
Monday, April 10, 2017

TWTW - the one where I loved every minute

How could I not when I was off on Friday and saw a truly spectacular sunrise over a raging ocean? The sky was different every way I looked. My head was on a constant swivel.
After taking arty farty photos on the way back to the house, I packed my things looking like I was setting out to kidnap someone or bury a body and  was out of the house by 7:30 to get some to go coffee and a honey glazed at Drip N' Scoop.
I drove down to Sunset Beach on Cape May Point to see the shipwreck of the S.S. Atlantus and the WWII Lookout Tower. The sea was churning and tears were running down my face from the wind. It was wild out there! I collected some super smooth rocks and got caught in a gaggle of a photography group that peeled out of the parking lot one by one like they were storm chasers.
I picked up porch railing stuff at Home Depot, got caught in the 34th Street Bridge single lane BS for a few lights, and had breakfast at the Airport Diner. THEN. Then then then I got my library card for Ocean City. I was super pumped and had to text Jana immediately. I have no idea why I didn't do this before now since it was free and made me so happy.
Back at the house my Amazon Fresh order had arrived, so I put groceries away, then I hauled all the porch shit out of the car and moved all the furniture that needed to go down from the top floor to the ground floor. When I laid down to take a break after a flight I noticed a hole in the ceiling I need to fix (see my there's a fucking hole in the ceiling face below) and when I stepped onto the porch saw that last week's weather FUBAR'd the light. Add them to the project list. I walked to Bennie's to get a danish and to Piccini to pick up pizza and salad and sat my ass down for the night. My Dad & Carol arrived around 7:30 and Stephen, Aubrey, and Lola came in a little after 10.
So basically I spent my day off on Friday like I would have spent it if I lived at the shore full time. And it was awesome.

Saturday morning my Dad and Stephen stood out in the cold wind for four hours replacing the rotted out porch railings with new vinyl railings. I died inside every time I looked at them so the finished project made me SO, so happy. I'm grateful I could just stand around and watch and pick up trash. They rocked this project. I'm so relieved it's done and I don't have to worry about my niece or the dogs poking their eyes out on splintery wood this summer. I'll continue painting the wood poles and beams and of course I have to paint the concrete.
When Lola got up from her nap, we walked down to the beach for the Easter Egg hunt. So did a shit ton of other people. Lola got some eggs, we walked down by the water, and then we got ice cream - first Kohr Bros of the year. We were going to go out for my birthday but I wasn't feeling it so we ordered from Mario's and waited for MFD and the dogs to arrive. We were all in bed early.
Sunday's ocean was very serene, which makes the top look like glass at a certain point during the sunrise.
I cooked up some pork roll and eggs then we took a walk down to the beach. Aubrey was saving horseshoe crabs, MFD brought a bleeding shark up to everyone's dismay, and Lola wanted to walk Mae by herself. I always bring a few extra poop bags to collect shells and trash in. I hate seeing trash on the beach. Dog poop bags save the day yet again.
My Dad fixed the screen door, brought the mirror down from the third floor, and caulked the shower. He's not for hire, sorry. He also hung hooks on the third floor after I investigated if my contact paper scheme would work to cover up the peeling fish on the wall in the back bedroom. It will, so I ordered the rest and will finish that next weekend. I sent my Dad and Carol and MFD home with cars full of old furniture and rotten wooden railings which I don't think MFD had time to drop off before his first appointment with clients. Whoops. I spray painted crates while the dogs supervised, primed and painted some porch beams, poles, and new wood from the railing install, vacuumed our apartment, moved food out of the house, took the crates up to the top floor, and moved furniture that didn't get home this time inside.
The dogs were pooped and so was I so we retreated inside so they could pass out and I could paint my nails (wet n' wild Megalast in Undercover - seriously, this shit does mega last). I need a pedicure but in a series of unfortunate events the green spray paint pictured above is all over both feet in the shape of a flip flop and that has not come off yet. 
I got home after 5 and portioned out my weekly food prep, which I did fit in this weekend: iced coffee for the shore; egg bake with broccoli & pork roll for breakfasts; baked chicken thighs over rice and roasted veggies for lunches; and two pork tenderloins (one Italian, one some flavor I can't remember, maybe honey chipotle?) for dinners. I'll serve that with mashed sweet potatoes and parsnips. Behold, my container of meat for easy transport home from the shore. 
Other Sunday things: laundry, running the dishwasher, work work, started The Lords of Discipline by Pat Conroy, and attempted to scrub paint and spray paint from myself. I am super pumped that both of my major spring projects at the shore (third floor bedrooms and apartment porch area) are well on their way to being completed. Thanks Dad & Stephen for kicking ass this week. It was awesome that the big porch railing project was knocked out quickly in less than desirable weather so we could all hang out and enjoy the beach and boards. Lola Jean is a star and the best behaved child. She's also totally enamored of MFD.

Tomorrow! Show Us Your Books with me and Jana!

Linking up with Biana at B Loved Boston for Weekending


  1. Y'all are kicking ass with getting stuff done & ready for this season!

  2. Considering it took me so many years to get a library card here in Boston I understand your excitement of getting one this weekend where you're going to be spending a lot of weekend time! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  3. Whew so much to savor. Thankfully the place that your people help you with is also a place they love. Good things are happening.

  4. Totally awesome, all of it. Can't wait to be there this week! #dreamcometrue
    Love. Your. Momma

  5. The sky was seriously showing off for you this weekend!

  6. So glad you enjoyed that Friday off--I'd much rather have been there than at work too haha. The railing looks awesome!!! And so do the artsy fartsy photos! We had pork roll this weekend too--SO yum!

  7. Holy cow, you were busy! I can't believe you got so much done! I need to vamp up my weekends and channel some of that energy.
    *That first, red sunset picture is breathtaking!

  8. I love your pictures of the beach, they are so calming and beautiful.

  9. man... alot was accomplished - & a lot of beauty to take in too - that sunrise over the huge waves - gorgeous!
    Yeahhh - my face would look even more disgusted finding a hole.
    Thumbs up for a new library card!

  10. What a busy but rewarding weekend!! I love seeing all your sunrise/sunset pictures. I love that Lola loves MFD - how old is she now? I want to say 2? Such an adorable age.
    Love that you got your ocean city library card & love that nail colour too!!

  11. That first picture with the red/orange sky is seriously amazing!!!! I love how you called the photo people a gaggle. Cracks me up! I would have been super excited about the Ocean City Library card too!!! Yay for books! Maybe you can get some faster from there than your Philly one!

  12. I'm loving all those beautiful sunrises at the shores. Gorgeous! I especially the top left one in the first batch of shore pics. Dads are the best, aren't they?

  13. A weekend with an extra days, donuts, time with Lola, and hearing waves crashing on the beach is the perfect weekend! The new railings look great, you must feel so refreshed going into this week <3

  14. The Lords of Discipline has been my favorite book for more than 20 years. I hope that you love it!

  15. That sunrise is absolutely amazing!!!!!

  16. Your weekend sounded beyond perfect, and that's so exciting that you got a good amount of projects done! We both got library cards this weekend!

  17. Sounds like a fabulous weekend. Your dogs are just the cutest.
    My husband is back making iced coffee and I know it sounds crazy but I actually did a bit of meal prep this weekend.

  18. Those pictures are gorgeous!!! And you know I love the pictures of your babies. :)

  19. The oceans were wild on Friday but turned into complete serenity on Sunday with the gorgeous multi-colored backdrop. You get the best sunsets and sunrises out there!

  20. Definitely looks like a great weekend (minus the whole in the ceiling, wahhh).

  21. I'm exhausted for you, but content. and a little envious...


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