
Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Thursday Thoughts - from the beach

1. In which multiple swims in the ocean or a dip in the pool count as a shower. 

2.  I spent most nights lingering late on the beach like I love to do. Put up a yurt and I'd live on one. I am one with the sand. 

3. Last night we sat on the deck under a bowl of stars with the Milky Way visible above the sea. Pure magic.

4.  Someday when I'm over it I might be able to talk about all of the sign travesties I've seen over the past week and a half. 

5. The unfolding story of the four missing men from Bucks County is like watching Criminal Minds in real life. I feel terrible for the families. So slow, can't link from phone: 

6. Let's check in with Betsy DeVos. She's consulting with men's rights groups that see campus rape as a faux crisis manufactured to demonize men and boys. Righty-oh. Our children are safe with her. In other news, good thing the whole TrumpRussia thing panned out to nothing, right? The denials versus the evidence are insane. 

7. A local mom shared her son's medical bills on twitter and received death threats. Politics are never the problem. Not having a soul is always the problem. The divide cannot be closed with those people and I don't want to close it with them. There is no middle ground for me to find with people like that. I'd rather burn it down. That's bridge I don't need to cross.  

8. We had a great time in Ocracoke and a great time here this week with the family but we're heading home at some point today. My ass needs to be on a flight to Boston tomorrow afternoon and nine days is my comfortable away from home limit. Too long rambling through beach towns and I don't even recognize myself: chipped nail polish, unaware of the date, face in need of a mask, slowed way down. 

9. Reminder: We all have the opportunity to be this in every moment.

10. E-card of the week. Thanks again to our dogsitter Courtney and our shore property manager Michelle! I saw video with my dogs' tails wagging and Michelle is one of the only people I trust to look at something as ruthlessly as me. Our tribe rocks.


  1. Oh Betsy, just acting like we thought she would. I annoyed the bejesus out of my two useless senators to vote against her. The missing boys thing is taking up my day now, so sad. The beach sounds amazing!

  2. Ahh ... the beach is calling to me. Anything to escape real life, government agency woes, government woes, and any other news about our government and those who 'run' it.

  3. You are a travelling fool. Safe journey!

  4. Gosh I just read the Bucks story - how tragic. Also agreed - people have no souls re the mum on twitter. Sometimes the world is just sad.

    Enjoy the last hours of the beach and pool and have a safe journey home.

  5. I'm glad that you've had a great time at the beach! I always love it when you're far away from big cities that you can actually see the Milky Way!

  6. I haven enjoyed all your beach pictures on Instagram!!! I hadn't been keeping up with the news to hear About those four guys til this morning. Crazy!!!

  7. I had read it at first that you sat under the stars with a BOWL OF MILKY WAYS ;) haha... that works too ;)

  8. That Bucks Co thing is horrific.

    When we drove to OBX I noted all the signs like that. You can bet I'll do the same next week.

    Can't talk about Betsy without popping an angry forehead vein

  9. Haha pickels. Just yesterday I saw someone wrote "his own flushing blood." Think she meant "flesh and blood." Yikes.

    I am glued to the news about the missing Bucks County men. So unbelievable, and heartbreaking.

  10. On the lighter side, I am a total fan of beach hair and ocean showers, and on a much darker side, Betsy makes me SO ANGRY. I could go on for days, but I'd need way more wine.

    Meg, Borrowed Heaven

  11. My heart hurts for the families and loved ones of those Boys. I know there's a reason for everything but Jesus. No souls. Ugh is right. Give us all the healthcare of congress. We all pay for theirs. God help and heal and fix all. Love. Your. Momma. Just saw this Friday morning in my email.

  12. What the fuck is wrong with people. All those Twitter replies?! Sad excuses of lungs and veins.
    Glad to see on IG you got home safely!

  13. I have been following that Pennsylvania case with a combination of curiosity and horror. Someday True Crime Garage will cover it, hopefully. So strange.

    And I had not seen that story about that mother and the medical bills. I'm with you. There are some bridges that just aren't worth it. Ugh.

  14. Sounds like the perfect vacation to clear your mind at the beach and under the starry night... Life doesn't get better than that! Got a good chuckle from the eCard.

  15. Oh, lawdy. I was unfamiliar with what you shared about that lovely lady Betsy Devos. Now, I don't know if I want to vomit or scream.

  16. You are one of the reasons I believe in the goodness of people.

    I love that you were able to see the milky way.


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