
Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Get your hot crab dip here

The first week of a new year - what a perfect time to share a fatty delicious appetizer, am I right?

Sorry friends. If you're looking for some green recipes to support your be healthier resolutions, this is not the place to be today. I've been meaning to share this here for years, because every time I share a recipe from my file for safe keeping on this blog, I am one step closer to getting rid of that file. And I love to get rid of shit.

Since I just made this little ditty on New Year's Eve, the unfortunate time to share this is today. Look, I'm quite fluffy myself right now and should be on a greens and chicken only diet...but I have leftovers. So I won't be. Plus I'm sure you have some events to go to or movie nights to have by yourself in January that you might need a hot fatty app for, no?

This is how I make my hot crab dip:

8 oz softened Philly cream cheese
1/2C Hellman's mayo
1C shredded sharp cheddar white cheese
16 oz can premium crabmeat - jumbo lump or claw meat are both good
1/2 TBS minced onion
1 bunch of green onions, chopped
1TBS fresh lemon juice
1TSP hot sauce
1/4TSP dry mustard
1TSP W sauce
Many shakes of Old Bay
paprika for garnish

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Mix all ingredients together. Spray pie plate with nonstick stuff and transfer. Garnish with a little more shredded cheese and a few sprinkles of paprika. Bake in preheated oven 30 minutes or until golden brown and bubbly.

Serve with crackers, tostitos, veggies, or eat with a spoon and enjoy!

p.s. happy birthday to my father-in-law today!

And p.p.s the first Show Us Your Books of 2016 is a week from today!

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  1. Any type of crab dip and I'm in - sounds so good! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. Oh my gosh....if this was in front of me right now this morning, I wouldn't hesitate in eating it!!

  3. We're on "staycation" this week, so my eating has been half healthy and half not...this crab dip may need to make an appearance on a movie night, lol. Looks good!

  4. Jumbo. Lump. Crabmeat. One of my favorite foods. Lexie makes this for Sheridan family things. I will be making it, too. This blog goes in my recipe folder!
    Love. Your. Momma.

  5. Hot Fatty App... I think you just gave me a new idea for a dating site. Lol... I'm off the dips right now but this sounds like something I would love to shove my face into on or around Valentine's Day... so thanks!

  6. Blame the sharing on the Super Bowl... I mean it's coming up soon so people who are far more with it than me will already be planning, right?

  7. Oh yeah... sadly, I could sit & eat this whole bowl myself

  8. Well get prepared becaused I FINISHED SOPHIE'S CHOICE!!!!!!!!!

  9. YUM. Lucky for me, this is the first year that I have not started the new year on a health kick...pregnancy for the win.

  10. There's a pub in my hometown that has THE most amazing hot, bubbly crab dip—it's seriously worth a trip to the place just for the dip. I never thought to recreate it at home though. Thanks for sharing the recipe; I might just be able to give it a whirl now!

  11. This looks amazing! Since I'm allergic to seafood, I'll have to sub in some chicken for the crab meat but oh my yum :-D

  12. here;s how my diet goes:
    *going to be so healthy! - works out, makes smoothie
    *waitm I've never had this before! - yolo i need that.

    And that's how i'm feeling after reading this post.

  13. YUM!!!! So wrong to post this in January. Pinned, pinned!!

  14. Oh my goodness grab dip is my favorite!!!!! I love it with pita bread or chips :) I will be saving this for when I am allowed to have fun again next month. LOL!

  15. mmmm yum. i am going to be good this month, but birthday month i'm eating all the fatty stuff. yum. i pinned this for then. i did not know you could buy canned crab meat, that is actually fabulous because i wouldn't even know where to get it fresh. fabulous! thanks for sharing :)

  16. "Many shakes of Old Bay". YES.

    I love crab dip.

  17. Consider it pinned. This is making my mouth water!

  18. I'm going to pretend I didn't see this! :)

  19. I've never made crab dip before but this sounds sooo good! I always wondered whether I should use Krab or crab. Didn't know there was real crab meat in a can. Will be making this one day but further away from the holidays!

  20. This sounds delicious. Will find/create a reason to make it very soon.

  21. This sounds SOOOOOOOOOOO good! I'm going to have to make this soon!

  22. Oh yum! I love crab, I love dip, and I love crab dip. I need to find a reason to make a delicious fatty dip soon!

    So far my "diet" has mostly been as follows: attempting to eat at least some healthier meals and then shoveling tons of chocolate down my throat. (Damn leftover Christmas treats ... So good, yet so bad.)

  23. LOL, so when I saw the topic of the post, I thought to myself, "It better have Old Bay and Worcestershire sauce in it, or I'm not making it." AND IT DOES!

  24. As someone who eats low carb, high fat, YES. This is on my "diet"! heh. This looks so good and I am making it.


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