my bare foot and hand, salsa spilled in my backpack so my planner smells like a Mexican restaurant, and my train hit and killed a person Wednesday morning. Ole, motherfuckers.

5. Irma donations, focusing on the islands. I know Irma is the latest in the news cycle, but please remember TX still needs your help. Prayers and good thoughts are great, but the people affected actually need monetary assistance and physical supplies ONLY of things they have explicitly requested for physical donations, please - lists are provided for a reason. Something they will also need in the weeks and months to come - donations in the form of volunteers on the ground to help clear and rebuild and do physical labor. If you have the time and can get to one of these places, please consider using some of your days to do that. If you can get to Rockport, TX, I can get you a volunteer coordinator contact there - 70%+ of their structures were decimated. I will also pop back at some point with some places to donate to in the Keys since access is still very limited right now and immediate needs remain unclear and thus unmet. As always if you have organizations to add, please let me know.
-US Virgin Islands: Tim Duncan's YouCaring Fund . Virgin Islands Relief Fund is also taking shipments to St. John leaving from Philadelphia c/o Atlantic Aviation on Ashton Road if you would like to drop off until the end of this week, otherwise items will be shipped to Puerto Rico for disbursement to St. Thomas and St. John as there is no mail or air access to them at this point. There is an Amazon wish list and things change daily so please visit the Virgin Islands Relief page or Virgin Islands Relief Fund web page for the most up to date info and needs. If you need assistance navigating that to find the most up to date info, please let me know.
-St Thomas shipping container - You can't get to St. Thomas right now, but supplies are being shipped there if the cost of a container can be covered.
 -Antigua and Barbuda Red Cross - More than 95% of the structures on Barbuda were demolished. There is literally nothing.
- Here is an entire page of Irma gofundmes, many for the islands who are without access to most things at this time
-Donate blood - The Red Cross and OneBlood are calling for blood donations to aid in recovery efforts and make up for the suspension of blood donation efforts in FL. Blood donation activities are suspended in a hurricane but the need for blood does not stop. OneBlood sent supplies west to Texas as they had the same situation and now they are down themselves.
-National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster is an umbrella organization registering volunteers who will mobilize to assist on the ground once called upon. As with anything else, do NOT self-deploy to help unless you are working with an organization and have a plan or you will create an additional burden for communities that cannot take care of one more person, even someone looking to do good. This org will deploy across many affected areas.
-Volunteers needed on the ground in TX. MFD has been volunteering around Houston for the past week, these are legitimate and there is need if you have time and the ability to get there and get yourself housed: BakerRipley Harvey Shelter at NRG, Houston Food Bank, Second Baptist Church Houston Strong Volunteer Sign Up (opportunities to bring corporations or groups in to serve)

6. If you REALLY want to help please vote for candidates that believe in science. Call your government reps and tell them to leave flood insurance alone or improve it but not to roll anything back. Tell them not to let over-development of wetlands happen. Tell them climate change is real.

7. MFD comes back from TX today just as I am scheming on moving down the shore for two weeks. It'll add to my commute but I might not mind. And if I do mind I can always come home. I said I was going to do this last year and I didn't. It might be time. I think it would be good for me mentally.

8. Allow me to direct you to
-This ATTN video showing how it would be if we treated male athletes the same way we treat female athletes
-The link to register to vote in PA - October 10 is the last day to register before the 11/7/2017 election. Every election counts. The local ones more than anything. Please know when yours is and when your deadline is to register if you are not already registered or if you have a closed primary and need to affiliate with a party to vote.
-How trump lied to conceal his Moscow business partner
-As we approach the holiday season, maybe consider giving the gift of experiences and time over toys or things
-This opinion piece in Vogue entitled No, Hillary Clinton, the First Woman to Win a Major-Party Presidential Nomination, Does Not Need to Shut Up About It
-Rest in peace, Edie Windsor - a Philly-born warrior for LGBT rights and lead plaintiff in the SCOTUS case that overturned that wretched Defense of Marriage Act and was a huge victory for same sex marriage in the US
-When men are photoshopped from political photos (do not read the comments or you will stab someone)
-Anyone still supporting this shitstain of an administration: no one sees a problem with the White House suggesting a journalist be fired? This is literally what the First Amendment is about.

9. Reminder, thanks to cousin Susan for this one:

10. E-card of the week:
Happy happy birthday to my friend Lauren today! 


  1. Those sandals, haha, oh my word!!! And yes, I have to wear sunglasses pretty much at all times. I don't understand how others can get by without. Sorry to hear about your pup. :(

  2. Go to the beach. Live at the beach. I would if I could. Geege. I love him and all of our furries. I cry more about them than humans. I guess we just have to rejoice that we have them for the time we have them. God bless and help and heal all ❣️❣️❣️ Love. Your. Momma.

