
Thursday, September 8, 2016

Thursday Thoughts: It *is* Thursday, right?

1. Fifty one days until Ireland. I have found what I believe to be the perfect outerwear for this trip: the Eddie Bauer Girl on the Go Insulated Trench coat, a rain coat with a heavy layer that zips in and can be removed. I had pieces that could do those things, but not together. Boom.

2. If you missed me talking about it on Instagram, $562 later, Gus was basically diagnosed with a virus. He is back to his normal jackassing around self, inserting himself where he doesn't belong, making squeaky toy noises and wanting to play at 12:27 a.m. two nights in a row.
3. I think the dogs will make their triumphant return to the beach this week. They've been off it all season.

4. Last weekend was the longest time I've been at the shore consecutively since we bought our house. It's weird, I'm usually ready to come home at a certain point on vacation, no matter where I am, so I can be in MY home. But now I'm all wait, this is home too. I'm never quite ready to come home from there. Especially in the off-season!

5. Bruce Springsteen played for over four hours last night and I was there. I'm exhausted. More tomorrow.

6. My nails were a fucking horrorshow yesterday. I love light nail colors but feel like they only look good on me these days in a gel. So I did that on my nails - cue the bitching about how I hate gel in about four days. I usually only get them 3-4 times a year, mostly on vacations or (like now) when I just can't be bothered. My toes are OPI Dusk Over Cairo. My accompanying photos leave a lot to be desired.
7. People still have a lot to say about Colin Kaepernick and jack shit to say about things like this.

8. This week in books, I had to file The Beet Queen as do not finish. I read 50% of it too. It's been a while since I've done that. More book talk on Show Us Your Books on Tuesday!

9. Reminder. The world does not reward the meek.
10.  E-card of the week...seems about right:

And Stuff & Things is back on Thursdays. Thanks Kristin & Joey (click button below)

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Stuff, Things, etc.


  1. i have given up on doing my nails on my hands because every time i do, they chip the next day during my workout and i hate the chipped nail look. glad gus is better!

  2. Yay to a trip to Ireland! I so want to go one day! Love that nail polish color on your toes! I just painted mine a dark burgundy color and it instantly makes me feel like it's fall. Have a great weekend! :)

  3. I'm on the lookout for a rain jacket too! Not a heavy one like yours but one that will hold up for outdoor activity. :) Also I cannot wait to follow you and your Ireland trip!

  4. I'm glad Gus is back at it :) My dogs were up allll night last night. Is it a full moon?! What the heck? (I have a calendar next to me and it is not, in fact, a full moon.)
    That post about NFL outrage is so accurate.
    So is the pooping husband meme. Or he suddenly doesn't feel good... *eyeroll*

  5. Bauer has decided that 3 a.m. is peak playtime. Do they have pet hypnosis or something we can use on them? So jealous of your Springsteen experience and excited to hear more! I don't think he's even coming to Houston. Also, so cool that the shore is home and home is home and both are equally desired! Hooray for the relaxation the off season will bring.

  6. I'm a tough love dog mom. I give my dogs 48-72 hours. After too many false alarms (aka expensive ass vet bills only to be told "wait it out") with my youngest dog, I've learned to just let her suffer through it, hold her food, and then call the vet if she's not better after a few days. I guess this is different since your pups are older though. Glad he's feeling better, nonetheless.

    My BF always has to poop at the most inconvenient times. Now I understand.

  7. Glad Gus is feeling better!!!
    I can NEVER get light colored polish to look good on me. It always looks streaky or makes my cuticles look awful. I've got like 10 bottles of pale pink ... use none of it.

  8. Glad Gussie is back to normal. Awesome on the beach and Bruce ! I feel like I want to hide from the news. All the negativity makes my physically ill. Lights and love permeating everyone's cells. Now ! Love the husband e card ! 💩 Excuse! Love. Your. Momma

  9. Another friend of mine was at Bruce last night and your pictures kept coming up back to back. It amused me.

    My nails are a shit show and I need to deal with it but I just cannot muster the energy.

  10. Steph - I felt compelled to come back and comment about your previous Kaepernick post. I realize this isn't the original one, but since you mentioned it on this one, I shall too. I too, was pissed about his actions.. THEN, I read your post about it being his RIGHT to express himself. And all of a sudden, I started to see it that way. Not that I agreed with him, as you also mentioned, but there was no denying that he was exercising a freedom that we have here in America. I later was discussing it with my husband, and when I verbalized it the way you did, telling him that I'd read it here, he also seemed to really consider it... and while he doesn't agree with it, (because we have that freedom), he also, like me, now realizes what we didn't before.
    So, THANK YOU, for that post.

