
Monday, July 11, 2016

TWTW - the one with the girls at the lake

I certainly like to share experiences and go out and do things with my friends...but nothing quite beats just bumming around and being with them, and that's what I did this weekend. We all play so many roles in life, and it's a lovely respite to bum around with your girlfriends and just be solely who you are. Girls weekend at the lake had no outings, no makeup...
Some sun, some showers, some awesome skies, dinner a la Jack and a new Debbie Rae Designs bracelet that I commissioned. And a few early mornings as Gus got up at 4:30. That's a.m.
Plenty of peace, reading, and just being. I really needed that after last week's news
Of course there was lots of laughing, eating, napping,and poop talk. I mean, we are people who talk about poop and kill ourselves laughing over it. 
Floating, too, naturally...we were at the lake. And last but not least, there was a large, unwieldy swan named Tabitha.

Weekly food prep
Breakfast is breakfast burritos from the freezer. Snacks are bell peppers, celery with hummus, and peaches. Lunches are Wawa salads. Dinners are tomato sandwiches with cucumbers on the side, and pork loin with potato salad and green beans. I also made a vat of iced coffee. Tomatoes, blueberries, celery, red potatoes, and green onions are all from a Farmers' Market on Sunday. Holler. 

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As always thanks to Lori for being an awesome hostess. 
And to my girls for just being fucking awesome. 

Tomorrow: favorite day! Show Us Your Books with Jana and me. 

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Linking up with Biana at B Loved Boston for Weekending


  1. Gus 4:30 am! Beautiful pictures. Beautiful girls inside and out. We kept watching sports channels to avoid the news but the horror was there, too. I send lights and love and Angels all the time but ramped it up along with positive energy. Goddess speed to spread love and healing. Love. Your. Momma.

  2. Lake weekends are the best weekends and that Swan floatie is pretty epic!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  3. Okay, I need a floating flamingo drinks holder. Even if I don't have anywhere to float it. AMAZING. A properly chilled girls weekend sounds like it's just what's needed at the moment given the state of the world. I wish that could fix it!

  4. That sounds like an amazing weekend! It looks like it was super relaxing and fun as well! Glad you got to spend time with your girlfriends.

  5. Yay for a weekend of just being with your people!! Love, love, love. I think the pups loved it too.... which is really sweet too!

  6. Every woman should have a Lakehouse & a tribe to retreat to. Mine are invaluable ;)


  7. Looks like an epic dulche far niente weekend! Glad you enjoyed it!

  8. I want one of those flamingos & swans! Even though I don't have anywhere to use them on the regular. Just knowing that I had them & could use them would make me happy. I'm glad you had a great time with your girls.

  9. what a great, relaxing weekend! and that swan floatie; we need that for my friend's pool....although it would probably take up the entire pool.

  10. We have one of those swan floats too and Chris kept quoting Adam Sandler with his "Stop looking at me swan!" Hahaha. Sounds like the perfect girls weekend and I love all the sweet doggy snuggles!

  11. Being able to speak openly, laugh uncontrollably, and just be silly is the best way to be! Sounds like an awesome weekend!

  12. So Tabitha was initiated to the girls group? :)
    I would love a good no make up, relaxing & laughing girls weekend - the best!

  13. Those are the best! I have a girls weekend coming up and I am looking forward to it because of all the things you mentioned!

  14. I wasn't on instagram this weekend since my phone broke but I just read your post. So good and so true! I seriously cried so much last week. From watching a young boy weep that he missed his father online, to hearing all the kids talk about what a great man Mr. Castile was to the horrible loss of the police officers. I felt at a loss for words but kept thinking of this question: What are we doing to one another? It's so awful. We're about a month from the Pulse shooting and here we are, yet again, grieving some new, horrific tragedy. It's honestly heartbreaking on so many levels. :(

    But when it comes to your girls weekend, I agree! Sometimes the best laughs and most fun just come from the times when you have no plans at all and all just sit around and chill. Looks totally relaxing and fun! And the fact that the swan was given a proper name, indicates to me that lots of jokes were had in her honor :)

  15. Nothing like a girls' weekend! (and ain't that nut bag something???)

  16. Relaxing weekend with people you can just be with is always great and good for the soul! It's great when you have people in your life like that.

  17. Aw, puppy snuggles. I swear, they can't ever sleep past dawn.

    A poptart and a book kind of looks like an awesome way to spend an afternoon.

  18. Floating, a blow up swan float, no makeup days, a beautiful lake, and just amazing times with great friends, that really is the perfect weekend! I'm glad that you were able to unwind all weekend, and that sky really did look beautiful!

  19. Floating is awesome, I don't get to do it much here but this weekends tide pools were perfect for floating. Girls weekend sounds super relaxing!

  20. Gus is such a studly little man- spending the weekend with all the ladies! I hope that this week is relaxing for me.... but that's not always a guarantee while on vacation with my parents and husband ;) Haha!

  21. Girl time is always good for the soul, especially when it's at the lake! Those floaties are amazing!

  22. Looks like an awesome weekend! time with the girls is always a good time.

  23. A weekend of lounging with the girls is always good for the soul and adding in Tabitha, puppy snuggles and poop talk...all make for a priceless weekend. Your potato salad looks good!

  24. What a perfect weekend -- really doesn't get much better than that, and yeah...we all needed a little life hiatus after the news last week. PS I'm totally obsessed with this new fun pool float phenomenon...I need one!

  25. Yessss! Just hanging with good friends is one of my favorite things to do. Food prep looks delicious. Off to check out your iced coffee to see if I can up my game.

  26. Relaxing girl weekends are so good for the soul . . . even better when they are near water! So glad you got to spend that time with your friends . . . and take the dogs!

  27. a simple relaxing girls weekend sounds amazing! oh gus, 4;30! that's so early. millie meows at 5am most mornings, but thankfully i am getting up regardless. and then they sleep all day. so rude. your potato salad looks deeeelish.


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