  3. I think you absolutely need to live at your shore house for a couple of weeks but will the dogs come with you or stay home? You need Geege as much as he needs you right now. But I think the shore would be perfect for the both of you.

  4. I'm sorry about Geege. I hope that he does snap out of it soon. It sounds like some time at the shore house is exactly what you need. I'm also sorry you're having a country song of a week. I hope the next one is better.

  5. I'll be thinking of you and Geege! I think the shore for 2 weeks is a good idea. I hope he pulls through.

  6. Prayers for G man <3! And thanks for putting up more places to donate. People forget so quickly, it's nice to see other places to send help to those that need it.

  7. I hope Geege continues to get better, it really is the hardest thing. I just want dogs to live forever, is that really to much to ask?
    Also, I'm bad about sunglasses. The sun doesn't bother my eyes, I can look directly at it pretty much lol.

  8. Sorry about your pup, hope he continues this upward swing. I am one of those weirdos that doesn't really need sunglasses. Maybe its the brown eyes and the bad eye sight but I regularly give up my sunglasses to my hubby when he cant find his. He has green eyes. It just doesn't really bother me. I can easily get away with just wearing a hat to get by.

  9. I thought those shoes were a joke the first time I saw a picture of them. Crazy.
    Ditto on the sunglasses.
    I've been overwhelmed trying to figure out where to send donations to hurricane relief so thank you for narrowing it down!
    Amen to that ecard!

  10. Those Birks rock . . . I can only imagine the comfort! LOL! I 1,000% agree on the sunglasses . . . I always have a spare pair with me just in case my first pair breaks! I'm sorry to hear Geege isn't feeling well . . . I totally know that feeling and the sadness it brings. I hope he thumbs his nose at everyone and feels better soon! Two weeks - rock on! That sounds fabulous and like you said, if it doesn't work out . . . you come home. Easy. Have a fabulous weekend! I'm off to adventure!

  11. I laughed for a good 5 minutes at the Birks before I could move on to read the rest. I am a sunglass wearer, too. Clouds, rain, long as the suns up, glasses on! Just donated to relief in Texas....they were hit much harder than FL but it all counts. I think you've inspired me to return to blogging. Love reading your blogs and keeping up with such a strong feminist. You are a hero of mine. xoxo

  12. Those shoes lolololol. I am so with you, I have super sensitive eyes as well and wear sunglasses all year long. Rain, sun or snow. Your eyes need sun protection too!!!

    I am so sorry about Geege. Just reading your feelings reminds me so much of where I was last year with Gracie and knowing the end was coming and feeling so hopeless and selfish and just everything. I knew that it was time to let her go and stop her pain. But I wasn't quite ready to lose her so I made her hold on. I have some tears right now just thinking about how you feel. I am sending you and Geege all the hugs in the world and I hope he gets better and eats again today for you. It sounds like the shore would be a good thing.

  13. The Vogue article is spot on. I'm buying Hillary's book in a bookstore this weekend so peopke can see me with it.

    Do what you need for you and Geege. Love you.

  14. Ugh. My heart is breaking for you over Geege :( I'm so glad he's eaten a little since you wrote this. It's funny how every now and then they give you a little sign that they're still fighting to spend these last days/weeks/months with you <3
    Before we were married we took in an 11 year old stray who we knew had cancer. She lived with my husband for 2 and a half years before the illness overtook her. (By the time we got her there was nothing we could do but make her comfy. Someone had ditched her in a field and she crossed the road in front of our car. Don't get me started on the worthlessness of some humans...) Anyway, when the time came to say goodbye to Melody, who'd given us a sign that she was ready to stop fighting, my husband (then fiance) and I were a total mess. We'd had her for less than 3 years and we were so shaken. All that to say, when my now-babes start to decline I think I'm just going to cry 24/7 for the rest of my life. I can't imagine and don't want to think about that heartbreak. I'm sorry it's something you have to go through right now. The things we do for these dogs. *sigh* That was long and depressing. I'm sorry... Take heart that Geege had the most absolutely wonderful life possible. The worst thing about dogs is their life expectancy =(
    That male athlete video is awesome.

  15. Oh Steph. I am so sorry about Geege. When my Emeril got sick, it was so hard. I constantly tortured myself with what was the right thing to do for him so I understand what you're going through and the tears you've shed. I hope he proves everyone wrong and enjoy every precious second with him. I never used to wear sunglasses because I need prescription sunglasses and was too lazy (or really cheap) to get some, but I eventually did because California is sunny 300+ days of the year. And now I can't imagine not having them!

  16. Oh geege, keep on keeping on! Old dogs are a roller coaster. Sending you hugs. This is so chock full of ways to do good I am smiling and can't wait to get to doing more helping. After I read that vogue article. Have a great day!