  11. I've just been doing gels and dip powders this summer. I need to get back to doing my own nails, for the $ and for the health of my nails. I keep saying next time but the damn salon keeps sucking me in.
    I'm very glad Gus is back to his normal self!

  12. lol about the ecard! Hilarious!!! Love that trench that you found--it looks perfect for your trip! So glad that Gus is feeling better! Sorry about the vet bill...and the late night dog play time lol.

  13. YAY for Gus and YAY for that girl's FB status about Colin Kaepernick. The hypocrisy is just disgusting and people need to stop with their faux outrage (um, or racism - they should probably cut that out, too)

  14. I have a North Face rain trench that's like two sizes too big now and it has zero insulation and really honestly isn't even I've been looking for a replacement! Keeping my eye on that Eddie Bauer one now!

    That FB rant about the NFL is SPOT ON. Some people in this country have their priorities so out of whack and their heads soooo far up their asses.

  15. I am in love with that jacket and now I want one. The pups haven't been on the beach this summer?! Glad that will change this week, and very happy to hear Gus is feeling better! Sounds like that concert was amazing. When I went it was literally half that time and he only played songs from The River album.

  16. My nails stay a constant shit show. There is no hope for them. That jacket looks perfect! I love when you can convert them to what you need based on weather. I am glad Gus is feeling better and all but damn vet bills! So cool that you got to see Springsteen! That ecard is everything.

  17. Glad to hear Gus is on the mend! I'm with you on always reaching a point of "ready to be home" too. How fortunate it is to have a home on "vacation" as well! And #7, hell effing yes.

  18. I'm glad Mr. Gus is back to himself! :D
    I'm with you on light nails... I like it but when you do it with regular polish I feel like you have to use way too many coats and it looks streaky.

  19. Love that trench! My Land's End is my favorite, but it isn't really rain proof. The warm layer in this makes it a great option. Pinned it for a hopeful later purchase.

  20. Glad to hear that your pup is better. Sorry to hear about the bill... I can see where it would be hard to leave the shore, as much as you obviously love it there. It's awesome that you are so close that you can enjoy the shore pretty much whenever you want.

  21. That ecard is hilarious. Just the other night I was saying to Matt, "Whenever I asked for your help with cleaning up dinner, you find some excuse to sneak out of the kitchen and come back 20 minutes later when all the work is done!!" That particular night he found a screwdriver on the desk that just HAD to be put away in the work room IMMEDIATELY even though it had been on the desk for weeks. And then it took forever to put away. Convenient.

  22. Thanks for joining up (again)!

    Glad Gus is back to normal. It's a huge feeling of relief I'm sure.

    Ireland sounds fun, but I'm sure it's chilly in October, right?

  23. That coat is perfect. I have one of those and it is the best!! Zip in liners make me happy. Glad Gus is back to normal. He clearly just needs more time at the shore house.

  24. Coat that you can de-warm is perfect. I was either freezing cold or hot in Iceland (I realize different place than Ireland, but Europe weather is just weird), so I was glad I brought two different jackets. Two in one is even better. Poor Gus, glad to hear he's back to jackassery.

  25. #7 - amen to that. Freedom of speech (apparently) is only allowed when that person is saying something that everyone agrees in and wants to hear.
    That Eddie Bauer jacket does seem pretty nifty.

  26. Finally, I found your blog again - I just got back into blogging, and I remembered your name and pugs, but couldn't put my finger on the blog title. Poor Gus! Glad he is okay.

  27. Poor Gus, glad he's back to his old playful self even with the late night antics. Haha @ the ecard...say it aint so?

  28. So glad Gus is fine . . . even if it cost a fortune!!! Love that you guys have a shore house to also call home - that's pretty awesome stuff!

  29. omg that jacket is brilliant! love the heavy layer that can be removed. if we go to new zealand next year (currently up in the air) i'm buying it. ooooooh it comes in tall!!!!! that is very exciting. i do hope it goes on sale lol.
    oh my gosh! glad gus is okay, but ouch on the $$$!
    i was away for 10 days and i came home to dishes in the sink. KC said 'i cleaned the house though'. i wanted to rage, but i didn't lol.
    love that the shore house is home too!
    i am so irrational when it comes to giving up on books. i can give up easily when it's like under 10% but any more than that, i feel like i have to keep going as i've already invested the time.. even though it's totally illogical to keep wasting more time.


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