
Monday, March 20, 2017

TWTW - the one after my birthday

Friday night wedding at the Ballroom at the Ben. Congratulations Brittany & Thomas! It was nice to catch up with friends we haven't seen in a while while celebrating the newlyweds. The food, band, and bonus Whoa Phat brass band were awesome; and all the details were gorgeous. The pics of the bride and groom leading the party on the dance floor say it all. We did do an Irish goodbye at midnight in honor of St. Paddy's day.
A relaxing Saturday morning with los perros + nail painting (OPI Pamplona Purple from MFD in my birthday bag).
Saturday afternoon surprise lunch at Las Margaritas with my crew, followed by strawberry cake made by my mom and coffee at home. It was so nice to spend an afternoon whiling away time with people I am exceptionally comfortable with and deeply love who really get me. Except no one told me there was no hand towel in the basement bathroom. Come on people! It was in the dryer! Regardless, when I was initially planning to be down the shore they were all going to drive down there just to have lunch with me to celebrate my birthday, and when we decided we weren't opening the house it was a scramble for them to regroup and come up with a new plan. I'm surrounded by the best people and that has truly made all the difference in my life. It is a huge thing to have people you know you can count on for anything at all.
Most of the crew left around 6. Mom and Lori stayed over and Debbie hung out with us for a while. Sunday morning Mom, Lori, and I went to Ulta and Target and Mom bought us pretzel pork roll sandwiches that were freaking delicious. My mother plays spray and get away in Ulta and it was like walking around with the entire perfume section in my nose hairs. I am trying out a bunch of new dry shampoos because it's been a while since I've switched it up. I will report back.
I got some friendly blogger mail this weekend from Pam of Oceanstategirl Photos and Books and Erin of TexErin-in-Sydneyland and finally activated the very generous DD card Steph from Not Entirely Perfect sent me and then re-sent me this morning since I accidentally deleted it last night. She gets me.
Sunday more time with my people catching up with Dad & Carol over birthday dinner #1; #2 is in April when we'll be down the shore. I'm maxing this 40th birthday out. We talked about our upcoming summer vacation, which is one of my favorite topics.
Weekly food prep: breakfast is scrambled eggs topped with broccoli; lunch is chili  from the freezer (only need three days of lunch); snacks are almonds, snap peas; and bananas; and dinners are salmon and broccoli - I'm out three nights this week so I only have to make one and that will cover two nights. 

This was a weekend for the books, and I have all the good feelings from it. It's the first day of spring and the snow is melting. Hallelujah and amen. Let's make it a great week!

Linking up with Biana at B Loved Boston for Weekending


  1. maxing out the 40th bday celebrations are a must! glad you had a great time celebrating.

  2. So nice being with all of these lovely humans❣️❣️❣️ I reluctantly showered away all of the beautiful fragrances. Lol.
    Love. Your. Momma.

  3. Fantastic weekend to be sure! Now what is this spray and get away game?? LOL

  4. The wedding sounds like a blast and the Irish goodbye at midnight! Love the purple nail color. That reminds me my nails are in a hot mess and need to get a mani this week.

  5. Glad you had a wonderful weekend! Just a little thank you for sending me BOOKS!
    Pam :)

  6. Glad you had a wonderful weekend! Just a little thank you for sending me BOOKS!
    Pam :)

  7. All that food looks amazing! And lol at your Irish goodbye on Friday night, we always say we need to do that more often because we just get stuck at events :-P

  8. So much after bday weekend fun! I love that they were all going to go to the shore to surprise you, and still regrouped! Having your tribe of people who get you is the most important. So so glad it was an awesome birthday week overall!

  9. What wonderful weekend celebrating your birthday with your family!! So happy to hear that you had a great time.

  10. Birthdays spent with your people are the BEST. Also laughing at your mom playing spray and get away.

  11. Looks like an awesome birthday celebration weekend. Love the cake your mom made. It looks gorgeous and delicious!

  12. Seriously, this looks like the most perfect weekend. Hope you're enjoying the continued celebration of your birthday month!!

  13. Loved seeing you and catching up a bit on Friday! Also for your shampoo pic- not your mothers is one of my absolute favorite brands!

  14. Hooray for a weekend full of celebrating! It sounds like your birthday weekend couldn't have been more perfect!

  15. Looks like the perfect weekend! Those cupcakes look amazing and I need that nail polish in my life lol. Such a pretty purple!

  16. Sounds like such a wonderful weekend! Glad you enjoyed yourself! That nail polish colour is beautiful. All the food sounds delicious too :)
    Happy first day of spring - our snow isn't melting but that's Canada for you ;);)

  17. You deserve all the celebrating in the world! Glad you had a good one!

  18. That is such a blessing to have so many amazing people in your life.
    OK... what is that in the bottom right picture at the top? I thought it was a Phat Head of Joe Biden - WHAT IS HAPPENING?!?!?!

  19. what a great weekend! I started blogging again and I tried to link up with you for the weekend that was but not stealing the title. I thought I could because you linked up with someone else. If I committed a huge blog error please let me know.

  20. What an awesome birthday you had!!! :)

  21. I think 40th bdays need to be maxed out! I maxed out 30.
    Glad it was a great, celebratory weekend!

  22. oooh that OPI purple is so pretty.
    the surprise lunch sounds amazing, how fantastic that you have your people that would go to the shore or whatever to celebrate you. that's really lovely. also, strawberry cake. yum.
    i have tried the not your mother's dry shampoo. not my favourite.


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