  17. First off thanks Steph for mentioning the islands and even TX after Harvey, I feel like Irma hitting FL took all the attention away from everywhere else (though admittedly I prayed hard for FL too). The disaster worldwide just pains me.

    So sorry about geege but so happy to hear he ate last night. I remember when my dog Prince died years ago I bawled for days. Days. He was family. I know whatever happens Geege is loved and cared for though.

    PS... sunglasses are a necessity.

  18. Oh man... that's just the worst. We're in the same boat with Bruno. 17 & blind - some days, he's just looking like he's barely making it - & then the next, he's trying to find someone to play with him, even if its the vaccum he's standing in front of.... I'm so sorry. These little fur babies can surprise you... so praying the decline is a slow decent that gives you lots of extra time to get lots more love in.

  19. I love Jemele Hill so much. Rage-o-meter was 10 after seeing what Sarah said about her comments being a "fireable offense." UGHHH. Really enjoyed that video of us treating male athletes like female athletes. One of my favorite NFL players recently said in an interview: “I think in this generation, I think the male athlete has to support the woman athlete. If we want to see their sports propelled, if we want to see them get paid equally, then we’re going to have to bring up the issues and be like, ‘Women are just as important as men when it comes to sports.’ A lot of people don’t believe that.”

  20. Thinking of you and Geege. I have never cried as much as when Lady got her cancer diagnosis. But, a year plus later she's still as feisty as ever. There are signs that won't last as long as I would like but I eat up every second of her love that I can!

  21. Oh man, I'm so sorry about Geege. I hope he bounces back. That is so, so tough.

  22. Prayers to Geege. Thinking of you and and him and your whole family. That has to be the worst :(

    I heard on a podcast the other day that the contestants aren't allowed to wear sunglasses if they go on a Bachelor-related show because the camera always needs to see facial expressions. Nope. Couldn't do it. I have a pair by every door and in every vehicle.

  23. Those shoes are horrendous, but I will call myself out for having (faux) sheepskin-lined flip flops in high school. I wouldn't do it now, but for a Texas winter, it made sense. But ew.

    Go Geege Go! Eat and trot and be a pain in the ass to your fellow dogs. You do you.

    Thanks to MFD for coming here. I've been thinking I'll go volunteer more widely but then I don't or that I will donate but I don't have my credit card number memorized. I signed up for a volunteer shift tomorrow and am going to donate to the UN Women's Fund for their Dignity packs being distributed in Barbuda - genius. Who would think to grab tampons at a time like this?

  24. Oh, Geege. This is one of the very hardest things to go through in life. Huge amounts of credit go to you for all you're doing in your efforts to keep him comfy and happy and loved. Here's hoping for as little pain as possible, for both of you, ahead.

    Thanks for the donation links. I sent to UNICEF USA for Irma and a couple others for Harvey but the Amazon wish list page is a great find. Cannot cosign #6 aggressively enough.

    The ATTN athletes video was great/terrible because yeah, it's not even a stretch of the imagination.

  25. Wanted to share with you but not on the post about (sniff) Geege... thought you might particularly appreciate this excerpt from Philly Mag's How to be nice guide (no, seriously - they have one this month...). Maybe you can print it and hand it out?

    4. On Public Transit
    To avoid hell on the El. [by Sandy Hingston]

    This past spring, New York City’s Metropolitan Transportation Authority announced a plan to hand out buttons saying BABY ON BOARD to pregnant women, and others saying PLEASE OFFER ME A SEAT for the elderly or disabled. People, for God’s sake. Has it really come to this? Who among you, upon watching a seriously pregnant woman haul herself up the bus steps, wouldn’t offer her your seat? And don’t give me that old “How can I know for sure that she’s pregnant and not just fat?” bull. You don’t have to ask for her due date. You just have to say, “Would you like to sit here?” Buses and trains and subway cars aren’t just public spaces; they’re tightly confined public spaces, microcosms of the city at large. That means an even greater need for basic rules of etiquette. Follow these.

    Don’t crowd at the bus stop or subway platform. We’re all paranoid enough without having to worry you’re going to shove us over the edge.

    Don’t smoke. No matter how much you’ve been drinking. You can wait. This goes for bus stops, too.

    Don’t eat. Seriously. Nothing bigger, or smellier, than a Life Saver. I don’t want your raw onions in my nose.

    Don’t shout or sing or curse or talk loudly on your cell phone. Especially if you’re in the quiet car.

    Don’t hog the seat. Your backpack/guitar/Di Bruno’s bag is no excuse. Tuck in. That goes for manspreading, too.


    1. I don't know if you check back here but I hope you do! If I had your email I would email you my reply - if you want to send it to me email me at

      These are awesome. Especially the cell phone and manspreading.


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