
Wednesday, May 3, 2017

My tiles are starting to buckle and pop up. How do I put them back?

Info I wish I had when some hoodoo voodoo happened in my bathroom and a mirror fell and knocked off some tile pieces that I then sloppily replaced. Info I hope you never need from Jesse in Australia.


Tiles buckling and popping -what can be done?

Tiles that have buckled and popped look unsightly and you need to resolve the problem as soon as possible. As soon as you notice there is an issue, you should deal with it. If you do not do so, the problem will only worsen.

The aim of this article is to examine why tiles begin to buckle and pop in the first place. We are also going to give you some advice about you should do when this happens.

What causes tiles to buckle and pop?

One of the biggest causes of problems with tiles is if they were not installed using a flexible adhesive in the first place. Buildings naturally move over time, and if tiles are installed using a non-flexible adhesive they pop and buckle with the strain of movement.

Problems can also occur, if there are changes in heat or humidity levels in your home. Once a problem occurs with one tile, the whole area is likely to be affected. This is why it’s important to address the problem as soon as possible. If the tiles were installed by a tradesman, you should contact them to deal with the situation. If this is not the case, or you do not know who installed the tiles, you may want to try and resolve the issue yourself.

What can you do when tiles buckle and pop?

If the tiles you are having a problem with were installed using a flexible adhesive, and if the problem appears to be limited, you may be able to deal with it by cutting expansion joints. This involves cutting a strip of around 6mm from the edge of the tile, including the adhesive. You then need to insert silicone into the gap. This solution is not guaranteed to work, but it may be worth trying.

The best option is to remove the area of tiling and re-install it. You should make sure that you use recommended tiling procedures, including the use of a flexible adhesive. This is a longer, and more complicated, task than simply replacing affected tiles. But, it’s the only guaranteed way of making sure that the problem does not continue to occur.

Why asking for professional help might be a good idea

Tiling is one of those jobs that is more complicated than it seems. If you are having a problem with the tiling in your home, you need to make sure it’s solved effectively. You can use the information we have provided, to help you do the work yourself. If you do not feel comfortable enough to do this, or you have problems once you start, it may be worthwhile speaking to a tiling expert.

The experts have access to commercial building products which they can use to carry out a professional tiling job. This means that the tiled surface you have issues with can be restored to good condition. If the job is completed in an expert manner you should have no more problems with popping and buckling. 


Have you ever had to deal with tile issues? 

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  1. We will actually be dealing with this in the future with our hardwood floors in our condo since they weren't properly installed...but we have some time!! this was a great read! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. In 1999 we had our kitchen and baths redone. Only tiles on the borders underneath cabinets have come off. Thank the universe. Our bathrooms still look awesome. A tile person will be contacted to replace or re-tile whenever the time comes. Godspeed to all who can do their own tile work. Love. Steph's Momma

  3. Home stuff just freaks me out. Our kitchen floor linoleum is cracking - I'm leery what's causing that.

  4. Thank you so much for this! Currently dealing with this in the master bath *oy* :-P

  5. I have never had this problem but hardwood floors doing this are rampant in these parts. Now that I say I have never had this problem...I will have this problem, lol.

  6. Oh man, tile is great until you have an issue!!!

  7. Thank goodness I've never had to deal with this issue but so good to know! My house being flooded by a busted toilet pipe was the worst home experience I've had so far.

  8. Informative post you have shared here. As we know buckling and popping in tiles is caused mainly due to moisture. It is necessary to hire a professional contractor to get rid of these types of problems. At, we offer you Cork Underlayment at the best prices.


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